Yay! I've got a date for surgery!


Well-known member
Glad things worked out for you Sarah!


Well-known member
Well, it's now more than 24 hours since surgery and I am still in no more pain that I was before the operation and I haven't had any painkillers. I am taking that as either a good sign or as an indicator that where there's no sense, there's no feeling

I'm going to have an early night and another soak in a hot bath in the morning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Well, it's now more than 24 hours since surgery and I am still in no more pain that I was before the operation and I haven't had any painkillers. I am taking that as either a good sign or as an indicator that where there's no sense, there's no feeling

I'm going to have an early night and another soak in a hot bath in the morning.

lol, i could dissert all day long on that sentence...

No, it should definitely be a good sign!


Well-known member
I'm so glad your surgery went well, hospital sounds like they were really fantastic with your treatment. Wish the ones round here were the same because I regularly end up in them!

I have Crohn's so part of me can feel your pain. Hope your recovery continues to go well, feel better soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieMT
I'm so glad your surgery went well, hospital sounds like they were really fantastic with your treatment. Wish the ones round here were the same because I regularly end up in them!

I have Crohn's so part of me can feel your pain. Hope your recovery continues to go well, feel better soon!

I'm so sorry to hear about your hospital experiences and that you have Crohn's. I hope that it's well controlled as I know it can be horrendous - much worse than my small problem. One of my close friends has Crohn's so I've seen the problems it can cause. I expect you're familiar with the antibiotic I'm on - metronidazole/flagyl - no alcohol for me for a week!

Thanks for your good wishes


Well-known member
Yeah I spent the first 2 weeks of January floudering in a local hospital, nothing seemed to really get done past about day 2 or 3. Eventually however gastroenterology did turn up and since getting discharged I had a follow up consultation on the 22nd of that same month and I have to go back into hospital and into theatre March 12th it is. It's an inpatient/day case thing, so I shouldn't be there more than 1 night I imagine. Same as you really!

No antibiotics for me at the moment, I'm rolling with the steroids and a whole host of other things. Like a list as long as my arm, they want me on a pretty much lifelong immunosuppressant aswell soon. Not sure how I feel about that but I suppose it's one of the only longterm solutions, so I must go with it.


Well-known member
Recovery; doing it all wrong

Well, dang

I'm supposed to be recovering slowly it seems. As soon as I was out of the operating theatre (theater for those across the Pond!) the nurse looked at me and said "You don't look as if you've had any surgery" and, to be honest, I didn't really feel as though I had either - although I was aware of "changes".

Well, I had a pretty normal day the morning after the surgery taking public transport to get me home and even doing some shopping. Today I went to have lunch with a friend.

Still no real pain although there is minor discomfort at times. It's no worse than it was before the operation so I regard that as a good result.

I was curious about what recovery is usually like so I turned to Google and came up with the following;

When can I return to work and resume normal activities?

Patients usually resume normal activities after one to two weeks. Full recovery may take as long as two months. [Link]

and another;

Work - you are likely to need 2-3 weeks off work, depending on the nature of your job. The ward staff can advise you and can supply you with a sick certificate to cover your hospital stay and convalescence. Your GP can then review your health and provide further certificates if required.

Driving - you will probably be fit to drive in a few days, providing you feel alert and can do an emergency stop comfortably. [Link]

So, I must be doing it all wrong
I drove without any trouble at all today and will be ice skating tomorrow for a couple of hours at least with two ice skating lessons on Tuesday!

I'm really not in favour of these long recovery times


Well-known member
Re: Recovery; doing it all wrong

Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
Yay! I'm glad you're doing well :]

Thanks! It may yet all go horribly wrong but I'm not expecting (or planning) it! Now watch me break a leg on the ice.


Well-known member
Re: Recovery; doing it all wrong

Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
You be careful, now!

Thanks, I'll be careful, I promise! The last thing I want is more health problems. I spoke to the surgeon on Friday and he didn't seem to think that ice skating on Monday would be a problem if I felt up to it, and I do

I need to start some exercise again as I'm still fat and blobby. The surgery didn't change that.


Well-known member
I survived the ice skating with no ill effects at all. Two and a bit hours on the ice is great exercise. I have a lesson in the morning (by myself with an instructor) and a group evening class too (my first).

The only moments of discomfort (bearable though) are bowel movements and they are getting easier.

When I've lost another 30 pounds or so I might even get a picture taken of me skating to post here. Long way to go yet though