why do they dodge my questions so?

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info: Welcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. One of our Artists will be with you shortly.
info: Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Mary-Ann. How may I assist you?
Vanessa.: hi!
Vanessa.: i've never shopped in a MAC store in person. how does it work? i see pictures of MAC stores all the time, and they show open jars of pigments and stuff. what are those for?
Mary-Ann: Hi Vanessa, I believe you are referring to products at a MAC Pro store where they have jars of pure pigments available. For the "average" customer, there is no need to have such a large container of pigment on hand. We sell smaller sizes here.
Vanessa.: and doesn't MAC stand for make-up art cosmetics? then why is it MAC COSMETICS? make-up art cosmetics cosmetics?
Mary-Ann: MAC does stand for Makeup Art Cosmetics, yes.
Vanessa.: um.
Vanessa.: does the back to MAC program accept depotted eyeshadow cases? and how much are the eyeshadow refills? are they only at MAC PRO stores?
info: One moment while I transfer you to Barbara.
info: Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Barbara. How may I assist you?
Vanessa.: hi!
Vanessa.: does the back to MAC program accept depotted eyeshadow cases? and how much are the eyeshadow refills? are they only at MAC PRO stores?
Barbara: Hi Vanessa. Yes, they do accept depotted cases. For pricing of Pro Palette Eye Shadows, you would have to contact a MAC Store. We don't carry them Online regrettably.
Barbara: Click here for the Find Stores page.
Vanessa.: and how do ebay sellers get their hands on collection products before they're released?
Barbara: Truly, I don't know how they get them. It's not something we give out to the general public.
Vanessa.: as an aspiring makeup artist, i like to test out colors before trying them on skin. so are the face charts free, or do you have to pay for them?
Barbara: You can test colours at any MAC location on your actual skin and there is no charge to do that.
Vanessa.: oh. thanks very much!
Vanessa.: thanks SO much for your time.
Barbara: You are welcome!

__________________________________________________ ____
points missed :
- how shopping at MAC works.
- the pricing of face charts.

has anyone else experienced this?


Well-known member
what did you want to know about shopping at mac? there are products that you see listed on the maccosmetics website (ie pigments, eyeshadows, etc) and you can test them, then buy them. I'm not sure what exactly you are getting at.


Well-known member
It is often difficult to answer questions when asked in rapid succession. Also, although I do not know about MAC, many customer service reps have to multi-task. You may not have been the only person she was chatting with at the time. Of course, if a question is not answered fully, there is always the option to ask it again.


Well-known member
i understand your questions, but am confused as to why you would ask some of them.

shopping at mac is like shopping at any store. you go in, see something you like, and try it/buy it. you can swatch it on your skin, or have an artist apply it on you, but a minimum purchase is required to have your makeup done. if you like it, buy it. if you don't, try a different color.

face charts are done after you get your makeup done. the artist makes them for you so that you can replicate the look at home. they don't charge you for them.

pro pans refills are $10.50. you can get them at freestanding stores, pro stores, and thru the #800. the regular mac chat wouldn't know the price since they don't sell them, so she wasn't dodging your questions at all.


Well-known member
I think she was wanting blank face charts, to then go home and play with them, not just the one free one with the look they do in store. (I know its been posted on here before I think, just can't find it....about the blank face charts)


Well-known member
we don't give out stacks of face charts. we may give you one or two, but no more. they're our work supplies, and the general public has no need for them. they may sell something similar at beauty supply stores, but thats the only way you'll get a bunch of them.


Well-known member
I didn't feel like the MA was dodging your questions at all. She answered everything you asked. Like said above you can find the answers to all of those questions here on Specktra.
well, i asked how shopping at MAC works, and the pigment part was NOT the point of the question. after this live chat, i went on yahoo answers, and asked the same question. and i got a best answer :

"There are testers on the little tables for you to swatch and see if you like them, since all returned items are discarded. If you want to buy something, you asked an employee to get it from their stock, so you know their products are untouched by the general public. (Sanitary issue. I mean, who wants stranger-touched makeup, right? Haha.) Then they put it in a basket and you wait for them to ring you up."

and the thing is, i asked the same question. and it's funny how some random person can answer it better than a MAC employee.

to errine1881 :
you actually answered my questions better than my MAC live chat person. thank you!

well, i simply asked her if the face charts were free or not, and she did not even mention one word about it. because on nessasarymakeup.com, i saw the blogger designing looks on one of those, and i thought they were pretty cool.
Originally Posted by Lizzie
I agree with what was said above. If you didn't feel that your question was answered, you could always ask it again.

As far as face charts go, you can always print your own if you want...
here is one: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v7...cfacechart.jpg

Hope that helps.

but what makes you think she's going to address the point my question the second time if she didn't the first time? (no intentions to sound like i have an attitude problem.)

but i heard the MAC face charts were printed on special paper, so it absorbs fluid stuff you put on it, like liquid foundation and such. regular printer paper would just wrinkle and ruin some features.

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirrorWhorexD
but what makes you think she's going to address the point my question the second time if she didn't the first time? (no intentions to sound like i have an attitude problem.)

but i heard the MAC face charts were printed on special paper, so it absorbs fluid stuff you put on it, like liquid foundation and such. regular printer paper would just wrinkle and ruin some features.

As stated before, face charts are used for makeovers and demonstrations. They are MAC work supplies and they don't just give them out for free. Thats like going to a department store and asking for a ton of clothing hangers. Most places won't give them out. Lol.

Just for practice, regular paper will work. Its a little tougher, but I've never really had a problem with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirrorWhorexD
but what makes you think she's going to address the point my question the second time if she didn't the first time? (no intentions to sound like i have an attitude problem.)

but i heard the MAC face charts were printed on special paper, so it absorbs fluid stuff you put on it, like liquid foundation and such. regular printer paper would just wrinkle and ruin some features.

I'm giving the MAC chat person the benefit of the doubt in that she may not have understood what you were asking. Perhaps if you said that her answer wasn't what you were looking for and restated your question in a more direct manner, then she might tell you the information that you want.

Also, printer paper works fine for practicing, you just have to be more delicate (ie, I wouldn't glob liquid foundation all over it). I'm trying to be helpful, as I'm sure the MAC chat person was. And I'm not trying to sound rude either but the way that you ask questions and respond to people who are trying to assist you is difficult to field.


Originally Posted by Lizzie
I'm giving the MAC chat person the benefit of the doubt in that she may not have understood what you were asking. Perhaps if you said that her answer wasn't what you were looking for and restated your question in a more direct manner, then she might tell you the information that you want.

Also, printer paper works fine for practicing, you just have to be more delicate (ie, I wouldn't glob liquid foundation all over it). I'm trying to be helpful, as I'm sure the MAC chat person was. And I'm not trying to sound rude either but the way that you ask questions and respond to people who are trying to assist you is difficult to field.

i agree. it's better to be patient with someone who is trying to help you
Originally Posted by stealth
i agree. it's better to be patient with someone who is trying to help you

what's so hard to understand about, "so are the face charts free, or do you have to pay for them?"?

(still is not trying to sound like i have an attitude problem.)
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
As stated before, face charts are used for makeovers and demonstrations. They are MAC work supplies and they don't just give them out for free. Thats like going to a department store and asking for a ton of clothing hangers. Most places won't give them out. Lol.

Just for practice, regular paper will work. Its a little tougher, but I've never really had a problem with it.

and i saw on youtube on one of "danapotter____"'s videos that she got a whole stack for her birthday because her (mom? friend? don't remember.) asked for some. so now i'm quite confused.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirrorWhorexD
what's so hard to understand about, "so are the face charts free, or do you have to pay for them?"?

(still is not trying to sound like i have an attitude problem.)

Because within the context of your original question it sounded like you were asking whether it would cost anything to have someone swatch colours on a facechart for you, and Barbera gave you a reply that was appropriate to the context of your complete question.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirrorWhorexD
and i saw on youtube on one of "danapotter____"'s videos that she got a whole stack for her birthday because her (mom? friend? don't remember.) asked for some. so now i'm quite confused.

They are not typically handed out in stacks like that. But, sometimes if you encounter a really nice MA or have a good relationship with one they may do you favors like that.
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