Working as a waitress


Well-known member
I've actually never really had a job before because I've been putting all my effort into getting good grades in school and what not, but I figure it's about time that I get one (and I would like the extra money to fuel more of my makeup addiction

I was thinking about working at a book store since I love books, but my friend suggested I be a waitress since they supposedly make good money off tips.

So my question is.. for those of you who have worked as waitresses at restaurants or bars, is there a difference? I would think you get hit on more at bars since it can get rowdy with drunk men lol, but my friend said that you make more off tips working at a bar than at restaurants.

Any advice/input/stories would be helpful!!


Well-known member
Drunk people generally tip better I`ve found. If you`re willing to deal with the grouchy, rude, and often argumentative people who you will encounter as a waitress, then do it. You can make a lot of money. Be warned, it`s a hard job.


Well-known member
i was a waitress and a bartender while i went to university full-time. it was great money, great for only working a few days a week and the hours are great for students. you definitely make more tip money with drinkers. but like nutmeg said, it is a tough job and you do have to work hard and hustle.

you do have to be patient with drinkers cuz some can get rowdy, obnoxious, annoying, sleazy, it's really up to you. you do get hit on working at a bar so you need to know how to handle those situations.

hope that helps! good luck~ =)


Well-known member
I have so much respect for people who work in the service industry. They have such difficult jobs, yet everyone thinks that their jobs are "easy." It's not easy having to deal with buttheads all day. I treat service employees like gold, because, although I;ve never worked in a job like that, I can empathize. Plus, the better you treat them, the better they'll treat you.


Well-known member
^That's ALWAYS true.. I know a lot of people are really rude and impolite to waitresses/waiters, and I'm not THAT sensitive to people saying harsh things to me, but it can make me feel pretty bad. Should I try to find another job then if I can't handle things like that all too well?


Well-known member
If you take things personally it can really get to you. You have to be able to disconnect your sense of self worth from what people say to you at work. When someone is complaining and blaming you for something that you have no control over, you have to be able to smile and take it. If you have a short temper or don't like dealing with irrational people, it's not the job for you. That's not to say that everyone you encounter is going to be an absolute jerk, just that you have to be able to deal with it when it happens.