Xmas party make up!


Well-known member
Ok its not till 21st but i'm mega bored in work so indulge me!

I'm wearing a brown dress with bronze shoes and bag.... was thinking of going down the bronze/brown route make up wise too... or should i go for something totally different?

Was thinking of something like mulch on my lid, with some goldmine on the inner corners... and perhaps black tied on the outer V for a glam smokey eye. Maybe Orgasm blush and a neutral lip with Florabundance lipglass.
Or should i go bright instead, maybe greens or plums.

Any suggestions gratefully received!

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I would so pack Provence pigment over the whole lid. It's super gorgeous and adds just the right amount of gold sparkle.


Well-known member
If you go bronzey, Woodwinked on the lid is pretty too. Tempting is also nice as a crease or outer V shade...

If you want to add some color, i find that turquoise/teal looks nice with brown. You could use it on the inner corners, like the Luxuriate look, or maybe as your bottom liner.


Well-known member
Thanks for that, id never have thought of using turquoise with brown... i have woodwinked, blue absinthe and tempting too so i'll have a play about with them, thanks!