White pigment questions...

I have had a MAC white pigment on my shelf since 2002. I know it is older than that, as I swapped with a very reputable swapper for it and it is long discontinued. I am in negotiations for a swap for it, and the swapper wanted to know its batch number. it is 9B201.

she is concerned because usually it would be like A83 (like my frost pigment) or something. I don't think MAC counterfeits were around 4 years ago, and this would predate that. any opinions?

if it is over 5 years old, im not sure how safe to use it is, so i probably wont swap it anyway, but i would love to know the history. thanks!


Well-known member
Yes, it's safe. Powder products don't go off like liquid ones do. I'd guess that batch number was 1999 - it's consistent with older products that I have from that era. It will possibly be inkjet printed on the base of the container rather than printed on the label with the colour. The labels at that time were probably clear too with just the name on in black ink.