Would a freestanding MAC store have the Makeup Art Cosmetic Collection already?


Active member
I know my counter wouldn't have it early, but I have been to the store and they've had stuff out early before. The only problem is, the store is a couple hours away and they aren't open and I'm totally in love with the quads. Just wondering if someone could help me out before I get my hopes up and can call the store. LOL I know, I'm an addict - at least I fit in here. :)


Well-known member
They probably have it....I doubt that they are selling it though....I would just call and ask....I was told by my store they are not allowed to sell anything until the 20th as of yesterday with exception for the prelaunch parties....


Well-known member
If they didn'thave an unveiling, they won't have it for sale until the official release date.


Well-known member
The only stores that sell collections early are pro stores, which are different from freestanding stores. Once in a blue moon a freestanding store will sell collections early, but that date is set from the getgo. With the exception of pro stores, this collection is being released at the same time everywhere-on the 20th.


Well-known member
Yep, they probably have it in their possession at the store but they won't sell it to you until the official release date. It's only a few days away!


Well-known member
I've tried calling my store early for collections and they always say I have to wait until the official date it comes out

BTW, I have never been to a Pro store... I travel a lot though so can anyone tell me if you have to have the Pro card or be an actual "pro" to shop at a Pro store? Or can anyone shop there? Thanks!