when did a shopping trip become newsworthy?

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Well-known member
well if you're paris hilton, it must be.

some lovely company decided to invite paris hilton out here to australia to judge some competition that involved chicks strutting around in bikinis.

paris accepted. thanks paris.

since her arrival in sydney, her every move has made the national news each night. seriously. "here's paris getting off the plane. here's paris having a shower on the beach in bondi. here's paris walking along being mobbed by teenage boys with their phone cameras out. here's paris going shopping at the sales." (on the cosmetics floor of sydney DJs, no less. i hope she didn't taint the MAC counter.)

this is not news. this is following some blonde skinnymalinks around, indulging her "look at me! look at me!" attitude. news is reporting important things happening in the world and in the country. i don't think some insanely rich chick looking for a new facial cleanser and mascara is important.

it frustrates me that there's so much happening in the world at the moment, and the news programs (and newspapers) are dedicating air time (and camera crews and reporters) to paris because she happens to be in the country. that time could be better spent, imo.

ok, that's my rant for today. /rant over.


Well-known member
OMG! I totally agree, I'm sorry but I REALLY dislike Paris, she really is a nobody. And I can't believe that ppl actually give a sh*t about her getting off a plane, forgodsakes, she hasn't done anything great. Oh and she's also on this months Cosmo cover?! Looking hideous I might add.


Well-known member
Totally agree with you. Not because I dislike Parid Hilton but seriously there are more important things going on in the world than the private lives of celebrities. Do you think that sending letters to the papers that you read stating your opinion might help?


Well-known member
I blame the media for following this 2-bit 'ho around. You know she was in a hospital's children's ward taking pictures next to an infant?!??!

**edit** Here are the pics. Why pose like you're at a club? Why pose at all?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's partially the media's fault, but it's also the general public fault. You and I may be sick of Paris Hilton and don't care what she does, but a lot of people still care about her and would probably buy her literal crap off of ebay.

As for the stores, the media knows enough people care about Paris Hilton, and the stores don't mind, because if x celebrity is shown in their store, it'll help drive up sales. I don't understand the logic, but I know it happens.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I blame the media for following this 2-bit 'ho around. You know she was in a hospital's children's ward taking pictures next to an infant?!??!

**edit** Here are the pics. Why pose like you're at a club? Why pose at all?

I checked out that link. Wow. How pathetic is that? Geeez. Why is she there? That makes zero sense.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ?MiCHiE?
I blame the media for following this 2-bit 'ho around. You know she was in a hospital's children's ward taking pictures next to an infant?!??!

**edit** Here are the pics. Why pose like you're at a club? Why pose at all?

oh no. that's horrible.
why do that? she isn't doing that to help the child or promote awareness of an illness at all. i love this comment though:

Originally Posted by dlisted blog
You know she’s grossed out, but that baby is grossed out more.


i don't think writing to the newspapers would help, as they have admitted that they know a lot of people don't care to see what Paris is up to. However, at the end of the day, if her fans will run to buy extra copies of the paper because Paris is in it, then that's what's going to count, isn't it? These days it's all about sales and ratings.


Well-known member
I dont think its the medias fault. They are catering to the trash people love to read about. If she wasnt so damned popular for her lifestyle which most people would like...eg free clothes,makeup, everything,wealth..then they woudnt report it.

Tacky cheap entertainment is a reflection of a shallow society.


Well-known member
ugh welcome to everyday life here. my uncle works for a watch company and i guess paris made a watch or something and when she was promoting, she went to the back like every five minutes to fix her makeup and didn't really do anything.


Well-known member
ok, so the final Paris Hilton update of her trip (she flies out today, thank goodness).

She did what she came here to do - judge the competition and pick the winner, who becomes the face of a new beer.

She was also given the keys to Bondi. (why? for putting a sash on another blonde? for having that shower on the beach?)

On her visit to the hospital: she said she wants to be involved in charity work and helping people. that's why she visits a hospital wherever she goes. perhaps she thinks that just posing next to a sick child or person is going to really, like, help them recover.

and yes, all of this made the news, either on TV or on the newspaper website (and probably in today's paper somewhere).

The funniest bit was probably the interview with the advertising guru who paid her upwards of 5 million dollars for this trip/for judging the competition. their reason for getting her out here is because they know she loves attention, so she would lap up being followed around by reporters and paparazzi for her whole trip... thus creating a walking advertisement for the reason she was here, because it was mentioned almost every time she was on the news or in the paper.

you have to admit it was a brilliant strategy. and it pretty much worked because the media tailed her everywhere.


Well-known member
Here is another news story to get u going lol


Now ur all gonna rush to that page .The news company will think ohh these paris stories seem to bring in the readers..we better make more lol...there is no escape...the only think to do is to NEVER click on her stories. Therefore low readership ..and they will focus on other high rating stories instead...

little teaser

Well-known member
although i dont disagree with your post to this not being news worthy, some how i find it hard to belive that paris or any other celeb or person that wants attention or to be followed 24/7 im sure there are moments of "dont look at me"

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
On her visit to the hospital: she said she wants to be involved in charity work and helping people. that's why she visits a hospital wherever she goes. perhaps she thinks that just posing next to a sick child or person is going to really, like, help them recover.

I have to disagree with you slightly on that one. The Make A Wish Foundation allows children to make wishes like meeting a favorite celebrity. I don't get it myself, but if someone had a child or someone him/herself with a terminal or serious illness wanted to meet Paris Hilton, I think it would be nice if she did that. I don't understand the posing beside a baby. The baby wouldn't if she were there or not. I wouldn't be opposed to her visiting sickly babies, if it were to shed light on a disease or epidemic, like how some celebrities go to foreign countries to remind us that young people are dying of x.

although i dont disagree with your post to this not being news worthy, some how i find it hard to belive that paris or any other celeb or person that wants attention or to be followed 24/7 im sure there are moments of "dont look at me"

It depends on the person. IMO, Paris Hilton needs the attention like oxygen and the only moments she wouldn't want attention are the ones when she's embarrassed. I've never heard of a story about her breaking down from all the press following her, like the way Britney Spears has broken down and rebelled against the press.


Well-known member
beauty mark: i totally understand the make a wish and starlight foundation and the work they do (and i support them as well). however, a celebrity just randomly dropping into a hospital and visiting sick babies and children is a bit "huh?" in my books. if she was there to raise awareness about an illness or a condition, that's very admirable. however, if she's doing it for appearances sake then i don't think that's quite right. i'm not entirely sure why she's chosen to visit the hospital, which is why it has me confused and suspicious.

little teaser: you make a very valid point about people wanting their privacy sometimes, and i'm sure paris does like her quiet moments too. on the whole, i think she is far more willing to let the press follow her around than a lot of other celebrities would. she thrives in that situation, unlike a lot of other celebs who would want to be left alone while shopping or going to the beach.


Well-known member
hahaha.. her posing next to those babys is priceless!!! its ridiculous!! Like she even cares! thats BS..I also understand the make a wish foundation.. however.. Those babys cant talk.. they certainly didnt make any requests for paris..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
beauty mark: i totally understand the make a wish and starlight foundation and the work they do (and i support them as well). however, a celebrity just randomly dropping into a hospital and visiting sick babies and children is a bit "huh?" in my books. if she was there to raise awareness about an illness or a condition, that's very admirable. however, if she's doing it for appearances sake then i don't think that's quite right. i'm not entirely sure why she's chosen to visit the hospital, which is why it has me confused and suspicious.

little teaser: you make a very valid point about people wanting their privacy sometimes, and i'm sure paris does like her quiet moments too. on the whole, i think she is far more willing to let the press follow her around than a lot of other celebrities would. she thrives in that situation, unlike a lot of other celebs who would want to be left alone while shopping or going to the beach.

We're actually on the same page. That's what I wrote, that she's not doing anything useful. I just don't like blanket statements about people doing something and it's good/bad if there are a lot of examples where the deed isn't inherently anything


Well-known member
Does it matter? Her being at the hospital?

Maybe after being at the hospital (which gets free advertising just like the department store, only this time it's the childrens ward), some of her fans (or haters) sends the hospital some money to help out the children.

How is that bad? Awareness is awareness. Doesn't matter who it comes from.


Well-known member
She doesn't strike me as the type to have 1)Fans 2)who donate to hospitals, but who knows.....I'm sure she has enough to give those kids she's posing with since she's saving money by carrying fake LV bags on the red carpet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
She doesn't strike me as the type to have 1)Fans 2)who donate to hospitals, but who knows.....I'm sure she has enough to give those kids she's posing with since she's saving money by carrying fake LV bags on the red carpet.

Fans? The haters know more about her then the fans do. She has tons of publicity like it or not. For ever "fan" that reads that article, 20 more haters read it. I'm sure someone somewhere reading that article, wanted to know more about that hospital. And if 1 person donates some money, offers to voulenteer, whatever, how is this a bad thing?

It's called awareness. And children in situations like those in the article need all the awareness they can get. I guarentee you, before Paris went there, no one on the message board even knew that hospital existed. People have to be aware there is someone in need, before they know to help.

Not to mention had a newspaper run an article on these children, i highly doubt as many people would pay attention to it. Throw Paris into the scene, and it's given worldwide attention.

Take it for what you will. Hate her or not, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
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