What to do?


Well-known member
What to do when you feel so invisible, unimportant and misunderstood that you just don't want to exist any more. When you wish you could just sit quietly in a corner, being ignored until you fade away totally?


Well-known member
wishing you could hide away doesnt solve everything, there comes a time in life where everyone hits a all time low but you gotta fight back and make things better for yourself and stop thinking about what others say and do, works for me


Well-known member
been there done that. and like lalli said, you just gotta stay up. it might be hard, but you'll make it
and if you ever need moral support for anything, we're here!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
What to do when you feel so invisible, unimportant and misunderstood that you just don't want to exist any more. When you wish you could just sit quietly in a corner, being ignored until you fade away totally?

That's when you have to stand up, make lots of noise and get noticed...even if the only one who notices you is yourself...hang in there, girl....


Well-known member
Hey girl,

Just wondering how you were doing? PM me if you need to chat. I hope you are doing OK.


Well-known member
This is how I felt at home depot. That's when I started looking for answers, and actually, just allowed myself to be ignored, really got to know myself. At least I listened to me and I couldn't ignore myself.

It was really strange because the moment I did start going off by myself and thinking and doing things I enjoyed and really focused on alonetime with ME then thats when I found the strength to do other things.


Well-known member
sounds like one of the symptoms of depression...talk to someone. get help. you can get better- and no one deserves to feel like that. hope you're doing ok.