would u be upset if...


Well-known member
I dunno, I wouldn't waste my time with someone who was going around telling people other girls were hot, and asking for their numbers/emails, etc etc. It just seems disrespectful. If he's seeing you, he's seeing you, not other girls.


Well-known member
If hes dating you but still going around asking for other girls msn, whatever, then honey...
hes just not that into you, and hes not worth your time.

If he was as into this as you are, he wouldn't even consider the other girl.
And if a guy is trying to make you jealous, hes not the type you should be with.


Well-known member
yeah, he's not worth it!! There's no point wasting your time and energy on someone who's treating you like this already and your not even in a full on relationship. I think move on from him, and find someone who respects you and treats you how you deserve to be treated


Well-known member
If whatever he's doing is to make you jealous, I think he's really childish. If he's *interested* in you but still asking for other girls' MSN because they're hot, then I say he's not really into you. Find someone else hun
Don't waste your time on boys like that, they're not worth it. You need someone who is respectful and treats you good.


Well-known member
He is probably trying to make you jealous, to sort of get you back for those times when you kissed other guys. So either he's making a really stupid mistake, or he's doing it on purpose - that's for you to decide. But that "friend" of yours who is desperate to get him onto this girl sounds like an idiot too.
I hope u work it all out! x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
He is probably trying to make you jealous, to sort of get you back for those times when you kissed other guys. So either he's making a really stupid mistake, or he's doing it on purpose - that's for you to decide. But that "friend" of yours who is desperate to get him onto this girl sounds like an idiot too.
I hope u work it all out! x

Yes, I couldn't believe when I saw that she posted the photo and said that to him. She doesn't trust in our relationship, but I do (or did) and she has to help me, not to put me obstacles.
Thanks girls, what u have said to me is what I thought but I just couldn't accept. I think I'm gonna leave him.


Well-known member
First, I don't think you need to feel guilty about what you "did". You did not do anything "to him". You were not dating him so what you did was totally a normal single person would do (up to yourself to decide and judge).

He might be just trying to "get back at you". I don't know how old he is but it did sound somewhat childish. I'd think, if you want to give it another shot, express it straight to him that what you did before was when you were single and once you are seeing someone that's not something you'd do NOR accept, straight and firm and listen to what he has to say.

My two cents.

Oh, that girlfriend of yours... well.. not a very good friend in my opinion.

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