Which MSF?


Well-known member
My local counter has these MSFs:
- So Ceylon
- Petticoat
- Soft and Gentle
- Gold Deposit

I have nc15/nc20 skin and rosy cheeks. I'm concerned that gold deposit and so ceylon will be too dark for me. I think I'm leaning towards Soft&Gentle.



Well-known member
I am the same skin tone as you and i got so ceylon, petticoat and soft and gentle. gold deposit was tooooo much! soft and gentle was more like a highlighter color. the other blushes.....


Well-known member
I'm around an NC20 and I LOVE Petticoat. Seriously, it's absolutely freaking gorgeous.


Well-known member
i'm NC25/30 and i have all four. i love them, i think so ceylon is my favourite...it's a nice bronzey that goes well with NC shades. you can just tap your brush a couple times before you apply it to sheer it out and make it not as dark.
soft and gentle is really nice too, but i agree that it's a much better highlighter than anything else.


Well-known member
So Ceylon is amazing. Although it does look dark in the pan, it applies like a dream. I like to lightly dab it onto my cheeks and temples with the 187. I've also applied it heavier with my 181 but I like using it with the 187 more, it gives you a really pretty glow without going over the top.


Well-known member
I'm NC/NW15 and I got Petticoat and So Ceylon, they both work reallt great for me and SC isn't too dark at all! It look lovely on it's own or if you put a pink blush over it

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