Which long-lasting foundation??


Active member
Im ready to start spending more $$$ on my make-up after years of using drugstore brands, and MAC foundation is what a friend suggested because of some yellow-based shades and good price.. but i just can't decide which one!
My most important factor is that it has to be *long-lasting*!!! I'm usually wearing makeup form early in the morning till late at night so i need something that will last.
I also much prefer liquid and would like medium coverage or even sheer-medium is good, but nothing too sheer or too full.. somewhere in the middle.
It doesn't have to be MAC but yellow-based is a must.
Can't thank you guys enough mwahzz!


New member
I dont really use foundation, but I'm sure someone can help you out soon... Just going to bump ya to the top...


New member
Almay Amazing lasting is a sure thing!!! I would use a foundation brush with it to get the most natural look because it is a full coverage foundation. Plus it sets in 60 seconds.

Another one that is highend is Make Up For Ever Mat Velvet. This one gives you more time to blend but it is more like medium coverage.

Between the 2 Almay Amazing lasting is the longer lasting. It still looks fresh on me at 9pm! It even helps keep oilies down!!
I use a Brandon foundation brush with it that I picked up at Long's. I hear Beauty Strokes is good too also found at Long's. Just so you don't have to spend mega money on a brush.

I have tried so many different foundations and for long lasting those 2 are my tops pics!


Active member
Thanx Zap2it..
I'm in Australia and not actually sure if those 2 foundations are available over here..
but ill have a look in some shops because i can't purchase online!
Any1 else wanna give me recs?


Well-known member
Hi there hun. Your friend was right, MAC does have really long lasting good foundation- in particular i find Studio Tech and Studio Fix are quite good. To make your foundation last longer while on you, try using a base to start off with- such as strobe cream, Prep and prime skin, Fix+ etc etc as it will help your foundation settle and make it last that wee bit longer! hope it helps
For yellow based foundations, go for the "NC" type for MAC foundtions. Also use a proper foundation brush for a even toned look- it will also make the foundation last longer if it is not all clumped up and stuff on your face


Well-known member
You could try M·A·C Face & Body which is a great foundation and it's waterproof so stays put until you remove it.


Well-known member
i like revlon colorstay, but the high titanium dioxide content makes me look too white in pics, so i'm gonna check out lancome teint idole ultra.


Well-known member
i just started using dior "eclat satin" and i really love it. Compared to my last one (smashbox) it feels like i'm barely wearing any make-up at all. It gives pretty good coverage but feels very light! Their anti-fatigue concealer doesn't work so well for me though. Doesn't cover all red spots...