NARS Summer 2011


Well-known member
What do you guys make of the illuminators, specifically the Cococabana one? Sorry if it's been mentioned already in the thread, I haven't managed to read it all!
I have two -- Copacabana and Super Orgasm -- and I love them both. I've worn Copocabana under foundation and mixed with it for a nice glow. I find that you don't need much at all, so the tube should last forever. I've worn Super Orgasm under and over foundation but don't use it every day -- it's fairly glittery (which is what I bought it for, so not complaining, but not a look I want every day). Copacabana instead is my daily go-to.

I wore New Order today, and I agree with Lou -- this is a definitely a highlighter, not a blush. I used it as highlight on my cheekbones with a light application of Amazon Princess as my blush. It's very pretty -- but looked a little crazy in direct sunlight. :) However, I work late afternoons and nights in a building that isn't brightly lit, so I can get away with glitter on my face during the week. It's going to be fabulous for going out, I think.

I wore Cap Ferrat yesterday and was really pleased with it, too. Very summery colors, which is nice because summer comes so early here in Texas (it's already been above 90 degrees this year, ugh).


Well-known member
FYI: With any $100 NARS purchase from Nordstrom, you get a mini Soft Touch pencil in Noir, a mini Orgasm illuminator and eyeshadow base.... That justifies getting Cap Ferrat and a few other items. LOL


Well-known member
Just ducking in to say a few things: first, I finally tried the Nars eye primer and with future testing, it may very well replace my TFSI as my go-to eye primer. I just need to see how long a tube lasts me. I've had my TFSI for over two years with no end in sight. I just love how smooth the Nars primer is, how little I need and how the shadows really pop. I thought that was just a marketing ploy, but it's true. Second, I lost my Mayflower lipstick. :crybaby:. I don't know how since I've never worn it outside. It's somewhere in my house, but it's not with the rest of my make up. :dunno: I have to do an exhaustive search, I guess. I'm glad it's permanent, because if I can't find it, I need to buy it again. It's a must for me. Damn it!


Well-known member
Second, I lost my Mayflower lipstick.
. I don't know how since I've never worn it outside. It's somewhere in my house, but it's not with the rest of my make up.
I have to do an exhaustive search, I guess. I'm glad it's permanent, because if I can't find it, I need to buy it again. It's a must for me. Damn it!
i am so sorry you lost your lipstick - fingers crossed you find it somewhere! check the back of your sofa!!

fleur de lis

Well-known member
I've been meaning to try the eyeshadow primer, Temptalia raves about it. Atm I have the cheapo ELF mineral eyeshadow primer which is ok, but my lids are so oily they need something better. I don't TFSI and the UD packaging winds me up, so I've been waiting for the squeeze tube to come out. Maybe I'll give the Nars primer a go instead!


Well-known member
Chimming in to say I love the NARS primer. I like that it dries clear and doesn't look ashy on my skin tone.

On topic? I'm wearing Wonder today and love it! It reminds me of Tyrant (R&R) but lighter so perfect for spring/summer.


Well-known member
I went by the King of Prussia Sephora and can I just say those 'wenches' have cleaned out all of the New Order blushes? The display for them is bare save for the tester and I swear if that wasn't glued in good it would be gone.
They also had Desire next to it and yep, that was gone too! I did see the Orgasm/Albatross/Laguna palette there as well. I swear the huge glitter chunks that were in the regular Orgasm blush aren't in this palette. I saw Carthage and I thought it would be really bright but it wasn't. I swatched it and it looked pretty 'blah' on my skin.

Chimming in to say I love the NARS primer. I like that it dries clear and doesn't look ashy on my skin tone.

On topic? I'm wearing Wonder today and love it! It reminds me of Tyrant (R&R) but lighter so perfect for spring/summer.
The Wonder l/g is SO pretty! Saw it in person today and tried it on my lips but it didn't look right on me. Pisses me off because that color is sooo gorgeous!


Well-known member
My local Nordstrom NARS counter finally called me this evening to say they received the collection today. I wasn't planning on getting anything, but after watching Lou's tutorial with the trio I must say I was quite taken with it. (her tutorial will be on the blog tomorrow!) I reserved the trio and now with all the raves about the eyeshadow primer I might just pick that up too. I desperately need something to replace MAC's Bare Canvas paint as I am on my last little tube of it.

Speaking of NARS primers, I recieved a sample of the new 35SPF primer and it's been FANTASTIC. Smooths right over my pores and creates a really lovely surface for my foundation. I am very pleased with it and will be getting a bottle (probably tomorrow as well since I just read someone mention a $100 promo).


Well-known member
Jumping on the band wagon of folks who love Wonder l/g and the e/s primer. Wasn't impressed with Bolero so it is going back. Can't believe there isn't any love her for Exotic Dance e/s duo. I love this one.


Well-known member
Stopped by the NARS counter today and picked up the ES trio + the ES primer and SPF 35 primer. Happy day!


Well-known member
[quote name="Janice" url="/forum/thread/173694/nars-summer-2011/450#post_2116882"] Stopped by the NARS counter today and picked up the ES trio + the ES primer and SPF 35 primer. Happy day!
[/quote] Enjoy your goodies. I hope you love the ES primer as much as I do.


Well-known member
I dropped into another Sephora today to see what they had up for the NARS Summer 2011. I managed to get a few more swatches in store of the eye and some of the lip products:

Top row: Laguna Multiple, Carthage l/s
Bottom row: Exotic Dance e/s duo, Dogon e/s duo, Dogon 'Taupe' over Dogon 'Charcoal'

NARS Summer 2011 Store Display

Okay, on a side note...the tester of the Desire blush they have here is WAY better than the one they have in store (which looked washed out and no wonder it looked crappy on me). This color is so back on my radar again!. And having it next to New Order--woah! Will probably pick up the end of this month.

And one last thing: Here's a pic of me wearing the Cap Ferrat trio (all three colors). On my lips I'm wearing MAC Ever Hip over Boldly Bare lipliner. My lips look a little messy as I had just finished coffee during my commute to work.



Well-known member
Lou, I just watched your tutorial for the trio and all I gotta say is...:getyou: I had scratched that trio off my list and you're making me want it again. :lol: Great job!


Well-known member here is a link to my tutorial! be kind guys it's my first one and I'm still experimenting to see what works best!

Thank you for a nice tutorial, Lou. I really like the trio (though I will most likely skip it since I already have similar colours in my stash) and the look you created. It was great watching it - you are so cute and funny. It's not every day (especially in the mu guru/tutorial world) one comes across a person as genuine, unpretentious and likable as you. Keep 'em coming

EngineerBarbie thank you for additional pics and swatches!