Flu Outbreak Going To Prevent Hauling?


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I must be a fatalist. I refuse to be scared off by any virus. I survived a super bug and if this hits me, so be it


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For those who don't get the pic, Heidi & Spencer are on their honeymoon....in Mexico. I actually laughed out loud when I saw this. They are so dumb.


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Originally Posted by n_c
The swine flu has hit my town too...san jose, ca.

I just read that this afternoon!!! A lot of my friends live near the sick persons high school. Pretty freaky stuff. I'm going to be washing my hands like crazy.

The flu won't prevent me from hauling, but I'm probably going to be doing it online for a little while. I don't want to be near any testers!

I'm also going to avoid buffets. Which sucks, because I LOVE buffets lol.


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Originally Posted by aziajs

For those who don't get the pic, Heidi & Spencer are on their honeymoon....in Mexico. I actually laughed out loud when I saw this. They are so dumb.

Sadly, this is the BEST I have seen this dysfunctional couple look!!

How about have your weirdmoon somewhere else at this time....Dumb is so correct


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
I just read that this afternoon!!! A lot of my friends live near the sick persons high school. Pretty freaky stuff. I'm going to be washing my hands like crazy.

The flu won't prevent me from hauling, but I'm probably going to be doing it online for a little while. I don't want to be near any testers!

I'm also going to avoid buffets. Which sucks, because I LOVE buffets lol.

Oh damn that sucks, hope no one you know gets it.

Im in the east side so we shall see how long it takes to get over here.

Im not hauling cause im broke
no damn flu would stop me from gettin my mac hahaha

*goes to wash hands*


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Originally Posted by TISH1127
They have so many school closings here....Texas has had the 1st US death from the Swine Flu....a poor lil 23 month old child.....However the child had recently returned from a trip in Mexico....So Sad

Actually the little girl was from mexico and came over to texas to get treatment and she died on monday. I tell u news blow it out of porportion.


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Health official: Mexican toddler dies from swine flu in Texas despite "aggressive treatment"
2009-04-30 01:07:57

HOUSTON, April 29 (Xinhua) -- A 23-month-old Mexican toddler who fell ill in Houston, Texas became the first U.S. case of swine flu death in the current outbreak, city health officials said on Wednesday.
The little boy, from Mexico City, was visiting relatives in Brownsville, Texas, and was taken to a hospital there on April 13 after falling ill, David Persse, health authority for the Houston Department of Health and Human Services, said at a press conference on Wednesday.
The child became quite ill rapidly and was transferred to an unidentified hospital in Houston on April 14 where he died on Monday despite "aggressive treatment," Persse said.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday confirmed the boy died from swine flu.
According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, the boy already had "severe underlying health problems" before he flew to Matamoros on April 4 and crossed into Brownsville to visit relatives. He came down with a fever on April 8, followed by other flu-like symptoms.
The boy's relatives were being monitored and they have shown no signs of the disease, health officials said.
So far, ninety-one infections have been reported in 10 U.S. states, according to the CDC. Texas has 16 confirmed cases, the second most after New York, which has registered 51 cases.
There still have been no reported Houston-area cases of this disease, local media said. But health officials said the situation will likely change.
"We expect to see more confirmation in the next few days, as does the rest of the country," said Kathy Barton, spokeswoman for Houston Department of Health and Human Services. Several tests are pending but so far all specimens submitted by Houston to the CDC have come back negative except for the one from the dead child, she said, adding that none of the submitted specimens are related to contact with the child.


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So my friend calls me today and asks me if she should wear long sleeves and a mask on the plane to Houston this weekend...

I didn't even know how to respond...


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I am so trying to not worry about all this...However the health dept just closed a entire School District here...and it makes me worry about my kiddo.....I keep watching him and touching his forehead for a fever, asking him if he feels okay....Paranoid Mommy


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I kinda don't blame you though. My fiance's agitated cuz ppl at his job are coughing and carrying on. So he's scared he could bring a bug home and I get sick - especially since we have a little one on the way, so...


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The number may have changed, but I heard only 7 or 8 people in California have gotten it. Only a couple of them hospitalized. I doubt they were all sneezing on the MAC blushes...


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My sister just came back from Mexico and they refused to let her go to work! She's coughing though, so she's staying at a hotel (she refuses to go home because my niece is 4 and my nephew is 12) and is going to the doctor tomorrow to get tested. I'm worried about her, but I think she'll be fine. She gets sick a lot from stress at work, and she travels a lot because of her job. She's not a weak little thing

My mom has become severely paranoid, I have a anime convention coming up in early May, and it's right next to our airport in Chicago. She's making me wear a doctor's mask (well... she begged me to wear one) and I feel I have no other way to make her feel comfortable unless I wear one.

It's okay, I'll just write some japanese writing on it
I'll be IN STYLE~!


Now THAT is what I'm talking about

But no, seriously, I think if everyone just stays calm, and is using cleanly precautions, then you'll be fine. I wash my hands 56 times a day or MORE... (mostly cus of my OCD D: ) and I keep my hands and toes and appendages AWAY from my orifices. So I should be just fine.

Just be careful and clean! And if you feel sick, go to the doctor. But don't let fear ruin your life... it really is a pain. If it was a flesh eating virus... then that's a different story, but it's a small flu strain that is mild in the US. And theres actually only been 7 confirmed deaths in Mexico alone... without the toddler. It's really being overrated in my opinion, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stay safe either

AND AS FOR HAULING! NOOOO D:< NO VIRUS IS STOPPING MY MAC ADDICTION! But I stay away from testers anyways, they're gross IMO.

The only thing stopping me from hauling right now, is my lack of employment, my anime convention coming up, and the new Sidekick LX 2009


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Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
My boyfriend's mother just told me there were a couple cases of the swine flu in my area. -___-

OH PSSH. There is only 5 states with is actually confirmed. I just like how the news media has nothing better to worry about than a flu from piggies.

EDIT: Oh wait, yer in Cali 8D Sowwie!

But still... like I said... clean hands, take vitamins, eat lots of veggies and fruits, natural vitamins and minerals, etc etc etc etc etc!


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It's weird seeing my town on the news (Pittsburg, CA).
They've interviewed some students about the classmates who gotten sick.
I've heard they're going to close down another elementary here (that I was also suppose to sub).

I live in a small town so the flu goes through us really fast. Especially since everyone is related to someone one way or another.

Selfish of me, but I'm bummed also that I'm missing a week of work because of this. Bad timing. Better safe than sorry...


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Just sayin...if there's anyone to blame, it's her.

I'll just end with this:
Swine flu death toll: 150+. Regular flu death toll: 13,000+. But don't let that stop the fearmongering panic.


Well-known member
i find it more scary than the ordinary flu simply due to the fact it isnt as easily treated and there isnt no vaccination for it. anyhooo... personally i wnt swatch...but buy judging by what i see. who knows whos got what and touched what. just imagine the number of fingers that have touched a single tester eyeshadow....considering theres been 3 cases where i live... i wnt be going to city centre as much


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Info from the CDC

CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Swine Influenza (Flu)

The treatment is antiviral drugs
Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) with activity against influenza viruses, including swine influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs can be used to treat swine flu or to prevent infection with swine flu viruses. These medications must be prescribed by a health care professional. Influenza antiviral drugs only work against influenza viruses -- they will not help treat or prevent symptoms caused by infection from other viruses that can cause symptoms similar to the flu.

Benefits of Antiviral Drugs
Treatment: If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious influenza complications. Influenza antiviral drugs work best when started soon after illness onset (within two 2 days), but treatment with antiviral drugs should still be considered after 48 hours of symptom onset, particularly for hospitalized patients or people at high risk for influenza-related complications.
Prevention: Influenza antiviral drugs also can be used to prevent influenza when they are given to a person who is not ill, but who has been or may be near a person with swine influenza. When used to prevent the flu, antiviral drugs are about 70% to 90% effective. When used for prevention, the number of days that they should be used will vary depending on a person’s particular situation.