Bay Area, CA MAC addicts?


Well-known member
Kinda off topic.. if any of you ladies are nail polish freaks like I am, there is a nail supply shop in Oakland on 13th Street called "Sunshine Beauty Supply". They sell a TON of OPI polishes for $7.50/ea and they have a good selection of Essie polishes also. Literally a 5 minute walk from 12th Street BART!



Well-known member
Do you know if its still there? Would want to hit up, also the CCO thats in SF

Has anyone been to Stoneridge (Pleasanton) lately? They've opened up a 'temporary' MAC store on the first floor near Starbucks....They're trying out the space...Go visit if you haven't been!


Well-known member
Hey, the CCO in SF is in Embarcadero 4, from what someone posted here (I've been there but I can't remember which Embarcardero number it was). It's right next to Papyrus, 2nd level. So you can take the BART to Embarcadero and it's just a block or two from there, because that's how I get to SF myself.
the MAC selection there is always pretty good, so you can't go wrong.


Well-known member
Thanks. I'm going to have to make a "quick" stop here ;) I think its off Webster I'll google it lol

Kinda off topic.. if any of you ladies are nail polish freaks like I am, there is a nail supply shop in Oakland on 13th Street called "Sunshine Beauty Supply". They sell a TON of OPI polishes for $7.50/ea and they have a good selection of Essie polishes also. Literally a 5 minute walk from 12th Street BART!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by sallyh88
I'm in the North Bay, near Santa Rosa!

Ohoh! Me too!
Santa Rosa baby here! Hello all :D


Well-known member
Has anyone been to Stoneridge (Pleasanton) lately? They've opened up a 'temporary' MAC store on the first floor near Starbucks....They're trying out the space...Go visit if you haven't been!
Really late, I know, but it's no longer temporary..It's now (been) PERMANENT!!


Hi , I'm in San Mateo! Not far! Do you ever go to the CCOs in the outlying areas - Livermore, Gilroy?
I've been to the CCO in Livermore during the summer. They've got a healthy selection of MAC products. I refuse to go there now during the holidays as there's not enough parking & it's insane.