WOC and aging!


Well-known member
I'm quickly approaching my 27th birthday and I'm at a total lost about when I should start using anti-aging product, where should I start, what works best on our skin, and do any of you ladies you anti-aging products?


Well-known member
I do not buy into the belief that women need to start using anti-aging products. To me it's another greed-driven ploy by cosmetic and skincare companies to play on our emotions and fears and make us buy products. I think that good skincare practices (washing your face morning and night, using basic products that suit your skin, not sleeping in makeup, proper moisturization, staying out of the sun/using sunscreen, etc.) make all the difference in the world and is what keeps your skin looking fresh. I am way over 40 and am proud to say that I don't have a single wrinkle on my face, and my skin's elasticity is great. Don't believe all that hype about anti-aging products, I say!


Well-known member
thank you that does make a lot of sense! I already take very good care of my skin and I'm going to continue to do so :)


Well-known member
I'm in total agreement with MAC Hostage. I'm 35 and most people dont believe me when I tell them my age. However in addition to doing the basic skin care tips she mentioned take a look at the other women in your family. Genetics has a lot to do with the way out skin will age.