Who's watching tyra?


Well-known member
I agree with you guys for the most part. I like her general personality but the talk show host thing just isn't... working. She just comes off as so snarky and judgemental. She has her mind made up about what she's going to say and what the outcome will be before the guest even has a chance to speak for themselves. It'd be extremely frustrating trying to converse with someone who doesn't listen and already acts like their opinions and beliefs are 'Teh Law'. I'm just not sure what she's aiming at with the 'I'm right, you're wrong' mentality constantly. It'd be cool if her show was more about beauty and fashion in all aspects, she'd certainly have more to give.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_c
I think Tyra needs to stick to topics related to beauty, modeling, fashion...etc for her show. Anything more serious is beyond her level of comprehension and when she tries its... idk awkward.

I don't think it's beyond her comprehension, I just think it's beyond her character training.