Work troubles - would you feel threatened?


Well-known member
Ok, I feel a little angry at the mo and I wondered if any of you guys have ever suffered a similar situation and what you did to overcome it. Your help would be so much appreciated either way, because right now this is really getting me worried!

One of my colleagues who I won't name, let's call her Hilary lol, is a little cheeky to say the least. She's in her 40s and sometimes the way she behaves you'd think she was younger than me (I'm in my 20s). Anyway to cut to the chase recently I can't help but feel she's been trying to steal my job and take responsibilities that I have and do them herself. Sounds crazy? Let me explain...

She's the office manager and she does all the accounts and sorts out all of the admin necessary for the company. I'm a project manager so I manage some of the jobs that come in through the studio and make sure the clients are kept happy. When we go on video shoots etc. I play the role of Production Asssistant running around trying to get everyone fed and watered, looking after props and costumes and the actors - anything really to help!

Hilary's not been doing much of her own work of late. She rarely sits down and does anything at her desk, whenever possible she tries to spend her office hours skiving, talking to other people, doing menial and pointless things, making private phone calls and generally taking the biscuit.
When she's not doing that she cops off 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, early to see her boyfriend (bearing in mind two years in a row now when my bf and I have gone to celebrate our anniversary we had it cut short or had it ruined because we had to stay late to get work done)

Recently I asked my boss if I could take some time off to do a makeup course. He was great about it and said I could as long as I took it in the summer when work is quiet. In order to get the leave booked in the calendar I need to tell Hilary so she can block book it. So I told her about the course and my plans etc. She got a little nosy (as she often is) and started asking what I planned to do once the course was done (almost implying I'd obviously leave work) and saying unsupportive things like "Well I spoke to suchandsuch and she's not getting any work in the industry. I mean what would you do?!".

I explained to her that I've researched the industry, I know it's competitive but it's not going to put me off. I also explained what with our video work here I'd like to use my skills for the company. (I explained to her I was having issues obtaining funding so eventually due to complications I've decided to save up myself and wait a year.

She then had dinner with a friend of ours who used to work with us the other evening. My friend told me the next day what Hilary had been saying during the meal and I wasn't at all surprised because I knew she would fish as she's so nosy it's untrue!

During dinner she kept saying things like "I'm worried about Amanda. She doesn't seem very happy" She was alluding to the fact that that day I'd been unhappy (my bf who happened to work there too, has been told he can't have his job back after doing his studies despite being told he could several times till now). Then she mentioned to my friend that I was doing this course and spending all this money on it and it all pointed to "signs of someone being really unhappy in their job".

My friend said she couldn't help but feel she was trying to get information out of her that would confirm what she wanted to hear - that she was desperate to see if I wanted to leave the company.

It all slotted into place. I'd been suspecting this for a while what with everytime a shoot is being organised she tells my boss she doesn't mind going and doing all of the stuff I normally do - and get this, when it was possible that an MUA couldn't be afforded on the job for merely powdering she stepped in and said "I could powder" only moments after I'd told her about my course! Then another colleague stepped in and said "or Amanda could do it" and my boss chimed in and said "yeah" and Hilary had to say "oh yes, of course you could do it instead".

At the shoot last week she spent the entire time trying to shout around that she'd help the runner, make the tea, do this and that.

And then yesterday was the ultimate offence - she waltzed up to me and told me that she'd been talking with our boss and others about how she was going to go on the shoots, not me but she couldn't make Thursday as she was copping off with her bf again early so she asked if I could go that day instead.
I raised an eyebrow and she began to stutter and started to saying "well, er, what was it that we discussed?... I seem to, er, remember you saying you couldn't make the shoots, no? Erm..." I explained calmly that I could make all three, didn't mind doing the Thursday and that to be honest I'm used to doing them all because that's my job role when out of the office onsite with these things. She said "Oh okay, that's fine. Great" She then phoned down to tell my colleague I'd be going and began to make a joke that as the best person wasn't free (i.e. her) they'd have to settle for me!

I think it's pretty clear she's trying to get hold of my job because she's bored with her own.

I'm worried that she'll have words with my boss and say things like "Don't you think her asking to do this course suggests she's unhappy here?" etc. etc. I'm hoping my boss has the sense to see that I'm still happy working here and that I have no intention to leave at all. I just have interests I'd like to develop and that essentially they could benefit his company in the long run.

I really hope that he doesn't cave in to her naughty shenanagins. I'm really worried because she's crafty and she's also slightly related to my boss so if there was ever a pressure to make her happy it would be that...

What would you guys do in my position? I need you! x


Well-known member
ah ok so to be completely honest, and im sure this is the answer that you dont want to hear, but with the way the economy is right now with all the hiring freezes i honestly would reschedule the course and wait to take it until my job was more secure. this is especially true if your boyfriend just lost his job after he did his studies (ESP after he was promised a job, like you with the same company!) it sounds to me that this company of yours doesnt really honor their promises and that it doesnt seem to have much job security.. i'm sorry if this isnt the answer that you want to hear but i'm graduating tomorrow and im terrified i wont find a job so im transferring home and keeping my waitressing/bartending job that i have now (that after 3 years of basically slavery to this company i can barely stand to do anymore) just to be sure that i have some source of income


Well-known member
I totally agree with Ali. I would put off the makeup course. Take back control of your position. It seems like Hilary is getting to know your job right now, and if you think she doesn't like her position, she may try to steal yours.


Well-known member
i agree
i see these kinds of post all the time and my advice is - espeacially now in this economy - never tell your job if you are considering anything like this. they hear classes and assume you are leaving.. i am very private, and do not tell anyone at work too much about me. it kinda sucks because i would like to reach out but i know how work places can be and i just basically keep it professional. of course i joke around and talk to my co-workers but i keep future ambitions (as in things that do not involve my work) and personal stuff private.


Well-known member
Talk to your boss, not mentioning her at all, and tell him how you plan to utilize your new skills to make the company more profitable. Let him know that you appreciate and enjoy your job. Assure him that while you can't make every shoot you are learning skills that will be even more beneficial to the company. Study and work hard so everyone can see improvement in your skill.

Then think of something to get the company name out there. Set up a website in their name. Google is a great place to start if you need a launching pad and don't want to spend a fortune. First go to and make a website. Add important information for your audience. Add a picture(you can sneak more of your own in if you are doing the site), as people are visual. Try out google adsense, it is free, and makes money. It places other people's ads related to your page keywords and when someone clicks on one of these adds you get paid a little bit. A few cents here and there eventually start to add up. Use specific and general keywords for your targetted audience so you come up high in search engines lists. Title, tag, date and map out information as much as possible. . If you meet your goal, you or the company gets paid monthly by check. You can add 3 adsense ads per page, so don't be shy, write an article with it's own url. Note: its a policy violation to click your own adds and inflate your revenues or have others to click on them to earn revenues. You have to pay taxes, but the amount you have to pay is recorded in your adsense account. Next tryout Adwords.. It isn't free, but you choose your spending limit, you can either post pay or prepay, but be careful in your decision as it can't be changed.. these ads appear alongside google's search engine or other people's related webpages. It's basically the opposite as adSense. For example someone searches for "photo shoots" your company add automatically reaches the audience you want by placing it next to google's search results or other websites that are related using the keyword. If you dedicate $5 a day, your add will come up about 6 times depending on the keywords you specify for adwords ( i used "photo shoot".) Some keywords are less expensive than others, like "pin up photo shoot" only charges you .05 per click, while "professional photo shoot" costs 1.50. The higher cost of keyword the more likely it is to come up in searches. So choose high dollar specific keywoards and avoid duplicate keywoards. For optimal ad visibility, include relevant keyword variations, along with singular and plural versions for a broader audience that is related to your field of business. This is true for adsense too. an example of a keyword variation is makeup and make up.

You can pause your spending amount at any time, so you don't go over a specific amount. but it is advised you add a backup credit card incase you go over accidentely. Who knows the site may become an overnight success. Add the company location to maps, with hours of operation, phone numbers and more 3 more adsense ads. This targets locals. And don't forget about google analytics. This analyzes and shows you on easy to read graphs and charts where your traffic is coming from, referring sites, how long they spend on your site and individual pages. It also shows the number of returning visitors. Then you can tailor your page to things your "audience" is most interested in. There are tips regarding the best colors to use, where to place important info (top left corner), the sizing of adds. The more you put into your pages the more profitable it will be.

If the company sells tangible goods, you need a shopping cart, but lets just wait a second on that, because that costs money.

Eventually if you do your proper research, offers/collaborations/clients from the same field will start to contact your comopany. Profits will rise. You are going to have to go the extra mile and put in work but when you get it up and running you don't have to do much but updating and making new pages(with 3 more adsense ads and a new url). People love pictures, but not so many on a page that it takes too long to download, people are impatient and will leave the page if it doesn't download fast enough.

Did you know website color is the most overlooked stragety for marketing a website? You have to tailor it to the business, age of the viewers, gender, social class, and popular colors of the moment. The three most important choices in deciding color are age (young prefer brights, older more muted or neutrals), color trends(important in the fashion industry), and hardest of all, the color best suited for the business you are promoting.

It is a little difficult at first, but there is alot of info on google which can help you. They own youtube, picasa, orkut, etc..
There are tools to optimize search results and filters, studies to join ranging from the most popular words or phrases searched over a period of time to images that resemble each other.

Do not share any of this information with anyone except your boss. "hilary" will try to use it against you or steal your ideas. See how your boss responds to your suggestions and ask him alot of questions on what he thinks would be most profitable for the company. Try to build on his suggestions and talk to him enthusiastically on how your skill can add to it and make it even better. Promote your company along with yourself. You are going to have to work longer and harder to do all of this, but it can be done, As for "hilary" always be happy, confident and upbeat around her. Don't let her silently bully you or give her any substance so she talk behind your back. Keep up great relationships with your other co workers. Put on a happy face no matter what. You probably have the upper hand and don't even know it. You are more attune to a younger age group, which is also better at the internet and research using it. You are going to school and learning the newest methods and trends. Please don't stop school now if you can help it, at the most cut back on your hours. If you make your company money too it will probably secure your job and get you a promotion... or you could find a higher paying job altogether. Don't tell anyone but your boss about the website until it is up or unless he tells people first. Other co-workers can contribute, just don't let anyone take control of this from you. This is your project.

It sucks that she is slightly related to your boss, but it doesn't mean he is automatically going to fire you.

I apoligize for the novel, but i truly feel for you especially since the economy sucks and you feel like you are on thin ground. I also got caught up in the ways to promote your business. It is all very interesting to know all the details for a successful site. I don't know of many business sites or large sites that don't use a pay per click function, it is a must have.

What exactly does the company do in general?


Well-known member
I see that a lot in my huge college town, I'm trying to get a part time job but most people don't want to hire students because they know we'll be gone in 1-2 years and their training leaves with us. I've seen ads specifically mention "only long term applicants" or "no students please".. and they seem like the perfect student jobs- underpaid, flexible, and 10-20 hours during business hours... I mean how many people can really fit that kind of job into their schedule or live off of it? Mostly students or stay at home moms that want a little extra money.

A company is scared to invest in you with training and time if you are bettering yourself to move on to another place. Especially if the company feels like what they have to offer you will no longer suit your new talents. You need to become indispensable to your boss and although I love the idea of taking a course I wouldn't want to prove that they can get along without you or can afford to cut your hours... because most companies are also trying to pinch pennies where they can.


Well-known member
Yeah, I had someone who tried pulling this kind of crap on me. What's worse is that at one point he had my job, didn't apply for the contract and when I got the contract again he became very protective of the title and even tried to get me to pay for non job related things through the account attached to the job. In other words, he didn't like the job, but he liked having the perks.

I started to keep track of what he was doing, and getting some of my friends who found his behavior to be of concern to take note too. I then went to my boss with this information and my boss (of course completely *shocked* because of his close relationship with this dude) offered to talk to this guy. That really facilitated a nice conversation that was awkward, but also really needed. In the end he said, he wasn't trying to overstep his boundaries and just wanted to help (hu... yeah right) but would keep his distance unless we asked for help.

Needless to say... we didn't ask for his help, and I made sure that anyone who tried to bring him to future meetings found themselves not invited to the meetings.

In other words, the best way to keep the ball in your court, keep clear records and have open honest dialogues.