What to use with indianwood p/p?


Well-known member
Today I bought my first MAC paintpot (indianwood) and the color alone is gorgeous but what else could I use with this? I'll be honest and say i'm a MAC newbie as of a few months ago but my collection is growing, yet I don't own any actual shadows by MAC yet (I know
lol) but if anyone could recommend any color schemes or actual colors that I can go out and get that would be great


Well-known member
Amber Lights would look fantastic. It would really stand out. Any bronze-y colors would look great, too!


Well-known member
i was playing around and if you put indianwood all over lid and than use magnetic fields, bronze pigment and solar white..it looks really nice!!


Well-known member
My FAVOURITE eyeshadow 'look' is Indianwood pp as a base, Amber lights all over with Tempting in the crease and a little bit of black tied right in the outer corner and blended into the crease plus a highlight colour. It looks FANTASTIC with blue eyes!


Well-known member
thanks so much for all the suggestions! I work at Ulta and even though its probably not recommended I wear all MAC product on the eyes, i'll bend the rules a bit and pray a customer doesn't ask me where I got my shadows lol