Women from Polygamist sect


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oopsie, I was referring to this quote

Originally Posted by shadowaddict
the females hang their heads down and started disappearing into their houses.


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Originally Posted by MAKExMExUP
So we know that the women there marry very young... but what about the young men? Because the older men have multiple wives, there becomes a "shortage" of females. Thus young boys born into the community are 'kicked out' and forced to fend for themselves so that there are more women to go around for the older dudes. Insane.

Yeah, a lot of young boys are sent away on "missions" which are usually to work at one of the businesses the “church” owns. The church or prophet if you will has tons of money and property where as the other families generally do not much at all, sometimes having just bread or a little rice to eat. All money goes to the United Effort Plan, which the prophet has control over. Sometimes they are taken and just dropped off somewhere to fend for themselves. Some of the boys are of the “Lost Boys” a group to help boys like this adjust so they can live in the outside world. In one book I read they were referred to as “Poofers” because one day they would be there and the next day they weren’t. I have also read this term is used for young girls also when they are secretly married off and sent away. Usually the girl does not know that she is getting married until at the most a couple of days before she is to wed and sometimes only a couple of hours. Then she is not left alone until after the ceremony so she will not try to escape. This particular sect has a place in Canada also. And sometimes men will have wives scattered about different little towns.

The first wife is a legal wife but the others are spiritual wives and the ceremonies are generally kept quite. All married women are expected to have a baby a year. This increases their numbers (but as they believe give bodies to the spirit children in heaven waiting for Earthly bodies to occupy, this is also a belief of mainstream Mormons) The wives after the first since they are not legally married can then can collect welfare and food stamps and all other benefits because they are legally single moms. Due to the incest there are a number of birth defects among the children and these are thought of as “blessings” because the mother can get more money from the government. Of course she does not get to keep any of the money and many times the children go without in terms of food and clothing.


Well-known member
They pretty much brainwash those women, and its so sad and sick to see. They don't know any other life but being part of that clan, they think that this is how god intended everyones lives to be, theyve completely brought them up brainwashed, I feel so sorry for them... they think we are in the wrong for taking their kids away, they dont see that its our only option left, they are polluting the minds of those young children... so sad


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Originally Posted by blindpassion
They pretty much brainwash those women, and its so sad and sick to see. They don't know any other life but being part of that clan, they think that this is how god intended everyones lives to be, theyve completely brought them up brainwashed, I feel so sorry for them... they think we are in the wrong for taking their kids away, they dont see that its our only option left, they are polluting the minds of those young children... so sad

You are so right with that. They are making a public outcry in hopes of repeating history. The state of Utah raided them in the 50's (at that time it was called Short Creek, as the two towns of Colorado City, AZ and Hilldale, UT are on the borders) and arrested most of the men and took away the women and children. When the rest of the country heard about it as it was reported how the state came and ambushed them and just yanked these families apart the country went nuts. Everyone freaked and thought the state of Utah was way out of line. So pretty much everything returned as usual. Since then the state has turned a blind eye to what has been going on there and they have known about it. It has gone as far as involving the governor in the past. In the past few years things have started to leak out about them and Utah has wanted to appear to be taking action. I just hope these women and children will get some help. There is a group called Tapestry Against Polygamy. You can read more here:

Tapestry against Polygamy: Creating a choice and a voice through education and support


Well-known member
I think the whole thing is f***ing revoulting..... The fact that some of these young girls first introduction to a "happy" marriage will be rape makes me sick.. The fact that they then allow their own daughters to go through the same thing makes me even sicker. These men are nothing better than paedophiles IMHO - they all need to be shot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I think the whole thing is f***ing revoulting..... The fact that some of these young girls first introduction to a "happy" marriage will be rape makes me sick.. The fact that they then allow their own daughters to go through the same thing makes me even sicker. These men are nothing better than paedophiles IMHO - they all need to be shot.

It is soooo sick...and sad. These women think the State is the enemy - not those sickos that are raping their young daughters on a nightly basis all because the Prophet says it's "OK".


Well-known member
By sitting here making fun of them and slamming their appearance, way of life (not including the polygamist and rape/statutory rape parts...just the 'backwards' way of living), etc. we're perpetuating what their 'husbands' told them would happen. Part of the control these men had was telling these women they wouldn't be accepted in the outside world.

Lo and behold.

My brother and his wife live in the town this stuff is happening in, it's not funny, worth poking jokes at, or anything like that. It's sad, it's overwhelming, it's pathetic, and in many cases it's heartbreaking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
By sitting here making fun of them and slamming their appearance, way of life (not including the polygamist and rape/statutory rape parts...just the 'backwards' way of living), etc. we're perpetuating what their 'husbands' told them would happen. Part of the control these men had was telling these women they wouldn't be accepted in the outside world.

Lo and behold.

My brother and his wife live in the town this stuff is happening in, it's not funny, worth poking jokes at, or anything like that. It's sad, it's overwhelming, it's pathetic, and in many cases it's heartbreaking.

It is very sad, indeed. It seems to be our culture to make fun of and degrade that which is "different" in our eyes and what we don't understand. And that doesn't make it right...just an observation.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
They probably think that this is normal. Imagine yourself being born into this type of society I guess? If everyone told you this was normal and everyone did it from a young age then it would be a lot easier to believe. I don't agree with any of it though. I think it's disgusting. If they just lived a different type of life that people wouldn't consider morally wrong and was simply just different from average, then I would be open minded and wouldn't care and if the girls had a choice in the way that they lived it wouldn't be as bad if it was ethical, but it's not that way at all.


Well-known member
Aside from the obvious sad aspects of this, another appalling issue is the media.

The media is interviewing these women who are absolutley torn apart by loosing their kids. They are just stirring these women up. The reality is that these women have been taught to be victims all their life and the media is totally playing into it for "good" TV.

Another thing I noticed is their puffy hairdos. They really are a sad statement. They are the only way these ladies can express themselves through their own bodies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Aside from the obvious sad aspects of this, another appalling issue is the media.

The media is interviewing these women who are absolutley torn apart by loosing their kids. They are just stirring these women up. The reality is that these women have been taught to be victims all their life and the media is totally playing into it for "good" TV.

Another thing I noticed is their puffy hairdos. They really are a sad statement. They are the only way these ladies can express themselves through their own bodies.

The puffy hairdo thing is that they believe pretty much the higher the better. It is their belief that it is like reaching up to heaven, almost like a show of respect upwards to heaven. So they try to get it as tall as they can on top.

There are polygamist groups scattered about the US and Canada and used to in Mexico. Some are christian, others off shoots like this one of mormonism and not sure of the others. But it would be one thing if the women chose this lifestyle but in this group and many like it they do not. They are held like slaves and threatened. They are scared for their children and themselves. They are afraid to speak out because they know what will happen to them or their kids if they get sent back. They honestly believe this is the only way to heaven. They have been taught they are God's chosen people and they are being tested.

It is so heart breaking. I just hope that now that it has been brought out in the public that their wish of an angry public comes true but not for what the leaders want in returning everyone and leaving them alone but for the authorities to realize this is a cult and these people have been brainwashed from birth. A few women in the past have said that in church you will not even hear a baby cry because as babies the fathers will hit the baby until it cries and then hold them under water until it stops crying. This is repeated until the baby does not cry anymore. And during family prayer meetings that will sometimes last hours even the smallest of children are awaken in the middle of the night when "Father" (the man and is called this by wives as well) decides he is going to hold a prayer session. Everyone is expected to sit a certain way and not move or make a sound until he says it is over. Children as well as wives are often beaten for “disrupting” the meeting. These women and children need compassion and help. They know of no other way to live and they are taught not to trust "outsiders" because we are all evil and of the Devil.


Well-known member
I don't have it in me to make fun of their dresses, lack of makeup or unibrow, I just don't. These women are truly victims, but unlike many victims in today's world, they don't even KNOW they're victims because they've been raised in an extremely secluded and insular society for generations. They dress the way they dress because that's the way it's always been. There is no TV, fashion magazines or any outside sources coming into their homes from our "gentile" world.

For those who are putting them down for their appearance when they don't know any other way, how about showing some compassion for these women and the children they bear? I was raised around mormon beliefs. I'm very glad it never took. I realize these sects are an extreme mormon sect, but the fundamental beliefs between the LDS and the FLDS are still the same. They're both highly patriarchal theologies put in place by MEN to keep WOMEN in their place.


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Originally Posted by babiid0llox
I know this isn't very constructive but one of them has a monobrow.


No, it's neither constructive nor relevant to this horrible situation. But you are entitled to your opinion, I'm just sorry I have to disagree with this statement so strongly. These sects abuse religious freedom at the expense of these women's lives, and their children and the children after that....

It's ironic that these sects are so anti-government and anti-tax, yet they have no qualms about taking food stamps and welfare for these illegitimate children.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
I don't have it in me to make fun of their dresses, lack of makeup or unibrow, I just don't. These women are truly victims, but unlike many victims in today's world, they don't even KNOW they're victims because they've been raised in an extremely secluded and insular society for generations. They dress the way they dress because that's the way it's always been. There is no TV, fashion magazines or any outside sources coming into their homes from our "gentile" world.

For those who are putting them down for their appearance when they don't know any other way, how about showing some compassion for these women and the children they bear? I was raised around mormon beliefs. I'm very glad it never took. I realize these sects are an extreme mormon sect, but the fundamental beliefs between the LDS and the FLDS are still the same. They're both highly patriarchal theologies put in place by MEN to keep WOMEN in their place.

You mean like a woman can't get to heaven unless her husband calls her thru the veil?
Like how the husband is the 'priest' of the family, and the wife must submit?
How the women are expected to have 6+ children or be considered a 'bad mormon'?
How the females are expected to submit, defer, and obey everything the husband commands?

Things like that?

Mormonism burns my ass as much as islam does because the entire foundation of the religion is based on keeping women held prisoner physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You mean like a woman can't get to heaven unless her husband calls her thru the veil?
Like how the husband is the 'priest' of the family, and the wife must submit?
How the women are expected to have 6+ children or be considered a 'bad mormon'?
How the females are expected to submit, defer, and obey everything the husband commands?

Things like that?

Mormonism burns my ass as much as islam does because the entire foundation of the religion is based on keeping women held prisoner physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. It's a pretty severe theology and women are really treated like second class citizens. How does a woman get to heaven if her husband dies? Oh, she's supposed to become someone else's second, third, or twentieth freakin' wife because god doesn't talk to women, apparently.

And women in the high places of mormon church? Fugheddabout it, it doesn't happen and just like the catholic church, it won't.

When I was a little girl, I used to attend classes at the mormon church on Wednesday afternoons after school. I call it the "early indoctrination" program, they called it primary school. I must have driven my teacher nuts with all my questions and I was only 10 years old. Come to think of it, I can STILL drive a teacher nuts with questions!

Little me raised my hand - why do men get to have so many wives?
teacher: because the book says so.
Little me: why don't women have many husbands?
teacher: because the book says so.
Little me. what happens if the daddy dies, what happens to the woman then?
teacher: your mom will find a new husband so she can go to heaven.
Little me: my dad died 2 years ago and she hasn't found a husband yet, does that mean she'll go to hell?
teacher: unless she finds a husband to call her to heaven, it's possible.
Little me: why won't god call her himself, why does the husband have to?
teacher: because the book says so.

By the time I was 11 years old I pretty much decided it was all bullshit. My mind hasn't changed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
.....Mormonism burns my ass as much as islam does because the entire foundation of the religion is based on keeping women held prisoner physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Incoming pissed-off comments in, wait....wait for it.....3...2...1... (you know they're coming, right?)