MAC - Flighty Discussion


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I took back my two shadows just now and exchanged them for a 217 brush and Summerfruit lipliner. Why the hell didn't I but that liner sooner? It's amazing. Anyway, the MUA was super nice and although she didn't say anything, she didn't seem the least bit surprised when I told her how much I hated these shadows


Well-known member
So I checked these out at my counter over my lunch hour on Friday - - I wanted to see these babies for myself.

I had read Liba, Shontay and Elegant's initial reviews and the usual blog posts about these, so I went in somewhat armed knowing these were tricky. What I wasn't prepared for was how absolutely beautiful they were in person! They were so pretty! The color saturation of these is just really great. Even sheered out, you can see the true color of these. Which I think is what really impresses me the most.
I ended up purchasing 4 of them - I wanted to get one, maybe two but couldn't decided on just one or two - the colors are really that beautiful in person. I ended up with The Cool Elite (white), Impeccably Rich (pale gold), Spread the Wealth (pale olive green) and Sizzlin’ Diva (the goldy-copper). Like Liba has said, I'm really sure these are meant to be worn alone as a sheer wash of color - - which is also a look I really love for summer - these is something about the minimal, glowy look (sheer e/s, sheer l/g and glowy skin - Lustre drops, Beauty Powders, etc) that is just summer to me.
Also, I am not an overly complicated eye make-up girl anyway. I usually wear just one of two colors, a little liner and mascara anyway. So I was hoping these would work with my uncomplicated makeup routine.

Anyway, I've been wearing these Big Bounces all weekend, and even today to work (from 7 AM until I just took my make up off a few minutes ago) and I have to agree with Liba. I surprisingly really like these and have been wearing them without any problems at all. There was some creasing and fading when I took my make off tonight, but that was with 12+ hours of wear.
And I have oily skin and oily eyelids - plus I have really bad allergies that were in full force this weekend.

I have not been wearing a base under these and I found using my fingers is best (kind of dabbing and patting just the *smallest* little bit on the eye).

Saturday I wore Impeccably Rich with a little bit of Illamasqua Ore pure pigment blended in the crease. This was my first time trying these on the eyes and not the back of my hand, so I made the mistake of putting on a little too much and over-working it. I also put it on with a concealer brush, which was not the best tool (i really think the spatula to scoop and finger to dab is the best, most sanitary method - although I confess to only using my fingers a couple of times).
Because I had overdone it a bit Saturday, I did have some creasing and fading after about 4 hours. One of the things I really liked though, was that it didn't migrate. It faded, but it didn't end up under my eyes or on top of my cheeks or right below my eyebrow. It just kind of disappeared in the patches where the application was uneven. But you had to really look up close for it to be overly noticeable. Liek Dxgirl's pic, they really don't look that bad when you are normal person, conversation distance apart.

Sunday I wore Spread the Wealth and it looked it was GORGEOUS!!! I absolutely love it - I used less product and didn't over blend it - and it held up beautifully all day - - and really brought out the green in my eyes - I kept checking it out in the mirror ever hour or so just to see how it was holding up and it truly looked fantastic all day - I expected a greasy, crease-y mess but it was beautiful - and gave my eyes just the brightness and pop they needed. It even surviving itchy, watery allergy eyes at my son's outdoor soccer game. I think this will be my go-to summer look - this sheer wash of pale olive green with a good couple of coats of mascara.

Today to work I wore Sizzlin Diva with a brown Hourglass shadow in the outer corner/outer crease and it was such a pretty neutral-with-a-pop look. AND best yet, it really held up. It looked no worse at the end of today than my eye makeup does at the end of any day. There was a bit of fading and a bit of creasing, but I have that almost no matter what. These Big Bounces survived. I will most likely pick up a couple more colors. I wish there was a longer shelf life on these and that they were packaged more sanitary-I would suggest a small squeezy tube thing (like the Surf baby Sun Tint Balms), but all in all, these are not what I consider an epic fail. I think it really is a try it for yourself.
Not for everyone, definitely, but I like these. And I like that MAC is experimenting with textures.

Anyway, sorry for the super-long post! Just wanted to put my two cents in!


Well-known member
well i had the purple and the green one arrive today from Janice. so i shall start to experiment and see how long they last on my lids without creasing and such! such beautiful colours - so i hope i can get some success at least!


Well-known member
Dxgirly - that light blue is a perfect colour for you, you look so very pretty! :) It is such a shame these wont perform well on majority of us.

I doubt we will get Flighty in Finland, which is okay as far as these big bounce shadows go, but boy was I excited for the coloured mascaras, I was looking forward to those this whole year! Well okay, I must admit I was kinda interested to see these shadows too in person, and to get to see how they feel like.


Well-known member
Thank you elegant and PinkBasset!!!

I'm definitely going to keep my Free As Air. I may buy another shade when I have some extra cash too. Like Swirlgirl said, it can look a little bad up close, but just within normal looking distance of other people, it looks really nice.


Well-known member
well i have been testing them. the green was a waste of time. it looked like a crease green glitter mess! there was no green base colour at all- it seemed like all these was on my lids was glitter! the purple however was much better. it didn't crease for a good few hours and the colour was reasonable. i think this will be a good base for a purple shadow.


Well-known member
well i have been testing them. the green was a waste of time. it looked like a crease green glitter mess! there was no green base colour at all- it seemed like all these was on my lids was glitter! the purple however was much better. it didn't crease for a good few hours and the colour was reasonable. i think this will be a good base for a purple shadow.

Which green was it Lou?


Well-known member
I really liked how Extra Charged looked in the packaging, but after trying it at the counter, it looked as if the makeup "floated" on my lids like an oil slick. Was not impressed and wished it was like MUFE's pots.

Did hear from one of the MAC ladies that "creases are in." whhhhhaaaaa?!
seriously! the lengths the MAs will go to sell this crappy product is beyond me! "creases are in"


Well-known member
extra charged is the green and count your assets is the purple :)
I think some of these are definitely more finicky than others.

Which makes it so hard to know which ones to try. I have my eye on Good Fortune and Up the Ante.
I wouldn't say these are a product of the year, but I think they're okay. I quite like the sheer, metallic-y, glow of these. They're definitely something unique to MAC and give you a look really can't be achieved with regular powder e/s. So Kudos to MAC for that. I think these would probably be fantastic in editorial/runway use.

I am wearing Impeccably Rich today and so far so good.
Considering MAC hasn't done a lot lately that has really excited me, it's nice to have something new to play with. It's hard to say whether these will remain a part of my daily routine...but for the last few days anyway, these have been successful in creating an easy, pretty look.

I also want to try the grey mascara. Back in the late 80's early 90's, I always used to wear a grey mascara made by Cover Girl, which has long been off the market. I always loved the way it looked with my skin tone. It wasn't harsh and gave really good definition. Has anyone tried the mascaras from this collection??


Well-known member
I think some of these are definitely more finicky than others.
Which makes it so hard to know which ones to try. I have my eye on Good Fortune and Up the Ante.
I wouldn't say these are a product of the year, but I think they're okay. I quite like the sheer, metallic-y, glow of these. They're definitely something unique to MAC and give you a look really can't be achieved with regular powder e/s. So Kudos to MAC for that. I think these would probably be fantastic in editorial/runway use.

I am wearing Impeccably Rich today and so far so good.
Considering MAC hasn't done a lot lately that has really excited me, it's nice to have something new to play with. It's hard to say whether these will remain a part of my daily routine...but for the last few days anyway, these have been successful in creating an easy, pretty look.

I also want to try the grey mascara. Back in the late 80's early 90's, I always used to wear a grey mascara made by Cover Girl, which has long been off the market. I always loved the way it looked with my skin tone. It wasn't harsh and gave really good definition. Has anyone tried the mascaras from this collection??
I got the grey mascara. The color is beautiful and shows with a bit of a bluish-grey cast on me (I'm guessing that's a combo of light reflecting off my NC15 skin, plus my green eyes and dark lashes/brows).

It really brings out the grey in my eyes.

Those shadows are quite variable. This is how I have it broken down of the ones I carefully tried:

Worst: bright green - gorgeous color but a real headache to apply and won't be flattering worn sheer on a lot of skin tones.

Very finicky - light blue, dark green - these take great care to apply well, and still do best sheer, which limits how many folks would look good in them

Finicky but not big trouble - white, pale gold, pale pink - still need to be applied sheerly or else they'll be uneven, but the colors themselves are more universally flattering, so sheer is fine for them. Give a very pretty glow.

Good - black, mauve, grey, orangey copper - these were able to give a more medium coverage without being patchy and could also thin out to sheer at the brow without clumping. Smooth texture, like silk stockings.

Best - light olive green - this one applied best, dried down best and had the prettiest sheen of them all. It's definitely the winner and hopefully works well for your skin and eye color (I might break down and get it myself, even though it's not the best for my coloring).


Well-known member
I swatched these tonight and i'm really loving count your assets, rich thrills, trophy, and the olive green one. I patted them down on my hand and they looked great! I'm going back for these as i forgot to bring a gc i have. I just hope they work well on my eyes but i've been reading all the tips and tricks on here.

BTW i swatched the black.....ewwww it was like an oil slick! Very greasy and no colour payoff!


Well-known member
what the big bounce shadows should have been - The must have product for summer

yes! MUFE aqua creams are AMAZING! #20 is my summer go too! it holds up so well and is sooooo pretty! Next time I go to the store, or call to order from the store, I am going to grab #22. Speaking of MUFE, Sephora is no longer going to carry MUFE eyebrow corrector in #3. I tweeted that I was worried about it being DC'd after I called 3 stores in my area for it. The MUFE folks tweeted back saying I have to call the MUFE studio for it in the future. Just an FYI for people that love the eyebrow corrector on the boards.


Well-known member
[quote name="sss215" url="/forum/thread/173813/mac-flighty-discussion/690#post_2118073"]

yes!   MUFE aqua creams are AMAZING!  #20  is my summer go too!  it holds up so well and is sooooo pretty!   Next time I go to the store, or call to order from the store, I am going to grab #22.    Speaking of MUFE, Sephora is no longer going to carry MUFE eyebrow corrector in #3.  I tweeted that I was worried about it being DC'd after I called 3 stores in my area for it. The MUFE folks tweeted back saying I have to call the MUFE studio for it in the future. Just an FYI for people that love the eyebrow corrector on the boards. 
[/quote] Whaaaaa?????! :crybaby:


Well-known member
[quote name="sss215" url="/forum/thread/173813/mac-flighty-discussion/690#post_2118083"]

I KNOW!  Its even sold out online.   Sephora made it easy to get!    I really wish there were more MUFE boutiques in the states.   When I call to order, I'll have to break down and get 2.
[/quote] There's a boutique in NY. I can hop the train or take a car, but it just doesn't make sense for Sephora not to carry such an amazing product. Well, I guess it does since one lasts FOREVER! I have 2, but I will have to get another one before they chuck it. I saw them in my local Sephora the other night. With all the new Mufe products, Sephora might as well break off another branch to hold it all. My Sephora has 3 huge sections of Mufe.