When did you first feel your baby move, and what did it feel like?


Well-known member
I'm approaching week 15 and I keep getting this weird stretchy-achey-pulley sensations in my lower abdomen. At first I just put it down to trapped gas (I've been extremely, horrifically gassy since getting pregnant), but it doesn't feel quite like trapped gas. It feels like something pressing up against something muscular. Is this the baby moving, or is it last night's dinner? Help me out ladies! When did you first feel your baby move, and what did it feel like?


Well-known member
I got that feeling too around that time and my doctor said that it's just trapped gas lol. I felt my baby move around the latter part of the fourth month and it was like these weird floating vibrations on my belly. He always moved at night so it was really noticeable.

Girl about town

Well-known member
My son started moving at 16/17 weeks, it started out as a fluttering in my tummy the first week, then it turned into full on jumps as if something was jumping againt the inside of my stomach very weird, its unmistakable though xxx

Kitty Kitty

Active member
Hey there,

I first felt my bub move at 19 weeks. From about 15 weeks I felt what was like little bubbles in my tummy then it progressed to feeling like little butterflies and then unmistakable kicks. You will know when it happens



Well-known member
When it first moved, it felt like a guppy in my belly.
Stretchy achyness is probably your uterine ligaments stretching out for teh babeh.

You're at about the right time right now tho, sometime in the next couple of weeks you'll start feeling something like champagne fizzing in your lower abdomen. That's the midge making itself known!


Well-known member
I started feeling my kids right around 15 wks. It kinda felt like bubbles popping at first---but I knew it wasn't gas b/c I only felt it once I was laying around for a while.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nikki
I started feeling my kids right around 15 wks. It kinda felt like bubbles popping at first---but I knew it wasn't gas b/c I only felt it once I was laying around for a while.

I spend most of my days sitting in a chair in front of a computer. If I don't move around for a while, my ass falls asleep... and I get a weird sensation in my abdomen.
I think it's probably just ligaments stretching, like Shimmer said. Still, at least I know I'm not being crazy!


Well-known member
I agree, stretchy-achey sensations are most likely muscles stretching and loosening. I felt my son move for the first time on Halloween! It was almost 18 weeks and was the lightest fluttery sensation. Its pretty unmistakable when you do feel it, it feels like nothing else you've ever experienced and comes from deep inside.


Active member
I am probably 4 months prego. =) My hubby and I are very excited! Although I can't feel my baby really just yet.. my hubby can feel my baby and hear him/her. I've only felt my baby twice.. and that was 2 nights afo i think.. it was like 3 bubbles popping in a row... and that happened like 3x.. I know it wasn't gas..lol


Well-known member
I felt my son move around 17-20 weeks and it was like tickles or ants crawling in my tummy.

When you're really far along and your baby is moving if you sit down and look at your tummy you can see your stomach moving up and down and all over. It's so crazy and beautiful.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I felt my girl move when I was around 16 weeks.

It was like bubbles, then as she got bigger, it was like a mutant in my belly LOL

My husband and I would just watch with wides eyes as she would move her whole leg across my stomach. I'm getting really emotional right now. She just went to her first day of "preschool" today. It's so weird to remember that she was moving around inside my body just last year. I miss being preggers.

It's so amazing. It's hurts sometimes, but I love it. Enjoy it while you still can!


New member
With my first child I felt movement at around 17 weeks, 15 with my second. To me it was like butterflies in my stomach at first. As they got bigger it almost felt like a muscle spasm, if that makes sense?

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Enjoy those wonderful kicks.


Active member
I felt both of my girls around 18 weeks and at first it did feel like bubbly gas, but that sensation didn't last that long, soon enough it was definite "person moving" going on!


I have 3 kids and sadly i dont remember when i felt them move lol
but i do remember it felt like small gas bubbles moving around in my stomach lol