Why am I feeling like this???


Well-known member
Hey guys! Lately I've been acting VERY strange, I think I'm becoming antisocial, I've never been a girl with tons of friends
but I did met some people, I could go out sometimes and it was alright, I did have a small group of friends, not anymore,
because most of them betrayed me on 2008, and I don't know, now I feel like not going out anywhere, I don't want to, I
just wanna stay at home watching tv, or on my laptop, or sleeping, or working out.
I feel like people BOTHERS ME,The only people I'm comfortable with are my bf, my little sister (10) and my grandma (82)
I don't wanna go out alone ever again, I feel uncomfortable if somebody is looking at me,
I prefer eating alone than sorrounded by people, I can't even go to a bar, I just don't feel like it, and if I decide to
go out, I wanna leave SO bad as soon as I got there...
The other day I went to a bar and I did my best to stay as I much as I could.. man, I left like an hour after I got there,
and the whole hour I had to spent it, hidden in some corner, I can't go to the beach, or the cinema if it's too crowded.
I also feel like a hate people, seriously, I even erased most of my msn and facebook contacts, and all that... I really
need an explanation for all this, I don't know if it's because all my ex-friends failed me, or what.
Also, have you ever felt like this?


Well-known member
I think all of us have felt that to some extent at some point in our lives. Its normal. There are times when I am more withdrawn. I don't think there is anything wrong with periods of spending more time at home or with a small group of people unless it makes you sad or you begin to feel like you absolutely can't be around other people due to social anxiety.

Sometimes our patterns just change, as well. When I was single and younger, I used to go out ALL THE TIME. When DH and I were dating, we went out constantly. Now we are more home-bodies, but we love it.

Perhaps you are feeling a bit blue due to your friends. You may just need some time to work through those feelings.

I hope you feel better soon.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I've always been that way, for you, you may just been going through something. I'm content with being the way I am, because it's become part of my personality, but I think that maybe once you get passed those feelings of betray and such, you'll go back to how you were.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think you may not be a bar or club kind of person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that; I am done with that scene as well. It's like some people hate living in cities because of the crowds and choose to live in remote areas. If you want to go to these places, but the people aspect is getting in your way too much, you may have some issue you need to work out.

I think you are also feeling sad and distrustful, because your friend betrayed you. I'm sorry about that. I hope you give yourself plenty of time to heal and learn to trust people again. Not everyone, but there are definitely some respectable people out there that you could befriend.


Well-known member
I have similar feelings ... not really that I hate people but just that I don't feel comfy around them anymore.

My first few years in college I was THE social butterfly ... the life of every party, etc. Then when I had two babies in college it was like I had the plague and lost all my friends and close aquaintances. I also gained 30 pounds ... which has REALLY affected my confidence. For me I think the confidence is the biggest issue. I can't really be around social groups anymore because I always feel like I am the one person that no one really notices ... which I guess is the way I prefer it but it is still depressing.

Anyways ... for me I keep saying that if I lose 30 pounds I will be back to my old self, but I am not sure that is gonna work. It could be that you just need some more confidence ... which is a hard thing to just find.

For your sake, I really hope that you dig yourself out of the social hole that we both seem to be in. I know it isn't a fun way to be ... but I really have no idea how to fix it. Hugs to you!


Well-known member
I agree with Beauty Mark. It might have to do with your friends betraying you.
But if you enjoy being by yourself and uncomfortable being around lots of people, there's nothing wrong with it. Do what makes you happy.
If you want to go out and socialize, do it when you feel ready and up to it.


Honestly, that's been the past year of my life.
I have had so many friends betray me that it's really ludicrous.
It's good to become close to your family. I am now so close to my mom, my sister, my aunt, my little cousins that I babysit that I wonder how I ever lived without them. Having really good family relationships is always more fullfilling than friendships (blood is thicker etc etc). Every once in a while I'll go out with a friend I was never super close to (so that they couldn't betray me) when I feel like it. But honestly at this point I feel like I'm past it.

You're probably just maturing. Focus on your work, on your goals, on your family. You'll feel much better, just shift priorities.