Why would you go to a makeup store and expect to see...


Well-known member
the woman went a bit too far...name calling for no reason...theres no need to say people are paunchy hookers!! she wouldnt go in a clothes shop and say "im sorry i cant accept your help, your wearing different clothes to me so you are a paunchy hooker ohh and they are too jarring!!!"

and i doubt every member off staff wears bright eyeshadow EVERYDAY!

shes being judgemental in my opinion...


Well-known member
She may be being judgemental, but aren't *most* of us here also judging her based a single comment that she submitted?


Well-known member
im not judging her, i just think there are less offensive ways to say things. she could have put it a little more contrustivly that she wishes to see more neautral looks being demonstrated by staff in the store. it just annoys me when customers think they can say anything they want about staff..they are people with real feelings too


Well-known member
Wow so if she wanted ponchy hooker MU she would go to MAC? Oh well, for every one negative comment, we get 10 positive ones.

and the girls in Sephora look like they have been punched in the eye?
I find that pretty offensive and have heard it too many times, usually from ppl who want a smokey eye look (but actually dont). ugh.

Like someone said, her comments would have been taken more seriously had she worded it better but to be downright rude is pretty destructive. You would hope someone of her age would have a bit more tact?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
im not judging her, i just think there are less offensive ways to say things. she could have put it a little more contrustivly that she wishes to see more neautral looks being demonstrated by staff in the store. it just annoys me when customers think they can say anything they want about staff..they are people with real feelings too

i second this. the lady was taking a survey and totally attacked the company just because the girl that offered to help her had on what she felt was "ponchy" makeup or whatever she said.

she's entitled to express her opinion but there is something called TACT that she knows nothing of


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
If I wanted to look like a ponchy hooker, I'd go to a MAC counter

wow, what a nice way to put it
That's what I call CONSTRUCTIVE critism

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I'm gonna go to the Body Shop and complain that the employees smell too clean.

OMG, lol! xD


Well-known member
i admit it. im judging her. I cant read a comment like that and NOT pass judgment.
Ive been on the other side of this before. I used to work at a woman's clothing store (smart set). One night (during the holidays) a little old man and his 30-40 something daughter came in to look for clothing for a party or something. I suggested and outfit that she really liked, but i wasnt sure about the size of the top. I was litteraly about to sell her the one that i was going to buy that night, we her father made the RUDEST comment. He said "Do you know what i would do if you were my daughter? I'd get you up at 6 am and make you run those off (my little love handels!!). Cause you look ok now, but it could get out of hand."
I just walked away and refused to serve them anymore. My manager spoke to him, but i mean that comment is equally insulting. So i judged that he was an asshole. I think i was fair in doing so.


Well-known member
" I walked into your store and was greeted by a woman who looked like someone punched her in the eyes, but I realized it was her poorly applied makeup."

I bet it wasn't poorly applied make-up at all.. I bet it was a dark smokey eye....

I totally expect to hear a comment like that from my mom tonight. God Bless her......

I've found that A LOT of people are just not into makeup like that. They really have issues with women who wear more than standard eyeliner lipstick and maybe blush....
just the way it is.



Well-known member
Jeallloouusss...lol Oh and what's funny is that I used to work with a girl who wore an ASSLOAD of makeup, but that was her preference for her face, she did awesome makeup on other girls!


Well-known member
I went to the Sephora in NorthPark and the girl with the least amount of Makeup on was the one that did my makeup...Ok why did I look like a clown when she finished....I turned to the mirror and I did not gasp out loud for fear of hurting her feelings ..I just said Ok this is just really not me can we just take it back down to the MUFE foundation so I can see the shade I need... The girl in the back with the over-the-top gorgeous makeup on came up to me and said I thought you were getting your makeup done...I said I did but I had her wash it off when she was finished....She said why...who did you makeup..I said **&^ she just went OHHHH I understand!! Hello!! If you knew &^%% couldn't do makeup could yall at least assist her so she can learn... But *&&^& was so nice I still gave her a good review online...Bless her heart she tried.

Then I got online and sent Mac_Pixie a 1,000 questions on what to do about all the crap I bought so she wouldn't feel bad. LOL ...she was so sweet!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
" I walked into your store and was greeted by a woman who looked like someone punched her in the eyes, but I realized it was her poorly applied makeup."

I bet it wasn't poorly applied make-up at all.. I bet it was a dark smokey eye....

But wouldn't we all agree that a poorly executed dark smokey eye could very well look like someone had black eyes?

I am in no way saying the woman who left the comments doesn't need to learn how to generate constructive/effective criticism and feedback (I think we can all agree on that, too), but that doesn't necessarily mean that the core of her comments have no merit.


Well-known member
"But wouldn't we all agree that a poorly executed dark smokey eye could very well look like someone had black eyes?"



Well-known member
People like that make me want to chain them down to the chair and apply some uber dragalicious eyeshadow on them.
Waaaaaah....the lady at the makeup store had makeup I did not like on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Its important for people to be able to realize that just because a MA does their makeup one way, doesnt mean they aren't equally as talented doing a different type of makeup on a client.

Thank you. Easier said than done, but this is so, so true.


Well-known member
Most of the people at my Sephora hardly wear any makeup. One time I was shocked when I saw a girl greeting people at the door-I really dont think she had one piece of makeup on, and her hair wasnt done either. I jsut thought that was odd.

People are weird. Like blindpassion said, just because someone looks one way, doesnt mean when they apply makeup on u they are going to make u look like them. Thats....silly.
Like, I just dont understand that. And I dont think anyone at MAC looks like a hooker, id kill for their makeup skills

I just think comments like that shouldnt really be taken seriously. Of course the lady has a right to say what she feels, but as makeup artists, u should be able to express ur talent and creativity in whatever way you want. How boring would it be to have to tone down ur makeup for work because of women like that? I just dont get it.


Well-known member
As much as I agree with how MAs should wear makeup however they feel, we must remember that you're working for a business. If your loud makeup is repelling customers, how are you going to make money for the company?

I know it's something a lot of us makeup lovers hate hearing but as much as I'd like to say a big "fuck you" to those who think bright makeup= whore, they're who you're doing business with. In cases like this, the customer is always right and it's wise to appeal to the customer so you can make that money.
If I was seeing an overwhelming amount of comments like this, I'd make an effort to tone it down a little. But that's just me. If you wanna rock some bright MUFE shadows on your eye, go for it!!!


Well-known member
I think everyone is forgetting that the average person isn't into make up to the extent that we are on here. The average consumer doesn't recognise make up as an art form or a way of expression like we do.

Whilst I do agree that she could have said it in a better way, her view of 'poorly applied make up' could just mean that to her because she is used to natural looking make up, it looks messy. I don't think its fair really to tell her to 'go to *insert store* for natural looking make up', because like I said, the average person isn't into make up like we are on here. If you're looking for make up... you will go to a cosmetics counter/store/drugstore whatever, because they sell it. Yes you may have preferences, like we do with MAC etc, but to the average person (how many more times do I wanna say average person?) who only wears a bit of powder mascara and liner, if they want a mascara, they'll browse around for it, regardless of the store.

God I'm making no sense. Basically my point is give the woman a break haha. Yes shes probably a bit grumpy, but she's not saying you're stupid, all she's saying in other (nasty) words is that its intimidating to customers of her type... Not every body wears bright looks like we do on here. Just think of it from her position... when I'm between 55-60 I know I won't be wearing some of the looks I do now... well I might be lol but yeah... I'm waffling now.


Well-known member
i don't really care what the sales associate is wearing, as long as they're polite and willing to help me. there's a girl at the mac counter, and i'm never a fan of her makeup but she's one of the only ones who will help me when i roll in there with a naked face, so she's got my vote. there's a girl at my sephora that wears some of the craziest makeup i've ever seen and it's not even almost my cup of tea...but she's a sweetheart, so she's good to go imho.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If your loud makeup is repelling customers, how are you going to make money for the company?

I think that's fair, although it sounds like this was one customer out of many. You can't please 'em all. I don't get the feeling that Sephora has a "look" they're trying to sell, given the various brands that they have.