MAC Daphne Guinness Discussion


Specktra Bestie
I went to visit the collection today and ended up getting Red Dwarf only. Nebula pigment was really tempting, so I might go back for that one. Aurora wasn't really my style, although it's pretty. It's like a warmer, pinker version of Mauvement to my eyes. Of course, I already have Circa Plum and the two blush ombres, all three of which I consider essential. The one real let down was the quad, which was actually worse than I was expecting. I couldn't get the first colour to show up at all, despite swatching it several times. The other shades were all pretty anemic. It's too bad, because the colours look lovely in the pan and they're right up my alley, but there's no way I could justify buying the quad when there's not a single shadow that I think I could work with easily.

FYI, compared to a lot of swatches I've seen, RD pulls quite cool on me, so although it's opaque, your own lip colour may have an effect on what it looks like. It's a very pretty colour and although it doesn't look like it would be unique, I don't have anything really comparable.


Well-known member
All I bought was Azalea Blossom Blush Ombre...nothing else in the collection really kept my attention like I was expecting it too. I was going to pick up the pigments, but ended up not getting them.


Well-known member
Picked up Azalea Blossom, Narcissus, and Aurora :) I can't wait to try them out! The first counter I went to was already sold out of both the blush ombres (it was around noon), and I ended up picking up the last Narcissus l/g. Luckily though I found Azalea Blossom at a MAC store downtown -- it looks like such a cute/fun/spring-y color, so does Narcissus, and Aurora is even prettier than I thought it was going to be (and I was already planning on getting it and definitely looking forward to it) it's really shimmery and not at all boring, and I'm horrible at describing make-up, but there is something really likeable about it to me, and it would definitely look great with all the bright lipsticks that are going to be coming out. Lovely collection :)


Well-known member
You're going to love Aurora. It's my favorite from this collection.
Picked up Azalea Blossom, Narcissus, and Aurora :) I can't wait to try them out! The first counter I went to was already sold out of both the blush ombres (it was around noon), and I ended up picking up the last Narcissus l/g. Luckily though I found Azalea Blossom at a MAC store downtown -- it looks like such a cute/fun/spring-y color, so does Narcissus, and Aurora is even prettier than I thought it was going to be (and I was already planning on getting it and definitely looking forward to it) it's really shimmery and not at all boring, and I'm horrible at describing make-up, but there is something really likeable about it to me, and it would definitely look great with all the bright lipsticks that are going to be coming out. Lovely collection :)


Well-known member
Picked up Azalea Blossom, Narcissus, and Aurora :) I can't wait to try them out! The first counter I went to was already sold out of both the blush ombres (it was around noon), and I ended up picking up the last Narcissus l/g. Luckily though I found Azalea Blossom at a MAC store downtown -- it looks like such a cute/fun/spring-y color, so does Narcissus, and Aurora is even prettier than I thought it was going to be (and I was already planning on getting it and definitely looking forward to it) it's really shimmery and not at all boring, and I'm horrible at describing make-up, but there is something really likeable about it to me, and it would definitely look great with all the bright lipsticks that are going to be coming out. Lovely collection :)
Oh wow, these went fast then. Do you know how many ombres your counter had. Some stores/counters only receive 3 or 4, so selling out fast doesn't come as a surprise if they have so small quantities. Glad you got your stuff. Enjoy it!


Well-known member
Mac-Guy you are so right about Aurora being bu worthy! I played around with it, placed it on the lid and used Circa Plum on the outer section/crease and sheesh it's gorgeous. I'm in love!


Well-known member
Hm, anyone think vintage grape is similar to love thing? My love thing is at my apartment but I'm home for Xmas and just picked up vintage grape and got paranoid its too similar!


Well-known member
I don't think they're similar because Love Thing is a mineralized blush that has shimmer in it. Vintage Grape has a matte finish.

You can get more than one color out of Vintage Grape depending on how you swipe the colors. I like blush ombres because it like getting more than one blush in one.

Hm, anyone think vintage grape is similar to love thing? My love thing is at my apartment but I'm home for Xmas and just picked up vintage grape and got paranoid its too similar!


Well-known member
I just love Aurora.

I'm trying to think of good pairings for it. I tried it with Satin Taupe today, and that was nice. I'm wondering if Twilight Falls from Naturally will do nicely.

And, who has suggestions for what to pair with Circa Plum?


Well-known member
After all the raves here... I'm feeling like Aurora might be worth it.
My friend has gotten me Azalea Blossom and Red Dwarf but Im feeling like since I'm only getting a few items from the other collections, I might as well get Aurora. But then again, it is a pigment and I dont like loose e/s much><"


Well-known member
Mac-Guy you are so right about Aurora being bu worthy! I played around with it, placed it on the lid and used Circa Plum on the outer section/crease and sheesh it's gorgeous. I'm in love!

Thanks, hun. Did you use CP on the outer V? This sounds like a lovely combo. Did you get Nebula too?


Well-known member
I don't own Coco but here's Aurora (left) and Tan.


Can anyone do a swatch comparison of Aurora, Coco, and Tan pigments Please???? I am almost 100% I' am getting this piggie regardless, but I am super curious about how "pink" it is compared to other sort of beigey pink taupes..........even a worded answer if pictures are too much work.....



Well-known member
Thank you so much for the swatches!!!!

Aurora looks so,so beautiful here

Now I am absolutly sure that I need it!



Well-known member
I know this was for swatch color comparison... But those shades together look really nice! Might have to give this combo a try!
I'll dig through my stash... I MAY have a sample of Coco pigment. (If someone doesn't swatch it first.)
