Fashion vs. Makeup expenditures


Well-known member
My answer is.....that I don't allocate funds for fashion. Occassionally I'll buy something expensive, but clothes are too trendy for me to put much of my poor college kid/young mom funds into them. I'm a sucker for Marc Jacobs, but own minimal amounts of MJ until I'm in a better position financially. Yet I buy my 3 year old all designer clothing. Crazy, I'm aware. I think most of it is that I just don't like where I'm at PHYSICALLY, so all my funds go to makeup. Look at my face, not my lovehandles.


Well-known member
I buy alot more makeup, but not sure if I'm spending more. I have alot alot... ALOT of makeup but not so much clothing. For a while you'd look in my closet and be like, really?? This is a joke of a womens closet. LOL! That is, until I've discovered platos. I'd say it's about even now on what I spend.