Whoo hoo!!! I was looking sexxxy!!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Lol...at the time the WORD sex, or any variation of was the very last thing on my mind...lol.

I was just going through some old pics on my puter and thought I'd share this one with ya'll.

This is my youngest son...he just turned 1 on July 20th. Lord how time flies....


Another Janice!

Well-known member
I was induced with him...they started the pitocin about 9am...the contractions really didn't hurt until about 4ish....he was born at 8:20pm.

So, according to the nurses, I was only in labor about 4 hours. At my hospital, they don't consider you "in labor" until you are dilated to about 4 or 5.

Shimmer...lol. The way I figure it is that chances are, I will NEVER look that bad again. (Until I go through the joy of labor and delivery again anyway). So, I figure every other picture you will ever see of me I will look beautiful in. lol.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I know....just looking at those pics gives me twinges.

Yep...I am nuts. I know it. But we really have to wait at least another year. If not more. It's super important to me that I finish school first. I want to know that if something were to ever happen to my husband, I could take care of my kids on my own. And the way I see it, getting an education is the only way I can guarantee that.