WOC] Porn Star / Glam Look


Active member
forgive my shortcomings...this is my first time doing a FOTD. yeah...ha ha...i'm a FOTD virgin. but my cherry has now officially been popped! well... sort of! lol! i did this look this past saturday (4/12) because i have been thinking of trying to pull of the look in my title. i noticed that a lot of people were responding to the WOC porn star thread showing positive interest so i decided to add my 2 cents in. here goes nothing.

I used:
penny s/s
crystal avalanche e/s
parfait amour e/s
sally girl e/s in burgundy and aqua
alpha girl b/p
underplay l/s
can't remember the l/g... probably Heatherette Sock Hop (my fav)
cheap brown eyeliner 4 my brows
plushlash in plushblack

Ooo! BTW if i posted anything wrong lemme know...k?



and of course the kissy face!



Well-known member
That's like so like pretty and like yeaaah! The lips are gorgeous. All WOC on Specktra should do a train of pornn staR looks


Well-known member
Love that look! But not for Porn Star... Girl you gotta put on some major eyeliner.... and some false lashes! Gotta do it like a Slut! But since I'm not a porn star I would define copy this look b/c I love it!


Well-known member
I love this look just as is but I think it would also look lovely with a bit of liner on the upper lid to accent the lashline. Nice work!


Well-known member
The eyeshadow is pretty but I would add falsies and perhaps a glowing blush/look to the cheeks then it'd be pow.


Well-known member
I really like this...I think your eyeswould have really popped with liner on though...But it's still really pretty...