Working for Sephora


Well-known member
So I really really hope I get a call back, they're opening a Sephora in my city (opening date is May 7th) and I applied to work there full time... I applied about 2.5 weeks ago and still haven't got a call, but a little birdy told me she knows the store director and they are still figuring out management... Then I got a hold of the district manager and she told me the direct e-mail of the store director so she didn't have to dig around the 250+ resumes to find me
That gives me hope that I might get a call... I don't know why I wouldnt, I have retail experience and I'm an esthetician so I have knowledge of skincare and cosmetics... I keep hoping for the best, I feel so impatient.


the person that interviewed me said its 4 weeks of training before the store opens. I guess every store is a little different for every sephora.

Sabrunka goodluck! It took me about 1 month after i applied when i got the call. Then 3 days before i got hired

I'm still waiting on a call for the details about training.


Well-known member
Does anyone know when sephora starts hiring for seasonal help for the summmer? Also, I live in tx, does anyone know a ballpark area of how much I'd be making if I got hired?


OMG i just received a letter abt my SoS training. Its only for 1 week. im so nervous! Nothing about brand training tho


Well-known member
It could be that you were hired quite a bit after everyone. Normally for a new store, there's an education team that travels to the city where the store is opening and the training is done with everyone. (Usually in a hotel or conference center.) This starts AT LEAST a month before the store opens, because after that there is still the actual set-up for the products in the store, which takes about 2 weeks.

If you were hired before the store opening, but too late for the initial training, then they can only send out for SOS. (They have regular sessions throughout the year - some of the girls I worked with didn't get theirs until well after they started training.) In that case, your brand training will come throughout the year as the brand reps visit.


Active member
Sephora salaries????

Hello world!!! I am interviewing with sephora and I was wondering what is the average pay for makeup consultants? I have above average skills in the makeup business and have been in makeup for years. I have also been in retail before...what should I go in asking for w/o shorting myself?? Thanks guys...ur suggestions and opinions would be greatly appreciated!


Active member
Re: Sephora salaries????

Originally Posted by DivineFacez
Hello world!!! I am interviewing with sephora and I was wondering what is the average pay for makeup consultants? I have above average skills in the makeup business and have been in makeup for years. I have also been in retail before...what should I go in asking for w/o shorting myself?? Thanks guys...ur suggestions and opinions would be greatly appreciated!

I think it will really depend alot on the area as far as salary goes.But you say you have above average skills in makeup business.Do you been you have above average skills in applying makeup or you have above average skills in working in retail selling makeup? Also you say you have been in makeup for years.Do you mean you've been working as a makeup artist for years or that you've been working in retail for years? I only ask because i think Sephora wants somebody with more experience in retail,because they will train you in makeup.So i think the strong point they want initially is can you sell product,can you make your quota.Versus how well you can do a smoky eye or contour the hell out of cheekbones lol Ya know what i mean? lol I would say to look around your area and see what the average salary is for Sephora employees in your area.But i must say its really just working retail and retail usually doesn't pay very well.Though i have never worked for Sephora i have worked for other companies working retail.They usually give everyone a set starting pay rate and it goes up from there.So i don't think there is much negotiating room for salary in the beginning.That's just my personal experience.So its a good thing to do a little research on salary before you go in and ask for too much because then they may just pass on you if you ask for too much money.But you also don't want to assk for too little.So maybe ask around in your area.Anyway absolute best of luck!


Well-known member
I have an interview with Sephora today at 11. A manager called me last week, but I applied over a month ago. I also had an accounting interview last week. Keep me in your prayers girls. This week is a crazy week.


Well-known member
Re: Sephora salaries????

I interviewed at Sephora today. We didn't discuss salary/wages, but I've heard Sephora pays better than most retailers. God bless on your interview!

Originally Posted by DivineFacez
Hello world!!! I am interviewing with sephora and I was wondering what is the average pay for makeup consultants? I have above average skills in the makeup business and have been in makeup for years. I have also been in retail before...what should I go in asking for w/o shorting myself?? Thanks guys...ur suggestions and opinions would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
I recently picked up an application, and I was wondering what you all put for what position you're applying for. I looked online, but didn't see any mention of what the typical positions are in the stores. For reference, I'm not a makeup artist, I have retail experience, and of course a vast knowledge of makeup. (I would prefer a position on the floor). Also, I have a bachelor's degree in communications-- which I don't know if that means anything in the Sephora world when you're starting out--but, I would be interested in management or at least learning what I can to move up in the company.

I don't mean to sound over-zealous or anything, but I've been job searching the last year with no luck, and I'm desperate to get out of the hardware store I'm working at now and at least work in a place that suits my interests. Makeup has become such a hobby for me--I thoroughly enjoy researching it and expanding my knowledge and having fun learning all about it. Any guidance would be much appreciated


Well-known member
I'm in a similar situtation with my accounting degree. I put down beauty advisor. Sephora has like 3 or 4 sections on the floor: makeup, skincare, fragrance and something else I think. I think a degree is a plus at Sephora. THe manager explained that there are opportunities for advancement esp. in management. There is also an education team and a team that goes to fashion week and reports back to Sephora. There are a few routes you can take. Tell them about your passion for makeup and product knowledge is a plus. They sort of train everyone in all areas so that you can be knowledgeable and helpful to customers when they come in the store. Ask them to put you in makeup!

Originally Posted by Juxtapose
I recently picked up an application, and I was wondering what you all put for what position you're applying for. I looked online, but didn't see any mention of what the typical positions are in the stores. For reference, I'm not a makeup artist, I have retail experience, and of course a vast knowledge of makeup. (I would prefer a position on the floor). Also, I have a bachelor's degree in communications-- which I don't know if that means anything in the Sephora world when you're starting out--but, I would be interested in management or at least learning what I can to move up in the company.

I don't mean to sound over-zealous or anything, but I've been job searching the last year with no luck, and I'm desperate to get out of the hardware store I'm working at now and at least work in a place that suits my interests. Makeup has become such a hobby for me--I thoroughly enjoy researching it and expanding my knowledge and having fun learning all about it. Any guidance would be much appreciated



Well-known member
Sephora... what does this mean?

So after applying, showing them my resume and port, I called sephora to check up on my app and as soon as i said my first name the girl was like "YEAH YEAH i remember you! hold on just 1 minute!"
she transfered me to the hiring manager who prett much just told me she liked my resume etc etc and asked me if i would work at different store, to which i said yes

then they called me back a few hrs later! the store director told me that he had loved my work and thought my portfoliio was outstanding, and after a minute of this, he told me that another location in central dallas was hiring and that he wanted permission to forward my stuff to 'other brands that might need employees too.'

i said yes, of course... but what does this mean?? like, counter help? trainers? i have been working in retail for like 3 or 4 years (fashion) and well i'd like to say my makeup skills are 'above average', but im not exactly sure what kind of position he's forwarding my resume and portfolio to other companies for. i have an interview with him tomorrow.

Any ideas??


Well-known member
Re: Sephora... what does this mean?

no clue but it sounds awesome after the way mac treated you!

keep us posted what goes on


Well-known member
Re: Sephora... what does this mean?

Hi! Well good news
my interview went great, we talked for nearly an hour. Apparently, stila, too faced, benefit and mufe need brand reps so he wanted to know if I would be interested in that. I have another interview with the store mgr of a differet location but he said I'm pretty much in