What would you do? Help!


Well-known member
Ok so I'm having problems with a friend I met about 8 months ago (through her then bf who worked with me). Anyway to cut to the chase we've became really close friends, but I started to get to know her when her bf broke up with her.

She told me what had happened back then and we'd email back and forth, and I was there for her and listened and supported her. Looking back those emails didn't really contain anything other than her venting, but back then I didn't mind because I understood where she was coming from.

Then she then fell for another guy, a friend of ours, but it was clear he wasn't respectful of her feelings and wouldn't treat her right. There'd be meals my friend and I would go out for where she would stop herself from talking about how much she liked him and how badly he'd talked to her, then say "anyway, no more about him". I'd excuse her and say "it's okay I know how it can be". So she'd carry on and she'd end up spending the entire 4 hours talking about him. This happened every time we went out together.

I was patient and I didn't mind. But recently because he was treating her so badly and she kept making excuses to get in touch with him even though he'd made his intentions clear, I told her gently that she should stop trying to contact him because she was just hurting herself and she deserved a whole lot better. She told me I was right and she thanked me for being there.

Then she recently fell out with a friend who wasn't treating her very well at all. She kept calling me to talk about badly she was treated by her on a holiday recently. Now at the moment I'm possibly facing redundancy. After an hour and a half of talking about this bad friend of hers she asked about progress on my redundancy and replied with "yeah, you're just gonna have to see what happens. Anyway it's been like an hour and a half I better go, my hair's wet from my shower" and we said our goodbyes. Nice.

Other than those moans she hasn't bothered getting in touch with me to do anything in the last month. She used to email/phone/text and meet up with me a lot and now she never bothers unless she has a problem then she's on the phone instantly. She doesn't listen to me much at all and I've tried emailing and contacting her and even invited her to do something with me like a facial or a meal and she didn't bother getting back to me.

I'm starting to feel very used by her now - like I'm some sort of counsellor. I wish she'd call to hang out with me rather than moan at me then leave. Thing is I don't wanna rock the boat by telling her how I feel because she may go off on one - I'm due to go on a birthday night out with her for a mutual friend of ours, but she's closer to this friend than I am. If I rock the boat I may get excluded or shunned from the group. Plus I'm due to go on holiday with her in the summer.

What would you guys do? I REALLY need your help because my patience has run dry!



Well-known member
I would try to talk to her in person. If she doesn't listen then e-mail her and say all this you're saying here. You deserve better.

Tell her how you feel and that you need her to make some effort in keeping your friendship up. If she doesn't, well I'm sorry for you but you are better of without that so called friendship.


Well-known member
Sounds to me like you are or were in a parasitic relationship ans so my advice to you is not to talk to her but to get out of it. Its not worth it you deserve to be in a healthy relationship where its 50 50 most of the time no point if its one sided


Well-known member
This is not what you want to hear but this sure sounds like a one-way friendship. She's only going to be there if she's having issues. Explain to her (once) how you feel and if she doesn't come through for you...let go, then she's not a real friend. That doesn't mean you shouldn't talk or be friendly but don't give her a chance to abuse your kindness again.

Sorry to hear about facing redundancy...hope it works out alright for you.


Well-known member
she's dumping all her shit on you which is not cool.
i like to listen to my friends and i love to help them but if i feel like some might be in a "lets dump all our shit on lauren" phase then i normally will not answer the phone or respond to emails. when they start asking why i'm m.i.a. i just say i've been busy but it opens the door to talk about more positive things and not just me taking on all their stress and issues.
ppl don't realize how draining their bullshit can be. and i won't say i'm innocent. i call my mom with a lot of my shit but i have to catch myself sometimes and make sure i inquire about her day and how she's doing and more positive things so that i'm not constantly dumping on her ya know?
i'm not gonna say she's a sucky friend but a BETTER friend will always inquire about your day and make sure that they're not overloading you with their shit. she'll also quit victimizing herself. i kno these ppl may do her dirty but you can only blame someone for doing you dirty once. if they do and you continue to hang around them well then it turns into you that's doing you wrong, feel me? she'd rather be a victim than figure her shit out and fix it
just my opinion


Well-known member
You guys are right - right now, it's very one-sided!

Update: since I sent this out (only this morning!!!) She texted me this afternoon telling me she thinks she might pregnant because she's several weeks late on her period and has been feeling sick.

I just feel like telling her "Well get a test then" This might sound insensitive but I've been waiting to hear from her in a positive sense (I messaged her days ago) and then she finds the time get in touch with things go belly-up! I'm happy to be there but when someone only ever calls when there's a problem, I get the feeling I'm being seen as a counsellor as opposed to a friend!

Some people are unbelievable! It makes my blood boil!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allthatgl1tt3rs
You guys are right - right now, it's very one-sided!

Update: since I sent this out (only this morning!!!) She texted me this afternoon telling me she thinks she might pregnant because she's several weeks late on her period and has been feeling sick.

I just feel like telling her "Well get a test then" This might sound insensitive but I've been waiting to hear from her in a positive sense (I messaged her days ago) and then she finds the time get in touch with things go belly-up!

Some people are unbelievable! It makes my blood boil!

i think that is a PERFECT way to respond. make it very simple and cut and dry. some ppl like to wallow in their bullshit and love when they have others to do it with them.. let her know that she's gonna have to be the only one being dramatic about it. i know being pregnant is a serious issue but i'm not going to cry and moan to my friends about how i THINK i'm pregnant because i'm several weeks late but there's a drugstore walking distance from my house that for one reason or another i won't go to and get a preg test. seriously??


Well-known member
Wow, seriously?

Not to be mean but....to be blunt, this girl sounds like a very unhealthy, selfish girl who is not in a good place right now. Sounds like she likes being wrapped up in drama and people that get her worked up so she has something to vent about.

I really think you need to just tell this girl how it is, tell her how you feel used, how you feel it's a very lopsided friendship and that you don't deserve that.

But to me sounds like she is a bit too selfish for me to even want to be friends with.

But we are talking about YOU, so you need to decide is she someone you'd rather just let go from your life (seems like youre easily disposable when she doesnt 'need' you). Or do you wanna try to be friends, still?

Life is too short to fill up with people that aren't worthy of our friendship, in my opinion. She is on the borderline right now with that, seems like.

Just being honest


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I took Lauren's advice and I ended up telling her she should take a test and that if she wanted to make doubly sure there are packs of two available.

She ended up telling me it was probably down to the fact that she's coming off the pill - proof she's being a drama queen!!!
If I'd known that first time round I'd have said "that will explain a lot" and I think she knew that would be the case. Surely every woman in their 20s who's been on the pill for years knows that when you come off it mucks up your cycle?!

Some people know they'll get more of a reaction when they come in with the drama rather than come out with the facts - but yeah I didn't even dignify her reply with a response!

Great to know who gives a crap!


Well-known member
You may want to not even bother confronting her about her self-centeredness... if she's that much of a drama queen, it'll just feed it.

Your best course of action is just to withdraw, like you have been doing.