Would you Pay 1,200 for a full set of MSF's?


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

Holy crap, you have an extra zero in your thread title, and I thought WHAT I COULD BUY A CAR FOR THAT.

But even 1,200 is still beyond excessive for me. That's my books and maybe some groceries and gas for two semesters.


Active member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

Personally, I wouldn't because I'm just not as into them as others are. However, considering that the RRP for these in Australia is $44 or so, and the average price per item in this lot is $74, I can see some people considering it, especially since there are some pretty rare ones in there. Although the re-release of three of those later in the year might bring the value down a bit, plus the fact that they are not all BNIB.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

OMG that is pure robbery! I seriously hope that no one buys that!


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

Haha... sorry about the extra zero .... lol I hope no one would pay 12,000 for 18 pieces of make up .


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

as much of a mac addict i proclaim myself to be....

no way in hell am i paying $1,2000.



Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

IF i had a disposable income and i was naive...lol ya i would.....


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

No. I am not that desperate to get my hands on them. MAC will probably re-release them all at some stage anyways. Might has well just wait for the inevitable.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

If I was so rich that I wouldnt feel the sting on my bank account I probably would
but who is that rich in the real world!?!?! definitely not me.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?


let me think about that.




Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

I definitely wouldn't. There are other products out there that are similar to the MAC's skinfinishes shades.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

I most certainly wouldn't, but things like that are fun to see XD


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

I brought her Barbie Loves MAC collection for $800 from her last time. Shes such a nice lady =) I love her! LOL! If I got paid I would buy this right away! I just don't have time to hunt about for MSF anymore =(. And she does such a nice job with her service, always keeps you updated, shes fantastic! =D

Maybe when I get my next paid job =P


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

If I had a squillion bucks and no financial responsibility, why not?

Unfortunately I'm stuck in the real world with bills to pay, so no, I won't be dropping a mortgage payment on make-up.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?


Edit: That doesn't even include $45 shipping!


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

Definitely would not pay that much! I mean sure if I was a millionaire, but I'm not! Also imagine how much customs would charge you if you weren't in Australia.

Truth is though you could buy most of the those MSFs from other Specktra members and it would total less than half the price.


Well-known member
Re: Would you Pay 12000 for a full set of MSF's?

Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Is Paris Hilton shopping eBay for MAC again?

If I would be Paris Hilton, why not...

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