Have you ever stared at someone because you just found them so attractive?


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
And I wear sunglasses. All the time. I'm ninja that way. 8)


I'ma starer.


Well-known member
I'm in Calgary! I wonder if leaf blower man is still around somewhere! *heads downtown*

I admit I'm a starer. Sometimes I don't even notice that I'm doing it. But I have gotten some good make-up inspiration haha.


Well-known member
No, if leaf blower man was still hanging around Calgary he would have been gang banged by now. The only reason we didn't is because we were too young and didn't think of it. He was just that hot.

Oh and I stare at other people too... I realized I got so carried away with my story I forgot to mention that it wasn't just a one time thing. I've never actually turned around and stared as I walked away though... Just that one time.


Well-known member
I love people watching, and catch myself staring at interesting looking people all the time, and I find beauty in almost everyone. I think I'm just old enough, and just eccentric enough to get away with randomly staring at, and chatting to perfect strangers. I also live in a friendly city where people's personal barriers aren't as strong as someplace like NYC. I'd just die if I had to keep my eyes to myself all the time.

I truly find faces facinating and always wish I had the enviable talent of being able to pick up a pencil and just capture a face with a few strokes because there are some faces my fingers itch to draw.


Active member
hum.. yeah.. there was a boy i saw at the ren faire like 5 years ago..and to this day i still wonder about him...


Well-known member
I stare too, and noticed I stare at women a lot more than men. There's so much to be inspired by!

Chic 2k6

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i do it lol, there's a ctue guy in my class and he looks so similar to the young Axl Rose but brunette (and i think young Axl Rose is hot!)

I had sort of stared at girls because I'm envious of their figure
my last one was actually a woman who had really gorgeous hair, it was really long and was the way i wanted my hair


Well-known member
LOL i do this too
i usually stare at someone with really pretty hair or makeup or style in general.
or if its just a raelly hot guy! hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
All the time... Sometimes im even kind of flirty and would blatantly stare at a hot guy. With girls I sometimes catch myself looking too, but from a i want to look like that perspective

I did this a few years ago with this model guy I met through my sister's job. He was just that hot and I couldn't help staring at how smooth his skin was. I got totally speechless when he talked to me back then!

That said, I do stare at people a lot, pretty people or well-dressed people. But sometimes, I have this annoying habit of just sitting in the mall to people-watch and make fun of what they're wearing (I know, I'm really mean!) It's just this random pastime that we have in common in our family.


Well-known member
I stare at/study people all of the time. I developed this habit whilst living/traveling overseas. Trying to study the "locals".

I am pretty good at being discrete about my staring. I have made it a science. Sunglasses, cell phones and reading material all really make good for good concealment.

I love to watch, study, and appreciate someones style/look/personality. Sometimes it is just interesting to watch people interact with each other. It can be the so entertaining when you really just pay attention to what is going on around you. So often we go on "auto pilot" and block out it all out.

Don't get me wrong, some people really need to be blocked out though, like the annoying twat at the gym who talks on his bluetooth phone headset whilst working out by himself at the gym (the whole time gazing longingly at his own biceps as he lifts weights).

DH and I always point out interesting people we spot. We love to eavesdrop on people's conversations in restaurants too.


Well-known member
i look at people alot...i always try not to stare though. the girl i work with told me i need to get me some sunglasses so i can put them on if i want to stare or check someone out that way they won't be uncomfortable because they won't know i'm looking at them.


Active member
I do find myself staring at people that are beautiful. Mostly, I love to look at people who are not beautiful by conventional standards but the way their features align, they are ridicously gorgeous. My ex's girlfriend is very gorgeous (some might differ) and I had plenty of time to study old pics of her (lol)! Weird, huh? I never thought it strange that I did this but some people are terrible offended so if we catch eyes, most times I'll give them a compliment! At times, I really wish that I could draw because there are so many beautiful faces that deserve to be sketched!

I can only attribute my actions to the fact that I was the only child for years and I learned to watch people religiously since I didn't have anyone to play with ;-( !!!


Well-known member
I'm definitely guilty of this!!! Lol!!! I remember sooooo clearly ...sitting getting my nails done and this super fit and pretty girl came in and i was just like :O hehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
LOL...there was a girl the other day who was indian, I think, and I found myself staring for the same reasons. Her skin, her hair, her features and her clothes and jewelry were all so pretty. I think Indian women are some of the most gorgeous in the world!

Aww thanks. I'm indian, so I def take that as a compliment! I think every girl is beautiful in their own way.

I always look at girls's eye lashes. When a girl has beautiful, thick, long natural eyelashes, I cannot stop starring!


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one who did this. Yep, I stare at attractive girls and boys...usually girls when they have (like everyone else has said ) really good hair, makeup or style. And I feel like a TOTAL stalker when they look back at you. haha I just look away really quickly and walk super fast....

I saw this girl yesterday and I swear she had the most perfect hair. EVER. It was seriously like barbie perfect...straight and shiney but curled at the ends. I was seriously contemplating walking up to her and asking her how she did it. But I didn't

Usually I stare at ridiculously hot boys too. You know, the ones who won't even look in your direction because they know they're soo hot :p

Ahhh I think some people just have addictive faces/auras to them


Well-known member
LOL! Omg I've done that before a couple of times actually. I just see some women sometimes that are so beautiful I can't stop looking at them. I think to myself, "I must look freakin psycho starin at this chick or she's gonna think I'm a lesbian." lol...I stare at my husband also...i don't notice it most of the time but, he'll look at me and be like, "what?"...then i realize i'm staring at him..I try to play it off but i bet he thinks i'm crazy sometimes lol...anydo, don't feel bad I think we've all done it. It's hard not to look at someone who is attractive whether it's male or female.


Thank God I'm not the only one who stares at other woman hahah! I feel so creepy somtimes....I have to look away, but then I keep looking back.

The other day I was at a baby shower and there was this girl with the most perfect honey blond hair that was extremely long and just perfectly wavy...she looked like a mermaid lol. And she had the most perfect features and everything. But I felt pretty weird sitting there staring at her...


I too stare but not obviously.and I also have a girl in my school who is naturally very pretty and has smooth flawless skin and great long hair.shes a llitle bit short but her face is extremely cute and pretty.I catch her sometimes staring at me too and its weird...anyways sometimes when others have a very odd or ugly faceor if they are burnt e.t.c I stare even more.its not becouse I'm mean but i kinda feel a lil bad for them..


Well-known member
I am so the worst at this!!! I stare at everyone!!! I stare at people who look good, and look at girls jeans just to see what kind they are ( I am a self-proclaimed make-up AND jeans whore!!!), I stare at some people and think 'What the hell are they thinking!', I just stare at everybody. I sound like such a weirdo!