MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
At the same time though, a lot of folks like myself were not able to get their hands on a tube of CYY. My counter sold out of them instantly so I think it's a good idea for the peeps who weren't so lucky the first time around:)

I understand that and I can certainly relate to those who missed out. However, I firmly believe that CYY would be repromoted anyway in the near future, but it's far less likely to see some old classics come back.


Well-known member
Continuing the Off topic convo from the Beth Ditto thread- I would be ALL OVER a reptile collection. OMG... And it would be something that they haven't ever done before, so that would be cool. I'm getting tired of things named "fabulous" "supreme" "too something"... Why not a little Chameleon or Snakeskin to change things up?

Anna x

Well-known member
hopefully the second voting round will include some msf's and blushes! not really interested in any of the eye and lip products :(


Well-known member
hopefully the second voting round will include some msf's and blushes! not really interested in any of the eye and lip products :(
Please, MAC, make it happen!

Thank you, katred!


Well-known member
OT but... It's Barbie's 53rd birthday today.

Would have been nice is MAC had released a small Barbie collection today :)
Maybe they will do in two year for the 55th birthday. I really hope we do get another barbie collection since i wasn't into mac when it came out. Luckily i was able to get Sweet & Single l/s from the clearance bin so i do have one item from the collection:)


Well-known member
MAC has obviously lost the recipe for Pleasureflush or we would have seen a repromote of it by now lol


Well-known member
Maybe they will do in two year for the 55th birthday. I really hope we do get another barbie collection since i wasn't into mac when it came out. Luckily i was able to get Sweet & Single l/s from the clearance bin so i do have one item from the collection:)

That's quite possible, maybe a 55-items collection


Well-known member
I understand that and I can certainly relate to those who missed out. However, I firmly believe that CYY would be repromoted anyway in the near future, but it's far less likely to see some old classics come back.
After buying all the bright pink lipsticks that came out this year, I still have to say that CYY is the brightest and craziest of them all, so if MAC wants to put it in the running, so be it. I've been wearing them all, but when I want the wildest one, out comes CYY

They don't do these contests just for the heck of it - in part, it's certainly going to be used to gauge interest in trends for the following year (at least). There've been so many brights and they've all sold so well, so it's a good time to put something like CYY (the one that started the craze) in the running and see if buyer's fatigue has set in yet. Very distinctive bright colors can be real standout sellers or just be ignored entirely if the fad's over, so consider this a marketing research project.

I still wish Epic would have been in the running, though!


Well-known member
Does anyone have Heavenly Bliss or Jete? Would love to see these e/s swatches! Thanks! :)

I have swatched the e/s that I have from the choices we have to vote on. I have Solar White, Moth Brown and Cool Heat:
I really dislike Cool Heat. Definitely not my favorite teal to work with.

Below is Nars Albatross (top) and Solar White for comparison. They are VERY simular!



Well-known member
After buying all the bright pink lipsticks that came out this year, I still have to say that CYY is the brightest and craziest of them all, so if MAC wants to put it in the running, so be it. I've been wearing them all, but when I want the wildest one, out comes CYY
They don't do these contests just for the heck of it - in part, it's certainly going to be used to gauge interest in trends for the following year (at least). There've been so many brights and they've all sold so well, so it's a good time to put something like CYY (the one that started the craze) in the running and see if buyer's fatigue has set in yet. Very distinctive bright colors can be real standout sellers or just be ignored entirely if the fad's over, so consider this a marketing research project.

I still wish Epic would have been in the running, though!

This makes sense and I have no doubt that CYY will sell out fast. However, they could just bring it back with a regular collection. Anyway, whatever shades gets picked, I'll be happy with. :)


Well-known member
Does anyone have Heavenly Bliss or Jete? Would love to see these e/s swatches! Thanks! :)

I have swatched the e/s that I have from the choices we have to vote on. I have Solar White, Moth Brown and Cool Heat:
I really dislike Cool Heat. Definitely not my favorite teal to work with.

Below is Nars Albatross (top) and Solar White for comparison. They are VERY simular!

Thanks for posting swatches!:) Moth Brown looks very pretty but I still want Guacamole to win! I love me some greens!


Well-known member
What do you think about mac stock for an online item? is this sum good or not?
​"On Nov. 26, 2010, MAC introduced Ms. Minaj's Pink Friday lipstick, selling all 3,000 in stock in 15 minutes, in addition to an eye-popping 27,000 in the next three weeks. The company spent little on advertising, Mr. Demsey said, with sales driven mostly by Ms. Minaj's voluminous postings to fans via Twitter and Facebook. Indeed, 8 of 10 buyers were new to the MAC Web site."