Working weekends at MAC...


Well-known member
Is it mandatory to work every/all weekend at MAC p/t? Do you have to do both sat & sun or how does it work? Do you ever get weekends off??

Is it possible to just work during the week as a part-timer and say just saturday morning?

Someone please fill me in on the 411....



Well-known member
Since I have become permanent (last September), I have had one Saturday off-and that was when I was on vacation. I have had several Fridays & Sundays off, but it really depends on your position (a 15 hour position is specifically closing shifts Fri, Sat & Sun while a 24 or a 30 are more varied)

It is general MAC policy that Saturdays is the busiest day of the week & that everyone must work them. Some lower volume stores/some managers allow the staff to have one Saturday off a month, but it all has to be approved through higher management.

If you do not have that much flexibility for weekends in your current availability, honestly, MAC probably isn't the job for may want to look into a freelance position instead of a permanent one so you can decide what shifts you can & can't take.


Well-known member
Thank you very much for your reply

Can you explain the "freelance" position? I called a freestanding store here in Toronto and they said there's no such thing!?


Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Since I have become permanent (last September), I have had one Saturday off-and that was when I was on vacation. I have had several Fridays & Saturdays off, but it really depends on your position (a 15 hour position is specifically closing shifts Fri, Sat & Sun while a 24 or a 30 are more varied)

It is general MAC policy that Saturdays is the busiest day of the week & that everyone must work them. Some lower volume stores/some managers allow the staff to have one Saturday off a month, but it all has to be approved through higher management.

If you do not have that much flexibility for weekends in your current availability, honestly, MAC probably isn't the job for may want to look into a freelance position instead of a permanent one so you can decide what shifts you can & can't take.



Well-known member
I don't know anything about Toronto, but a freelance/on-call position is basically a group of staff that do not work regularly. They are mostly used for events and when extra help is needed (prom, holiday, etc). The way freelance works is that once hired you submit your name & number to all the MAC locations in your area & when they need extra staff they will call people off that list. (Hope that makes sense...I'm a bit loopy right now)

Like I said, I don't know about Toronto's policies & positions, but to double check I would call a few locations...freestanding stores & counters & ask them about "freelance/on-call". (Usually there is one main store in the region that is in charge of freelance hiring...I don't know for sure, but I would assume that this would be the Pro Store so you may want to make this your first call.) If none of them know what this is, then it's safe to assume that this position doesn't exist in Canada.


Well-known member
Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days so everyone is usually on staff. However depending on the weekend and our goal people do get them off. If you tell them you don't want to work weekends or you only want mornings that you wont be getting the job. Weekends aren't that bad anyone, they're the best days to work. That's when you bust out your goal girl and it's so busy the day goes by so quickly.


Well-known member
Cool thanks amonna! How is working at MAC down there in Cali anyway? What is it like over there? I know that's a great market to be in for the industry...

Originally Posted by amoona
Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days so everyone is usually on staff. However depending on the weekend and our goal people do get them off. If you tell them you don't want to work weekends or you only want mornings that you wont be getting the job. Weekends aren't that bad anyone, they're the best days to work. That's when you bust out your goal girl and it's so busy the day goes by so quickly.


Well-known member
Awesome, thanks for the info and advice! I'll try calling the pro store over here...


Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
I don't know anything about Toronto, but a freelance/on-call position is basically a group of staff that do not work regularly. They are mostly used for events and when extra help is needed (prom, holiday, etc). The way freelance works is that once hired you submit your name & number to all the MAC locations in your area & when they need extra staff they will call people off that list. (Hope that makes sense...I'm a bit loopy right now)

Like I said, I don't know about Toronto's policies & positions, but to double check I would call a few locations...freestanding stores & counters & ask them about "freelance/on-call". (Usually there is one main store in the region that is in charge of freelance hiring...I don't know for sure, but I would assume that this would be the Pro Store so you may want to make this your first call.) If none of them know what this is, then it's safe to assume that this position doesn't exist in Canada.



Well-known member
Oh ya I forgot to mention the reason why I'm reluctant to work all weekend, is b/c I work full-time M-F already and night school (make-up artistry) evenings, so my days are so booked.. I look forward to having weekends off
But I would love to work at MAC so it might not feel like working...?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by diorgrl
Cool thanks amonna! How is working at MAC down there in Cali anyway? What is it like over there? I know that's a great market to be in for the industry...

It's great!!! But it's MAC so I'd imagine that it'd be great everywhere haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by diorgrl
Oh ya I forgot to mention the reason why I'm reluctant to work all weekend, is b/c I work full-time M-F already and night school (make-up artistry) evenings, so my days are so booked.. I look forward to having weekends off
But I would love to work at MAC so it might not feel like working...?

At least in my neck of the woods, part-timers usually work the weekend shifts. The fulltimers usually get part of the weekends off.


Well-known member
I think any limitations to your availibilty will greatly lessen your chances of getting hired. I also think that if you say absolutely no weekends that your chances of getting hired are nill. Depending on how busy the store is and how many employees it has, your schedule will vary. I don't think you will end up working both days of every single weekend. Plus, as a part-timer your shifts won't be a full eight hours. It's really not that bad.
If you are a freelance/on-call artist you will work more weekends than any other time because that is usually when events take place.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I think any limitations to your availibilty will greatly lessen your chances of getting hired. I also think that if you say absolutely no weekends that your chances of getting hired are nill. Depending on how busy the store is and how many employees it has, your schedule will vary. I don't think you will end up working both days of every single weekend. Plus, as a part-timer your shifts won't be a full eight hours. It's really not that bad.
If you are a freelance/on-call artist you will work more weekends than any other time because that is usually when events take place.

I have to have to be flexible because, in the end, it's a retail job and retail hours are crazy (that's why I left a counter and became a freelancer). Saturday mornings are usually not busy at all...they would probably want you there as a mid-shift (11-7) or closer (1-9:30) since that's the busiest time....which is good, because the shifts fly by...


Well-known member
Yeah, Saturdays are pretty much a must. I have 40/hr wekk day job and then I work at mac part time. I was hired as a 15, but I'm conctantly scheduled for 20-25 hours.

I requested a few saturdays off befor eI was hired, because I have modeling shows that I have to go to, but other than that, no saturdays off for me. We actually can't even implement the one saturday a month for anyone at our counter...we are horribly understaffed,


Well-known member
Thanks girls for all your replies!! Very helpful info! Yes the store's in my areas give one weekend off a month, so I'm sure it's not all that bad
Plus it's MAC so it should be great! Thanks!