MAC By Request discussion


Well-known member
I hear ya! I plan to back up Rocker like a crazy woman. I am also glad to see Moxie make it. Generally I am content with the winning shades.

So glad the voting finally closed! I will be getting bu's of almost everything lol this will be an expensive haul!


Well-known member
Yes,I will get BUs too!

For sure of CYY (need more...),Rocker,Moxie,CoC,Guacamole and Moth Brown.

Maybe one of Bait and FoF.

So glad the voting finally closed! I will be getting bu's of almost everything lol this will be an expensive haul!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I'm kind of over this collection, I stopped voting a week ago. I'll get Moth Brown and maybe Jete, that's it.


Well-known member
I'm getting Rocker and Moxie, but not CYY (got one, hardly wear it, don't see the hype about it), CoC, FoF, Bait, Guacamole and maybe Moth Brown. Not sure if I need any back ups, but if I back up anything, it will be Rocker, I worked so hard to keep that sucker in the top 3, lol.


Well-known member
I'm getting Rocker and Moxie, but not CYY (got one, hardly wear it, don't see the hype about it), CoC, FoF, Bait, Guacamole and maybe Moth Brown. Not sure if I need any back ups, but if I back up anything, it will be Rocker, I worked so hard to keep that sucker in the top 3, lol.

I know right!! Sheesh that was a job in itself!

Probably will get CYY, Moxie, a few Rockers, CoC, FoF, and probably 2 Jete's.


Well-known member
Looks like I'll probably be getting Moxie, Rocker, CoC, FoF, Jeté and maybe Moth Brown. I'm quite pleased with the result of the poll


Well-known member
Hahaha, it was quite a job! I'm glad others were voting for it too as I didn't have much time in the past few days.

I know right!! Sheesh that was a job in itself!

Probably will get CYY, Moxie, a few Rockers, CoC, FoF, and probably 2 Jete's.


Well-known member
YES!!!! All that hard work for Moxie, Rocker, CoC and Jete paid off. You know I will be buying backups of all of these. So freaking excited.

Top 3 lippies were Candy Yum Yum, Moxie and Rocker Can't remember top 3 lig glosses, but Cult of Cherry is one of them
Top 3 eyeshadows: Moth Brown, Guacamole and Jete'


Well-known member
I am happy Moxie made it, but SO FREAKING DISAPPOINTED that Heavenly Bliss didn't! I voted for that sucker DAILY! D:


Well-known member
I'm very pleased with the results and I'll be getting each of the 3 lipsticks along with Moth Brown and Jete. Now let's hope MAC recognizes the demand for the products and stocks more than 5 of each shade only to sell out in 3.2 seconds of being released.


Well-known member
Finally! The top 3 were CYY, Moxie, Rocker, Bait, CoC FoF, Guacamole Jete and Moth Brown.

well i'm really happy with the end results! i was desperate for moxie and rocker so this makes me so happy! the glosses i am skipping because i already have them. but am super excited about guacmole and moth brown! i'll be picking those up for sure! :) roll on fall when we can get out hands on them!


Well-known member
I'm very pleased with the results and I'll be getting each of the 3 lipsticks along with Moth Brown and Jete. Now let's hope MAC recognizes the demand for the products and stocks more than 5 of each shade only to sell out in 3.2 seconds of being released.
Of course the number of votes, especially the lipsticks, may not reflect the real demand. I personally put in about 3000 votes for Rocker and I won't be buying that many, lol. Having said that, people who never voted may well be picking some up, so we need lots of these for sure.


Well-known member
I'm happy for the most part with the results. I'm very dissapointed in no 3N. I was also hoping for Heavenly Bliss.

Sad Panda.


Well-known member
Finally! The top 3 were CYY, Moxie, Rocker, Bait, CoC FoF, Guacamole Jete and Moth Brown.

Thanks for the lists ladies! :) I am excited for all of the products, especially since i'm newer to make up collecting and missed out on all of these! I do wish Heavenly bliss would have made the list also... but maybe it will be repromoted at some point! :)