Pre Airbrushed Gwen.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by addicted_2color
OMG anyone see the other ones of gwen and of janet and sharon stone?

Heck, maybe it isn't photoshopped!


Well-known member
They had this big discussion over on ONTD and I don't think it's photoshopped to make her look worse. The kind of harsh lighting they use for a photo shoot makes every single little flaw stand out.

I don't know why she isn't wearing more makeup though - surely it is easier to give her decent makeup than to spend the money to retouch the photos THAT much?


Well-known member
this is interesting...

and no..i don't think they should put any more make up on her. In fact, i think the make up use in photoshoots are usually quite thick even if she piles on more make up, it won't be able to cover all her flaws.

I think it's the lightning...some lightning just tends to accentuate your flaws more even though you are wearing like a thick layer of make up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JJones
i think someone used photoshop to make her uglier

when you see candids of her she never has THAT bad skin...

that was my first thought..


Well-known member
OMG! No way! She can't possibly look THAT bad, right? I mean, not that she CAN'T but how much does it cost and who's paying for the retouching? Tyra makes it sound like trillions when she talks about it....


Well-known member
woooooooooow.... that is not good at all. If only they released these pics...we would have far less depressed self destructive girls trying to live up to these perfect hollywood types.... if they could only see this!!! REAL LIFE! lol ( not really funny but u kno)


Well-known member
Maybe these celebrities should tell the truth (a la Jamie Lee Curtis, but not that extreme). ANTM is not a favorite show for a lot of people, but I LOVE how Tyra gets real every now and then and says what really goes on in the business. And, not only that, she says what we see is not reality. So many times, you see celebrities BSing about flaws they don't like but, we don't even see them because of airbrushing, retouching and makeup. Damn, admit you have cellulite and pimples so girls can pull their heads from the toilet!


Well-known member
I don't know.... she looks really, really, really old in that picture. Sure, lighting can make a person's flaws stand out... but that bad?

Personally, it looks like someone took photo's of celebs and photoshopped them to look worse and is now claiming to have "retouched originals". When in fact the 'perfect' photo is the original. But that's just my two cents!

little teaser

Well-known member
photoshopped or not, this girl needs a serious makeover she has had the same look forever, her bleach hair washes her out and her makeup is so heavy most of the time, the only warmth on her is the lip's and even those red lip's are played out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JJones
i think someone used photoshop to make her uglier

when you see candids of her she never has THAT bad skin...

Totaly agree, Photoshop can do that aswell :) not only beautiful stuff . I have pictures of many celebs that are made in that way - looking older .


Well-known member
I really don't think it has anything to do with skewed impressions of beauty or anything. Obviously we know what unairbrushed people look like and I've never seen another woman her age that looked so crappy who hadn't been woken up in the middle of the night to her house burning down or something. She looks like hell, and it's NOT just because I'm used to seeing her look airbrushed and gorgeous. She needs to exfoliate, moisturize, and get some serious neck cream if that's really what she looks like pre-photoshop.


Well-known member
I Know right!! IMO she looks DAMN good! yeah the lighting is gross and the FILM is SUPER GRAINY...I can take anyones picture and add some film grain, and you too can look like crap.