yucky blushcremes...?


Well-known member
My blushcremes get all crusty looking after awhile of using them with my 187.. does anyone else's do this or any rec's as to how to keep them gunk free? I would think just wipe them but at the same time don't know if it will contribute to the mess.


Well-known member
I know what you mean... although my don't look crusty, just gunky.

To clean it, I use a small amount of good quality paper towel and rubbing alcohol. Then, to remove paper towel lint, I just swirl with my finger and it comes up great



Well-known member
mine get gunky all the time and seem to pick up brush hairs...i just use a paper towql to clean it then some q-tips to get some of the smaller areas on them...i love blushcremes but they get so gross i think.