Whats your occupation? *How do you get out of a dead-end job*


Well-known member
So I was wondering what do you all do as an occupation? I know on this forum the last thing anyone wants to talk about I'm sure is their job, but I was wondering if I could get some help from all you lovely people on here.​
I'm 25 and stuck in a seriously going nowhere fast food job. I don't have that joy for life anymore and I know it's solely because of this job​
I was wondering if anyone might wanna share some stores or advice on getting to where you wanna be? Maybe you had a terrible job? How did you get out of it and start fresh? Did you decide to follow your passions and jump the gun or did it take some serious thought and planning?​
Would love to hear from you all. :)


Well-known member
I'm around your age and worked in fast food from high school until about a year and a half ago. I got so sick of it that I started applying to higher paying jobs online even if I didn't think that I qualified. I was hired as a bank teller soon after. It doesn't take much, just cash handling and customer service experience which you have. The pay started out at $12 an hour and six months later when I put in my two weeks, they offered me $2 more an hour so I stayed. Now I work in skin care because cosmetics is my dream job but I think all it takes to get a better job is proving that you are a loyal, hardworking and fast learning individual. If you have the extra $$ get your resume and cover letter revised by a professional. They will help you highlight your strengths and reword your weaknesses (your lack of experience outside fast food). I would also suggest volunteering. It may sound weird but if you volunteer somewhere and they get a job opening, you can apply and use your time volunteering to prove that you can do the job and are passionate about it.

department stores
real estate office (someone is always looking for a file clerk or assistant)
law firms (same as above)

Hope that helps!