Flu Outbreak Going To Prevent Hauling?


Well-known member
i no i may be over reacting... but u no what.... im REALLY scared...so much so i wont be testing any make up or anything.... which means il prob buy less too... what do u feel?


Well-known member
It won't be passed through a lipgloss! It's airborne.

Next you won't be leaving your house, taping your windows and sitting in a dark corner.


Well-known member
it can be, the infection speards on contact...u can pick it up from tables, remote controls ect...basically anything....i mean look at mexico!


Well-known member
^^ LOL @Reesesilverstar

The only way I can envisage it being passed through a table or remote control is if somebody infected has spluttered all over the offending item, then you've then gone and touched it and transferred your fingers to your mouth.

What's happening to Mexico is what happened to parts of Asia when the Sars outbreak broke a few years back. It affected a small percentage compared to the rest of the world.!

The media will scare you to death if you let them. I fly to NY on Wed and have heard some people have come down with it there - am I cancelling my flight? Hell no! However, I'll knock out the first person who sneezes or coughs in my direction without covering their mouth!

Be wary by all means in public places, wash your hands often, etc but please don't think the world's coming to an end.


Well-known member
I think everyone should calm down. If stress and anxiety lower your immune system, you may be more prone to catch anything.. and, when it's time to go, we all go. Fear of the unknown will not prevent it from happening.

This is an airborne virus -- the idea behind washing your hands and keeping everything clean is to prevent any of the virus from spreading. The virus enters through your nostrils thus the masks!


Well-known member
it isn't just airborne....but, No....My spending had already been curbed but the flu will not contribute to it

Q. What is swine flu?

A. Swine flu is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease normally found in pigs. It spreads through tiny particles in the air or by direct contact. According to WHO it tends to infect large numbers of a given pig population, killing between 1 and 4 percent of those affected. Not every animal infected displays symptoms.

Q. Is it safe to eat pork products?

A. The swine flu virus dies when cooked at temperatures of 160 F/70C or higher.

Q. How high is the risk of a pandemic?

A. Since the swine flu outbreaks in Mexico and U.S. Were identified, the risk of a pandemic has increased. Health officials worry the swine flu might develop into a form easily spread among humans. To do this, it could combine with a human flu virus or mutate on its own into a transmissible form. Experts worry that the more the virus circulates, the more likely a pandemic strain will emerge. But there is no way to predict when a pandemic strain will develop.

Q. Does a vaccine exist?

A. Pigs in North America are routinely vaccinated for swine flu, but no vaccine exists for humans. In any case, the flu virus evolves quickly, meaning that vaccines are soon obsolete. Health officials say there is no suggestion that the vaccine prepared for seasonal flu will protect against swine flu.

While people who are given the seasonal flu vaccine will probably be not protected against swine flu, it may prevent them from getting the seasonal flu. If they are then infected with swine flu, that reduces the possibility of the two flus mixing in that person to create a potential pandemic strain.

Q. What other treatment is there?

A. The swine flu virus detected in Mexico and the United States appears to respond to treatment with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). In terms of prevention, maintaining good hygiene, for example regular hand-washing and staying a safe distance from those infected, may help.

In addition to the outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico, several cases have been reported in the US, including 8 NYC prep school students who are believed to have contracted an undetermined strain.


Well-known member
I honestly dont think anyone should be worried. So far in Canada and the U.S the cases have been mild. If you're worried just think, what happened to SARS? or The avian flu? Those were supposed to kill us, and they didnt. Just make sure to wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you cough & sneeze. This is not going to be a pandemic. I read that an average of 36,000 people die of the normal flu, and now everybody is freaking out over this. I hope i helped you feel more safe.


Well-known member
lol thanks girls!your right im just a hygene freak and panic over germs...lol this is crazy germ level for me...but i shall try to calm down and be normal lol. all this tv is making out as if its going to wipe the world out!


Well-known member
^^^ Don't worry I am a germaphobe about most things too....My dh makes fun of me I go thru a box of lysol wipes every week....LOL


Well-known member
Just when I said I wasn't worried...They just announced one of the elementary schools in my district is closing for the rest of the week due to a swine fluoutbreak...a couple of kids have been diagnosed with it ....I am not worried for me...But I am worried for my lil munchkin


Well-known member
I'm not concerned and we've already had one confirmed case near where I live. Common sense practices, as mentioned above and the fact that the gov. is taking it very seriously, make the odds of it becoming a serious 1918-like pandemic, much more remote. They are already releasing 25% of the anti-viral medication that they have on hand, so that hospitals will have ready access to it.

Ars technica has a great article on it here.


Well-known member
i just pray everyone stays well. prevention is better that treatment i guess. which is y i think everyone should take an extra step to be careful, not just for us but for others too. thats the reason y i started this post as the virus can spread so easily. i will prob think twice before swatching products at a make up counter, if i do the hand gel will be whipped out immediatly lol near us we have 2 confirmed and 22 suspected. who knows whos touched what in public places?


Well-known member
Like I said i don't worry for me...But I do worry for the babies..it's hard enough to stay on top of my 7 year to wash his hands at home so I can only imagine what Non-common sense practices he does at school when I am not there to watch and enforce


Well-known member
I think people are afraid of what could happen. 2,000 sick in mexico, 40 already dead in less than 1 week of getting the virus. If they cant control the small outbreak now, how will they control the outbreak if it affects thousands more? Young and healthy people in their 20's, 30's, 40's are falling ill and dying, thats reason for concern. Right now the virus is relatively new (a mixture of bird, pig, and human virus), and it is mutating, we dont know if its going to fizzle out or become a virulent resistant strain that is incurable. Yet if you look at it globally 1 in every 10 million people are dying, thats like .000000000000000000000000001% chance for any of us.

Just wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze, dont touch your eyes, nose or mouth.