Wud Up!!

hey girls!!! glad im the newest member of this awesome fam!!.. heres a lil intro!

My Name is Tina T
residing in Canada
23 years young ... for some reason ive always hated 23.. so cant wait for May 22!! hahah my bday always falls on the May 2-4 Long weekend.. LOVE IT! lol

ive been an Esthetician some may call it a Cosmotician, for 2 years and i LOVE IT!!.. so facials, skin care, body massage, and body treatments are my forte,
but the best part.. are the TRADE SHOWS!!.. if u have one in ur area u def need to pay to go.. but its SOO WORTH IT!!.. its like a HUGE Candy store for ladies! lol
i know theres one in the Toronto area May 4-5.. so ladies around that area check it out!!

i LOVE anything Makeup!! LOVE MAC as we all do. but i do also love Salon Professional lines as well such as La Bella Donna, Young Blood and Nico
but im also a sucker for Drug store Brands as well, love looking for new things to play with and loving all the different looks u ladies come up with!!!

ive been in love with a boy for 4 years now.. heeheh.. funny how im still gaga over him after this long.. we say kids in another 3-5 years.. lol
hes been working on his other baby for about as long as we've been together.. check out the website
Laseraid emergency navigational system: Laseraid saves lives

i told him when he makes his millions that he had to buy me a Mac store .. lol well not really but thats what i wish!!

he actually helps me with my colours believe it or not!! lol

well that was pretty much the skinny on me hope u guys had a good read..!!!
