Pre Airbrushed Gwen.


Well-known member
This pic reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City where Carrie has that horrible photoshoot and ends up being the covergirl for New York magazine (wrinkles, cigarettes, undereye bags and all). Honestly, IRL, I think that Gwen and SJP look FANTASTIC!!! Real skin gets wrinkles, pimples, scars...


Well-known member
she looks gross i'm not gonna lie.. it might look better if she wasnt wearing all of that makeup just because she looks really unfinished.

Is that real?


New member
!!! She looks her age and how! I'm so glad someone finally had the guts to show this attention whore for what she really is. Ever since I was in high 32 now....she has been splashed ALL over the place as a sort of feminine ideal for 'rebellious' types...none of us ever saw her as anything but an already washed up, bleached up- to- the- point- of- it- infiltrating- her- brain, pathetic lame a$$ who only cares about all things superficial. She even admits in many news stories that she basically has no style/personality of her own...that her 'unique' style is just a patchwork of things she sees in magazines and on other people... she is (a term coined by band C.O.S) a 'culture vulture' ..she has nothing really empowering in any way that is relevant to EVERY woman...just other vapid brain dead morons like her who simply can not get the clue that those of us with golden Mediterranean skin look haggard and old with hair as creepy and slutty blonde as hers (when old Gwen was in HS that translated to 'cool'...think 80's hair bands). Not to mention she has the emotional/mental/spiritual depth of a puddle. She thinks it's cute to make all us females look like conniving ridiculous cartoon caricatures....
THANK YOU Specktra for showing the world what she looks like on the INSIDE... We all know what you feel about yourself often shows up on the less important surface appearance and this pic is proof! Thank you!