Originally Posted by MissResha I think its really nice over Rock & Republic Immoral blush
I found some swatches of the Rock & Republic blushes and they look so pretty! They're just so expensive! Do you know if any other brand comes close to those colors that still have a matte finish?
Originally Posted by blazeno.8 I found some swatches of the Rock & Republic blushes and they look so pretty! They're just so expensive! Do you know if any other brand comes close to those colors that still have a matte finish?
This isn't really answering your question, but I've seen the R&R blushes twice in the last year on Hautelook for 40%+ off, so if you keep an eye out you might get lucky.
Originally Posted by makeuptianna Im pairing this with M.A.C's Copperplate and NYX Orange, hightlighting with NARS Albatros and for lips Im doing Aurburn lipliner and So Chaud lipstick from M.A.C
Ditto...I too have been struggling with Stereo Rose. Along with everyone else, I got caught up in the hype and brought four of them, but for the life of me, I can't find the right combination. thanks for the suggestions. I will give them a try.
Old thread I know but I got Stereo Rose at a CCO last Thursday and love it. Wearing it today as a highlight with Sephora's Hot Flush blush and light contour with Black Radiance Blackberry bronzer and it looks great.
Old thread I know but I got Stereo Rose at a CCO last Thursday and love it. Wearing it today as a highlight with Sephora's Hot Flush blush and light contour with Black Radiance Blackberry bronzer and it looks great.
Old but still in context! I remember when there was a super rush on the original Stereo Rose release & it sold out super fast! I ended up giving up my dup. Then it was re-released to much less fan fare & a different color formulation. I did not jump on that version. I just dug out my original a few days ago! I wear it lightly dusted over any deep pink/coral blush.