Yay! I've got a date for surgery!


Well-known member
I've had a long catalogue of health problems which I haven't had much luck getting sorted out.

Just over a year ago, I ended up tearing the lining to my anus (anal fissure) due to being rather blocked up as a result of long term underactive thyroid (which took five years for my GP to do anything about) and strong painkillers I needed for several weeks following a dental abscess that took root canal work and nine trips to the dentist to fix.

I've been in such severe pain at times that when it's bad all I can do is lie down. I can't take strong painkillers because they cause constipation which makes the problem worse.

I first sought treatment in February last year and non surgical treatments failed

I've been waiting for surgery now since September.

I finally had a call from the NHS hospital earlier today asking me if I could attrend for surgery on 20th Feb (next Friday). Well, it can't come soon enough. Not only that, because the hospital is stretched they're actually transferring me to a private hospital for surgery (which will be much nicer)

It's done as a day case so I'll be back home after the operation.

I'm really looking forward to getting this problem sorted. It's not a whole load of fun having it, believe me!

I know some people here think I'm a pain in the backside but it will be wonderful to get rid of mine


Well-known member

Oh I had the same backside problem and took me a year to get it all sorted out. I didn't need surgery though. I know how you feel and im sorry you are going thru that.

Keep us updated.


Well-known member
(((((caffn8me))))) I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems, but I'm glad to know you are close to getting it all fixed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
That's great news! Gosh you seem like such a strong person. Hope all goes well!!

Do you mean bolshie? Have you been reading the HK returns thread?



Well-known member
I know what you mean about having pain. I have site pain from a medicine I get 24/7 under the skin (subcutaneous). I will say a prayer for you that your pain goes away after your surgery good luck and please keep us updated.


Well-known member
Medical problems suck! So do having to arrange appointments but I'm glad they've got you fitted in soon =]

The procedures that allow you to go in and have it done and return home on the same day are the best (well no surgery is fun but I'd rather be home than in the hospital). I think being able to go back home soon can help speed up recovery too, it's not fun being in a hospital. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you're medical problem is solved by this surgery!


Well-known member
I'm absolutely not scared of surgery and had hand surgery in December 2007 for Dupuytren's contracture which had made my little finger on my right hand virtually useless as it wouldn't straighten. I chose to have that done with a nerve block and no sedation. I spent the entire operation chatting with the surgical team

This upcoming surgery will have to be done under a general (but light) anaesthetic which I'd rather avoid but the surgeon won't do it under a local even though it's perfectly possible. I haven't had a general anaesthetic since I had my tonsils out aged five! Again, I'm not nervous but would rather save general anaesthetics for when I really need them.

Thanks everyone for your best wishes.


Well-known member
Oh my god! You didnt tell me! Good luck hun, email me the SECOND your out of surgery or I will have to hunt you down :)


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for the best wishes. I am booked for surgery at 5pm and should be back home by about 7pm. I'm actually staying with a friend that night as I'm not supposed to be left alone after a general anaesthetic. I will, however, post here almost as soon as I get to her house (she's collecting me from the hospital).

The operation has a pretty good success rate (although nothing's ever guaranteed) so I'm optimistic it will put an end to the pain I've been suffering.


Well-known member

Sorry you're going through this.. hope all goes well in the surgery and you make a speedy recovery! That has to be miserable.

And regarding the hand surgery you had.. that's interesting, I had the same surgery, on the same finger! Although mine was due to an auto accident where I had an avulsion fracture and dislocation which didn't heal right. But my doctor didn't call it Dupuytren's contracture... he called it a Boutonnierre deformity. It was essentially the same thing though, I couldn't fully extend it or bend the middle joint. The surgery helped a little but my finger is still not 100% unfortunately.

Surgery isn't fun, but I really hope your pain and suffering comes to an end soon. You'll be in my thoughts. Take care and keep us posted please!


Well-known member
Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes.

Well things didn't go quite to plan but that was a good thing.

The letter confirming my surgery arrived on Thursday, the day before the operation, and it said I was being treated as an inpatient rather than a day case. I wasn't expecting that at all so called the hospital to confirm and they said they wanted me to stay the night as it would be quite late by the time surgery was over and they wouldn't let me leave for another four hours.

I checked in at the hospital at 4:30pm and was taken to my room - which had all possible facilities including en suite bathroom.

I think I went to surgery at about 6pm and was awake in the recovery room at 7:10pm.

I wasn't in any pain (morphine and midazolam saw to that!) and was wheeled to my room where they brought me copious amounts of coffee after they were sure I'd be able to cope with it.

Dinner was a light snack of smoked salmon sandwiches (my choice) and 15 minute obs (blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation) were done until about 1am. I then went to bed only being woken for obs twice in the night.

No pain whatsoever this morning so I didn't feel the need for any painkillers (although they've given me oodles - ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) with dihydrocodeine.

Breakfast (my choice) was half a grapefruit, an omelette, wholemeal toast and yet more coffee
I could have had a lot more but I'm trying to be healthy and to lose weight.

I saw the surgeon who told me everything had gone very well and that the fissure had been very bad. I then had a nice soak in a hot bath (his recommendation), got dressed and (after more coffee) was discharged home. I'm back home now still very comfortable.

The nursing staff were wonderful and it turned out the nurse dealing with me during the day lives just round the corner from me. She recognized my Land Rover! It's still at the hospital at the moment (I came home by bus) because I'm not supposed to drive for 24 hours after a general anaesthetic. I'm medically OK but it turns out that insurance companies won't cover drivers in the event of an accident within 24 hours of a general anaesthetic.

The hospital was the New Victoria Hospital and you can get an idea of the rooms here and the food here.

All in all a truly excellent experience and one that was much better than I would have had if the original plans to be treated at a National Health Service Hospital had happened.

I just need to keep my fingers crossed now that everything heals properly. I've got a week of antibiotics and go and see the surgeon for a follow up appointment in 8 weeks.