Where can I buy tiny hair clips?


Well-known member
Well, basically, that's my question in the thread title! But, I'll get a little more specific :)

I have about 10 of these tiny, metal hair clips. I tried searching online for some that are similar and I guess sometimes they are called hair jaw clips.

Here's a photo of one of them with a US quarter and ruler in inches on an Iron Man book.

See, pretty tiny! They're really small, but also REALLY strong. If you use a bunch of them they'll keep long hair in an updo for as long as you want it there and not fall out. I just wish I knew where they came from. Originally I got mine because some friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend or something, none of whom I keep in touch with, did my hair for my high school prom (yeeeeeears ago!) using those. Then I paid for the hairdo plus the clips and kept the clips. If only I knew how much I'd come to love them!

I've found some smallish clips at the drugstore etc but none are like this. They are plastic and not nearly as tiny.

I'm living in fear of losing them and/or breaking them, and am prowling around for possible backups or additional ones to use. Any ideas? Seen any like these around anywhere? I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks!

Oh! Also, I did find this site - the last two at the very bottom, if they are metal (can't really tell from the picture) seem like they're what I want. But that site only sells wholesale. I really can't imagine what I'd do with a billion of those. It would be fiscally irresponsible. But anyway. I guess I was a little encouraged to find it. It means they exist somewhere!


Well-known member
I've seen the plastic version of them at Target. Can't speak to how well they hold though.


Well-known member
May I also suggest Spin Pins? I was amazed at how well they hold long hair in an updo or bun-type style. They're by Goody and I've seen them almost everywhere (drugstores, large discount stores, etc.).