Who has a sex swing


Well-known member
I was thinking about getting one. But seeing as they are $100 or more. I wanted to get some opinions about them. I don't know anyone with one. Lots that want to try. But I guess everyone is as cheap as me.
So if you have one or even know someone who does. Are they worth it? Is it something that you will actually use or is it more like gym equipment, use once, like it, but never use it again? And any other thoughts on it? Thanks ladies, hope to hear from you soon.


Well-known member
We looked at the video of that...But for some reason it just didn't appeal to us...we laughed more than anything.....and we are usually up for trying most....But I am interested to hear to...But it is a pass for me


Well-known member
My 1st boyfriend in high school... his dad was a sex therapist and they had a sex swing in their huge master "study" area. Just thought I would throw that out there... though I can't say if it was any good.. Samantha sure seems to enjoy it on SATC though =)


Well-known member
i also never bought one but always wanted one... mainly bc its expensive but also bc for me i like sex to happen more naturally i mean after being together/living together for a long time i guess its never really that natural after a while anyway but i feel like its kinda like oh were getting in the mood all sexy and stuff and then oh wait stop and come chain me up in this swing real quick.. i dunno tho might be fun to spruce up ur sex life it gets a little vanilla?


Well-known member
that sex and the city episode cracks me up! i'd love to try one and so would my hubby. but i'm not sure how comfortable i'd actually be!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cyclothymic
I have one and it does get used every now and then...just not as much as the bed.

We are going to need a few more details than that...

1) Is it a totally different experience?
2) Are you happy with your purchase?

You can always plead the fifth, of course.


Well-known member
Just thought I would throw this out there....

**NSFW link** The Love Swing- Super Sale!

I have used a swing before, and I must say it's enjoyable. The positions you can hit in that thing are way different than things you can get in a bed. IMO


Well-known member
I find the idea of a sex swing humorous and hot.

If you do plan to purchase a sex swing, make sure it's good quality. I say that only because I have this mental image of two people havine sex on the swing and one of the legs break and the couple falls onto the floor. lol

Also, think about how often you'll be using this swing. Is it worth spending a lot of money on something you'd use maybe a few times, or could you get the same thrill by fucking on the swings at the neighborhood playground.

*that last part was a joke.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

or could you get the same thrill by fucking on the swings at the neighborhood playground.

*that last part was a joke.

Oh snap....I had to check to make sure you were in a different state than my dh and I...I was like Oh shit, who she talking about
yeah, can't imagine two freaks doing that on the lil kids swings


Well-known member
mmm k. I think I will get one. But my boyfriend is gone to texas now for work and I won't see him until July. Major suckage! So I'll prolly wait awhile before I actually buy it, and it will be about 2 months before I can try it. So I guess I will update when I get to experience the swing. I am real excited about it but that is prolly cause I am horny and bored. Is that tmi? lol. oh well now you know anyway.lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
My 1st boyfriend in high school... his dad was a sex therapist and they had a sex swing in their huge master "study" area. Just thought I would throw that out there... though I can't say if it was any good.. Samantha sure seems to enjoy it on SATC though =)


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