Why Collect Full Sized Pigments?


Well-known member
I am genuinely curious about this. Why would one collect full sized pigments (Some people have over a hundred - that is certainly impressive!) instead of just buying the cheaper pigment samples. I bought some pigment samples 8 months ago and I use them quite regularly, and I STILL have so much left. I couldn't imagine having the actual full sized pigment containers.

So do you guys collect full size pigments just for the sake of collecting them (just like some people on here collect MSFs, beauty powders, etc.) or do you share them with a friend (since there is soooo much product in just one jar) or do you actually plan on using up all of it?
Or is there another reason to get pigments instead of say just a regular pressed eyeshadow?

I hope this wasn't too weird of a question - it's just something I've always wanted to know. This question would always enter my mind whenever I'd look at people's pigment collections in the traincase part of this forum.


Well-known member
I guess people do cos it's all part of building up their collection, especially if they collect items. I only have 1 full size pigment and 1 full size glitter and the rest are samples. I got both really cheap and will never finish either in this lifetime but the cost of a sample + postage would have amounted to the same cost I paid so it doesn't matter.

I'm getting a bunch of pigment samples off a friend who has a few I don't have - money saved!


Well-known member
Well a lot of color I will never run out, wich I love to know. Some colors I use so much to mix and match my own colors and use as pigment with face and body mixing medium to do body painting that I am close to run out of some basic matte shades. And well... love them so much that I like to own them all and look at them.. yeah crazy like that.

Some colors are just no match to the redualar line and are d/c, like Pink Vivid, it's the perfect true bright mid tone pink, so I never want to run out. (I have a b/u of that one..)

Oh and really stupid but I like the small jars.... and play with little spoons to mix the powders...


Well-known member
i like having full sized pigments because i sell pigment samples to others. i know i'll never use it all but i guess i like having them in the oj just for keepsake.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I buy full size pigments of colours I love and I know I will use way too much to just get a sample. I also use some of my pigments on lips and cheeks as well so I go through them faster...There's been times I've gone through 1-2 samples before knowing I prob need a full size

ms. kendra

Well-known member
I would get a full size jar if it's a color that I use ALLL the time. But other than that samples are fine.


Well-known member
i prefer pigments over eyeshadows because to me its easier to use......i use some of my pigments for blush or i mix it with clear lipgloss. i love anything gliitery so i have used my mac 3d glitter for my nails lol


Well-known member
Pigments are great to buy in full sizes because they are so multi-purpose. You can press some of it into an eyeshadow pan, use it on nails, hair products, ect. Plus they are more for your money in comparison to the regular eyeshadows.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Plus they are more for your money in comparison to the regular eyeshadows.

Ah - I see. Now THAT is a good reason to get them full sized. I suppose you could you use some in the form it's in, then press some into an eyeshadow, and still have a lot left. I just watched a YouTube video on how to press pigments and the fact that you can mix 2-3 different ones to make your own unique colour. I don't know about you guys, but that sounds pretty cool, and I want to try that

Reading all of your guys's responses makes me wish I was at a MAC counter right now snatching up Makeup Art Cosmetics collection pigments (I've had my eye on the purple one).


Well-known member
oh... so many reasons (or should i say excuses)
1. when you say collect, don't bother asking why. people like collecting random things.
2. i'm ocd about running out of things and with pigments, i don't have to worry about that. honestly, the only colors i see myself using up are vanilla and naked (perfect undereye concealer for me)
3. you get so much product for the money
4. i like loose eyeshadows better than pressed ones. i don't like pressed eyeshadows because colours tend to disappear on my skin, so with pressed ones, i always feel like i have to dip 100 times for the colour to show up. sometimes when i'm really fed up by some mac eyeshadows, i crush them into a jar (like idol eyes. works so much better after i crushed it)
5. there's no crusting on the surface and i can always take out samples to use, so i feel it's cleaner.
6. i can use pigments wet or dry. and mix my own lipcolors, eyeliners, nail polishes, so i don't feel tempted to buy crazy colors that i'd probably wear only once a year
7. aren't they pretty to look at?

in case if you are wondering, i have 143 jars of full size pigment + a few half jars... so far


Well-known member
^^ my goodness, that's quite a lot of pigments that you have sleepyhead. And I love all your reasons by the way, especially this one

Originally Posted by sleepyhead
4. i like loose eyeshadows better than pressed ones. i don't like pressed eyeshadows because colours tend to disappear on my skin, so with pressed ones, i always feel like i have to dip 100 times for the colour to show up. sometimes when i'm really fed up by some mac eyeshadows, i crush them into a jar (like idol eyes. works so much better after i crushed it)

I have that same problem with some of my eyeshadows (parfait amour comes to mind)

I just want to mention that I absolutely love this forum. Whenever I am waivering about whether I should buy something or not (in this case being pigments) I can just ask you guys and come here for all the enabling - I love it


Well-known member
I used to collect full jars of pigments but I found that I never even made a dent in them so I mainly just get samples now. I am an eye shadow and MSF junkie so it is more important for me to collect and buy those.


Well-known member
I used to collect them all as well, then de-stashed and only kept the ones I use almost daily. But having said that, I do have backups of those. Now, to find a backup Green...


Well-known member
I collect pigments because they are so fun to have and multi-purpose. I don't get samples of the pigments since I like getting the full size jars in my personal preference.


Well-known member
That's a good question... there are some I love and have been through more than one jar of already... um holla Vanilla
but for the most part I just like having them around... they are pretty and kinda like a favorite blanky or something to that effect


Well-known member
I like the product so I buy it.

I want a clean product, not one that other people have handled, so I buy it directly from the source.


Well-known member
as of tonight, i spent hours pouring out the pigments into little 5 gram jars. about to finish selling the samples, the b2m the oj's. now that i think of it, there really is no point in me keeping so much of the pigment for myself in the oj's when i could turn in the oj's for free eyeshadows! i'm the type that needs every single thing if i'm gonna start collecting pigment oj's...and honestly, i don't have that kind of money. time to sell my pigments!