Concealer: Before or After foundation?



I've been wearing make-up for a few years now and I've always thought that concealer goes on *before* foundation.
Recently I was getting ready with a friend and she started laughing as I put my concealer under my foundation! Apparently she has always been taught to put concealer on top of foundation! I've asked a few friends and a MUA at MAC and they've all said different things! To me it makes sense to put on concealer under my foundation because I'm nc45/50 and wear nw40 concealer and would have horrible light circles around my eyes if I didn't!
Am I doing something totally wrong or does it not really matter?


Well-known member
I always do it after, because sometimes after foundation I find that I don't really need any concealer anywhere, and that is how i do it on other people too, but I say if it's working for you, then it can't be "wrong"!


Well-known member
the way i see it theirs no right way of doing it - wat works for u best is what u should do. i actually sometimes do both for better coverage but either way whatever works for ur skin is what u should do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dietcokeg
the way i see it theirs no right way of doing it - wat works for u best is what u should do. i actually sometimes do both for better coverage but either way whatever works for ur skin is what u should do.

Exactly my sentiment. There is no right or wrong way to do it .. you just use the method that best works for your problem areas.

This woman in the CCO was damn near screaming at the MA (or salesperson) because she told her that she could wear the concealer over her foundation. The lady swore up and down that concealer should ONLY be applied under foundation .. she actually looked kinda stupid screaming over make-up.


Well-known member
I do both-concealer for blemishes/redness under, concealer for under-eye over. That's just me though. I guess there is no right or wrong way of doing it-whatever works for you!


Well-known member
^ I do both too...I put the Orange concealer under eye first for my dark circles...then foundation...then I put regular concelaer under my eyes after and buff ...But I agree there is no right or wrong way...whatever works for each person


Well-known member
I'm Nc45 and I like to apply concealer over my foundation. I need that "pop" of light under my eye. It depends on how much you need to conceal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NubianHoneii
Exactly my sentiment. There is no right or wrong way to do it .. you just use the method that best works for your problem areas.

This woman in the CCO was damn near screaming at the MA (or salesperson) because she told her that she could wear the concealer over her foundation. The lady swore up and down that concealer should ONLY be applied under foundation .. she actually looked kinda stupid screaming over make-up.

was this in Woodbury? people get so emotional in there haha


Well-known member
I do both, i put my normal color on first, then after im done with my makeup i put a lighter one under my eyes, just to give it that fresh look. But like everyone said; makeup has no rules.


Well-known member
For me it just depends on the foundation or concealer that I'm wearing. If I know that my foundation is full coverage I do concealer after. But if it's a light coverage I do concealer first, because it looks more natural. I never do it consistently one way or the other.


Well-known member
NOpe girl dont freak out..... its really about prefrence i also do it under foundation but my MUA does it after (i use the same color)... she ways you waste less foundation... i dont see a difference though


Well-known member
I've done it both ways, but more recently I've been putting it over foundation/tinted moisturizer. I find I'm using a lot less, and I don't have the aggravation of having to re-do because putting the foundation on, moved the concealer off.

Whatever works for you.


Well-known member
To each it's own really. I used to put mine on before, but I felt like I was just rubbing it off when I put on foundation. Now I put it on after and all is right with the world.


it does really depend on what you prefer & on your skin type .
i personally do it first because it covers my blemished better & the foundation blends it in w/ my skin tone .


thanks for all the replies!
I guess I'm going to keep doing it my way,even though alot of you *do* have a point that applying it under foundation seems to wipe it off a little! I'll try both ways for a while.
Thanks again!


Active member
I agree that it depends on your own preferences and methods. I used to use both, but as I get older I'm starting to not like the heavyish feeling that foundation leaves on my skin--anything denser than very light mosturizer bugs me now, for some reason.

So for a few years now I've been using concealer, only... I dab a cream-based one on any spots and on the undereye circles, using my fingers (I prefer them to brushes, it helps adjust the texture) and then blend out. Then, with my fingers still smudged with concealer, I rub them lightly over the rest of my face to just blend further and even out the finish, so to speak. A light brushing of powder sets everything.

The result, for me at least, is a lot more natural and lighter on my face.

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