MAC - Alice + Olivia Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
sometimes i think all that people in england do is complain

No, that's Germany *lol*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
No, that's Germany *lol*

hee hee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
How about this...people who are willing to take CPs, send me a PM, and I'll compile a master list. Then we can post it in a conspicuous place so the international people know who to contact to get their goodies. I think that will help keep the deal-making outside of this thread, and cut down on the worrying.

If you haven't already done so, please make sure I'm on the list......I PM'd you just a little bit ago!!

Thanks for keeping us organized!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blinkymei
I don't know if this was posted yet, but I drooled when I saw it, so here goes

it's the first time i paid attention to the packaging! cute boxes!


Well-known member
I think people, in general, are big complainers. haha

Somehow I feel like I am the bad guy for complaining even when I am sure I am right. Is that odd?


Well-known member
lol You know, I bet people will now complain about the new pigment jars and boom! MAC will then change the jars into vials down the road with the SAME PRICE. Collect them while you can ladies and gents, you never know what the future holds!


Well-known member
I doubt the people who wrote to Mac about the old jars being too big asked Mac to make them smaller and to keep the price the same. I think it's really sad to call people stupid here. I would bet if a large company like Mac changes packaging because of people wishing for it, there has to be a lot of people wanting the change. It is Mac who sets the prices. I do think it would've been fair to drop prices with the size, but you still get alot of product for the price you pay compared to some other companies' pigments.

I'm just so tired of this "Mac-pigment-jar-size-war".


Well-known member
I agree with the above. I mean how do we really know that it was the consumers who wrote to MAC complaining about the jars? The jars have been around for a long time. People complain here but I highly doubt there was an influx of people contacting MAC about it. Or that MAC would change the jars behalf on the complaints coming in. It would be bizarre for MAC to do that anyway. I think this jar issue is pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
If people were complaining about the original jars, there are sellers with samples here. Why not take advantage of those?
As for collectors, hit your CCOs they have them all!

I think the reason is clear here. People just need something to bitch about. Their prices of ingredients and packaging went up so they needed to some how change it so that they don't lose profit. Its all give and take here.


Well-known member
I feel if you don't like the new size of the jars, then don't buy the product. It is what it is. The last time I went to the pro store to buy a pigment, the MA told me the size of the jar has changed and he had a look on his face like he was preparing for me to slap him across the face. That's ridiculous.

Yeah it sucks that the price has stayed the same for seemingly less product but you can keep your money if that's an issue. No one is forcing you to buy. I, on the other hand will continue to buy pigments if they are colors that I want, of course. I've never even gotten through a holiday pigment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I feel if you don't like the new size of the jars, then don't buy the product. It is what it is. The last time I went to the pro store to buy a pigment, the MA told me the size of the jar has changed and he had a look on his face like he was preparing for me to slap him across the face. That's ridiculous.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by omgitzstephanie

Seriously. The poor man looked like he was totally ready for it. I'm not crazy, but I wonder just how many people gave him hell about it.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I must admit I was pretty upset about the change of pigment packaging at first but got over it. I actually haven't bough any pigment since but mainly coz I haven't seen any that I absolutely had to have. Let's face it I drop $40CAD for a Chanel lipstick so the pigments are still good value to me.

I will be picking up all three pigments in this collection though. And I am jealous of you girls in the US and your CCO's :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I feel if you don't like the new size of the jars, then don't buy the product. It is what it is. The last time I went to the pro store to buy a pigment, the MA told me the size of the jar has changed and he had a look on his face like he was preparing for me to slap him across the face. That's ridiculous.

Yeah it sucks that the price has stayed the same for seemingly less product but you can keep your money if that's an issue. No one is forcing you to buy. I, on the other hand will continue to buy pigments if they are colors that I want, of course. I've never even gotten through a holiday pigment.

I can imagine this in my mind!
Poor guy!

I will also buy pigments if the colours please me, and with this collection I think they will!


Well-known member
The response I received from MAC stated that the change was due to production costs and an increase in the price of ingredients. I still think it is possible that the change might also have been due to complaints, but only to a certain extent. It's likely a combination of those reasons is why the change happened. Still irritated about the price, though. Even if people complained about the amount of product, I sincerely doubt anyone envisioned MAC would keep the price the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
The response I received from MAC stated that the change was due to production costs and an increase in the price of ingredients. I still think it is possible that the change might also have been due to complaints, but only to a certain extent. It's likely a combination of those reasons is why the change happened. Still irritated about the price, though. Even if people complained about the amount of product, I sincerely doubt anyone envisioned MAC would keep the price the same.

i agree with you!

you'd also think if they decreased product amount AND price, it would actually encourage people to buy more (at least for me it would). i would definitely have a greater collection of pigments if they cost less, even though there is less product. For CA$23.50 pus tax per pigment, I'd rather buy more pro pans and pots. the price really does irritate me. it would cost more than $100 just for 4 colors..... I think the pigment price has been a turn off for me for quite a long time. I prefer the holiday sets, but they keep bringing out colors that i already own
I really want to buy some pro glitters as they are very pretty mixed on your top coat for nails!

I have vestral white nail polish with transparent teal tapped into the top coat while it was still wet and it looks like my bf's lexus. so pretty <3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kiss
I think people, in general, are big complainers. haha

Somehow I feel like I am the bad guy for complaining even when I am sure I am right. Is that odd?

I think your life is much easier if you don't complain all the time about everything - family, job, shopping - whatever.

I have taught myself to see things thankfully and in a more friendly way - well, at least I try

But you have to complain if you know you are right!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I think your life is much easier if you don't complain all the time about everything - family, job, shopping - whatever.

I have taught myself to see things thankfully and in a more friendly way - well, at least I try

But you have to complain if you know you are right!

so true and well said! why can't i have somebody like you in my store?! people can be really nasty when they complain.... and usually they are the one who has made the issue in the first place!


Well-known member
So are you saying that it is just in Italy where no one even care about customers complaining?

So, back on topic, if I'd like to ask someone from USA to buy me the 3 pigments, where should I ask it?