MAC Extra Dimension discussion


Well-known member
"I want it all, I want it aaaaaaaaaall, and I want it nooooooooow!" *guitar music*


Well-known member
I'm not sure but for some reason $24 CND is in my head.

I was hoping to ONLY get Sweet Heat and the one my SA described as silver/blue/purple. But by the look of these I'll be lucky to get away with four.
Wow i might need all of these!!! Do we have prices yet (for Canada) or did i miss that info?


Well-known member
Oh wow! So pretty! For some reason I thought there was a green shadow as well, I want a green one! :) But for now I will take what I get. ;)


Well-known member
Uhoh. I want it all! Everything looks so pretty! Fingers crossed for lots of swatches before this gets released in the uk so I can try and narrow my list down (from all to half would be a good start)


Well-known member
It's going to be Peacocky all over again!!! This time I wont miss out (even though I did get 6 of them. But I kick myself in the butt for not getting more) They look so freaking amazing!


Well-known member
damn... these are beautiful!!! I'm going to have to either pick and choose, skip collections, or eat ramen and tuna for a month. I'm going on vacation in March, an expensive play in April.... still have to buy that car. LOL can't do it all.


Well-known member
I`m skeptical about the msfs, they could very easy give the burnt look on fair skin, because of the color ant how the texture appears to be!


Well-known member
i'm seriously excited for this collection. the msfs look amazing and the shadows are so lovely :) i know this will be an expensive haul for me!


Well-known member
This collection is going to be very expensive for me. I have to find a way to cut some stuff off of my list for the other two collections but it will be hard lol!!

Anna x

Well-known member
im loving the look of these msf's but i wonder if any of these colours will actually work on pale skin?! (nc15)


Well-known member
I didn't realize the top three pictures were MSFs. Thank goodness. I thought I was going to go bankrupt on these shadows. Now I can narrow it down to a more reasonable number.

Do you think the MSFs are going to look that different from each other?


Well-known member
I didn't realize the top three pictures were MSFs. Thank goodness. I thought I was going to go bankrupt on these shadows. Now I can narrow it down to a more reasonable number.

Do you think the MSFs are going to look that different from each other?

Part of me hopes they are not so different so I will only be compelled to buy one of them and have more left over for the eyeshadows! Whatever the case, the dark grey and the pink one will be mine.