Height Difference


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Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
I'm 5'11'', and good grief, short men LOVE ME! I much prefer a man taller than me, but all the tall guys seem to like petite women.

The compromise I've made is that if the guy and I can literally see eye to eye when standing, he's okay, which typically means he's no shorter than 5'9". I lucked up once, with a guy who's 6' 7", but he was kinda extra short someplace else, if you know what I'm saying ( and I think you do!), but the two fellas I'm seeing now are both 6 feet.

Oh man, this post made my crappy day a little better. I am still laughing as I type this. So thank you. =]

I'm on the taller side as well (5'8'', the tallest of the family besides my dad, who is just barely 6'0''), and all the guys I have dated have been around 5'9'' up to 6'3''. My "ideal" height is 6'3'' for a guy, so he's always several inches taller than me even in my highest heels. I guess I've always felt like the giant of the family, so a big tall man would make me feel smaller in that respect. Of course this is just something in my mind, I know what really counts. =]

And I agree with you, it does seem like all the tall ones prefer petite girls. And I'm not really attracted to men shorter than me...call me seduced by traditional images, but I really do prefer dating someone taller than myself.


Well-known member
A whole foot for me! My boyfriend is 6'4 (almost 6'5 now lol!) and I'm barely 5'4. Even with my largest heels/wedges, I barely reach his chin. I love it.. He's so big and it makes me feel small.. People always like to poke fun at us because of it but its cute :p


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My boyfriend is 6 feet 2 uh, inches. (Apostrophe key is not working ;-
And I am just 5 feet tall... so there is quite the height difference! But it is okay, he thinks its cute and I love feeling tiny.


I'm about 5'3 and my boyfrieeend is 5'11 or 6' and it's greaaat.

I LOVEE taller guys. When we walk around to places or go out it's great walking to someone that much taller than me, he's like my bodyguard.

May I also add that he has a GREAT BODY & the perfect cut on his shoulders and arms



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I, unfortunately, don't have an SO but my cousin (6'6.5!) was dating a girl 5'0.5. They were so cute. He had to bend over to kiss her, lol.


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I'm 5'3" and my fiance is 6'5". More than a foot difference. I love it cause he is a tall sexy soccer/football player. Yumyumyum!
Plus. I can wear any heels I want (even stilts!) he is still taller than me! :p


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I'm 5'4" and my boyfriend is 5'10". I like that he's taller, but not too tall. I feel safe in his arms, but not intimidated by his height.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ithica
I am about 5"1 and my bf is about 6"2 i think. I love the hight difference. I feel snug with him, and I like the way he has to lean down to kiss/hug me an i have to stand on tip toes! hehe.

meeee toooo!! hehehe and his hand is like tripple the size of mine! (ok maybe double lol)
my doctor says im 5', but i tell ppl im 5'1" HAHA, and he's 6.
as much as i love the height difference, 69 proves to be very difficult.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum
meeee toooo!! hehehe and his hand is like tripple the size of mine! (ok maybe double lol)
my doctor says im 5', but i tell ppl im 5'1" HAHA, and he's 6.
as much as i love the height difference, 69 proves to be very difficult.

Lol, I lucked out. Like I said before I'm 5'3" and my bf is 6'4", but I have a long torso and short legs. So we can still kiss when we have sex. And I don't get a mad neck cramp when we 69.
TMI? Hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Lol, I lucked out. Like I said before I'm 5'3" and my bf is 6'4", but I have a long torso and short legs. So we can still kiss when we have sex. And I don't get a mad neck cramp when we 69.
TMI? Hahaha.

HAHA neck cramps? never had them either! cuz if u really think about it (which i just did, so i can reply to u without sounding like an idiot who doesn't think before she speaks), the guy can always lift his head to get closer to YOU (u on top), but you can't get closer to him by lifting YOUR head b/c his thing points only ONE certain way and can't bend all the way back to meet you (him on top). lol and since we can't extend our necks with a push of a button....then if i can't reach, i can't reach! lol so the only way it works is if i stretch a little LOl and he lifts his head A LOT haha
plus im positive there are 5682036602 other positions we can try with the help of the kama sutra. LOL speaking of....i still wanna get that book. haha


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So maybe a thread about height difference isn't the place for sex advice, but 69 is waaaay easier if you're both on your sides and resting your head on the other person's leg. Its like a built in pillow.


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I'm 165 cm (5' 5") and he is 195 cm (6'5")

Which proves to be a bit difficult if I want to kiss him lol, he's a whole foot taller than I am!
But i don't mind, I love it how i can disappear in his arms.