Weird Feelings Towards Makeup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Another thing too is that people have this misconception that I want to be a woman or that I'm feminine and want to be a drag queen or something. It's not that, I'm just...theatrical.

I hear you. Ughhh. I don't want to be a drag queen or a woman either! I am just feminine I guess, but I'm not a girl. My customers usually understand enough to call me a "he" but sometimes I get ones that call me a "she". I mean, if I wanted to be a girl, I think I'd try a little more, like with high heels or a skirt or boobs or something. I DO wear some women's clothes, just pants and sometimes hoodies, but it's always androgynous. Nothing really overly obviously feminine. I guess it's hard to understand for some people though?

I just really love makeup. I think it's just... so good. Another thing that bugs me is that drag queens and transvestites and transexuals always add me on myspace, I mean sure, good for you and youre lifestyle but that's NOT ME.

But that's a whole different matter I suppose.


Well-known member
It's all good. We're here all in the same boat, it appears. Makeup is and should be all about personal expression, and most of all, fun!
If you've found yourself feeling a little buyer's remorse, take a step back, go through what m/u you've got squirreled away, and rediscover some shades you haven't given love to in a while LOL (and maybe pare down on future shopping excursions, or pass on some unused m/u with a friend--works for me to ease any guilt!)


Well-known member
i live in camden which is a very 'alternative' part of london so no-one bats an eyelid here, but before i moved i got so much shit for wearing makeup! i have a very tough skin fortunately, & a sharp tongue if it must be used. i think it's fun & harmless. *shrugs*

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
sometimes i feel weird, like when i go to MAC and Sephora and know about all the new spring lines coming out and everyone looks at me like im crazy..... but you know what, it makes ME happy. it sounds silly to other people, but doing my makeup or someone else's really does make me feel better when im depressed - its something i can control and something i know that i know about. its an avenue through which i can express MY creativity but also an avenue through which i can help others. im proudly obsessed and addicted. and there are FAR worse things in life to be addicted to.
i log into specktra and i feel like there are a bajillion of you lovely ladies that share the obsession.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Everyone I talk to says how expensive MAC is. And sometimes it can be. But I've learned that I'm spending $10 on an eyeshadow that will last me years and years. Or $25 on a foundation thats going to match my skin perfectly and last me 6 months. They just don't understand.

It's all relative isn't it? I personally would not spend 300 dollars on a bottle of wine. But I know many do. I don't judge them for spending it and I expect the same respect. What gets me is when people feel superior because they deem their interest as more "ligitimate" than mine. Also makeup is just one tiny iota of my interests and who I am is so much more.

But yes I really want to thank everyone on Specktra. It truly is a haven for me and I love the fact that we are so diverse globally, enthnically, name it.


Well-known member
I am so glad I found this site, a few of my friends are into makeup but not like me. A few weeks ago I mentioned how much I'd spent on makeup so far this year (Nearly £300) and they were laughing they think it's quite funny I spend so much not in a horrible way or anything like that. One of my friends loves makeup but not to the same extent as me.

My parents well I don't tell me dad but he see's the packages from MAC and just tuts, he came into my bedroom last week while I was organising all my eye shadows and pigments and he was saying things like "Trust you to like all the expensive stuff" (I don't think it's that expensive really) and "Don't you have enough now? Maybe you should save some money" I just smiled nodded and said yes. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. My mum is a bit like my dad saying don't you hve enough but never tells me not to buy it, she knows how much I have and how much I've spent too. When she was shopping the other day I told her to go and see if she could get my UDPP in Boots.

It's not like we're all spending it on drugs we just like makeup, at least it lasts a while and we get enjoyment out of it.


Well-known member
lol...i know what you mean honey. I get so excited about new makeup and when I show my husband he's just like....uh yeah, that's cool. LOL! I still love makeup though and he knows that which is why he buys it for me HAHA


Well-known member
I so know that feeling, none of my friends really wear make up nor are they interested in MAC. I just recently came home from a shopping trip and was so happy and excited but had nobody to share the happiness with. My mother thinks it's a waste of money and my brother repeatably tells me he doesn't care. I wish I had a MAC and MU loving friend.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i know how you feel cantaffordmac i sometimes feel so guilty at the money i spend , but it really makes me feel good and i can afford it.

i think my love of make up has always been there i am quite an arty creative person and when i left school i had places at fashion college and nursing school, i chose nursing and im now a Trained nurse in a medical ward. I guess my creativity was just screaming to get out , so make up is the way i express it.

My fiance used to roll his eyes whenever i talked about it, but now he even gives me vouchers for MAC , when i explained it was about creativity and expressing myself and not Vanity and being conceited he understood it better.xx

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by sitasati
I totally understand you. I feel the same way sometimes. Recently, I haven't bought any mac makeup ..just some drugstore brands. But yeah mother once got pissed off at me for buying too much makeup and said "you're not even pretty so why are you buying makeup?" Since then I've kinda laid off of buying mac for a while and this website. I have no one else either who shares my addiction.

I hope that's a typo, because you are pretty and I hope you believe that, despite what your mother says.

AS for friends not being interested, I think a lot of people have that kind of alienation, regardless of whether they're into makeup or what. The nice thing about the world nowadays is we have the internet to have someone to talk to about it

Girl about town

Well-known member
oh another thing , i don't know if any of you have been memebers of any other forums, but when i first ventured onto the internet i used to go onto a certain internet providers message boards. We had a health and beauty board and a fashion board for the really passionate people to talk about our fave things but all we got was trolls calling us airheads and getting really personal calling us stupid etc.
i know it was only "the internet" but it used to really upset me that i was considered to be intelectually challenged because i like make -up xxx

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
^^ i know what you mean. some of my suitemates at my dorm asked my roomate what major i was and when she responded "Biochemistry, premed" they LAUGHED and said "SHE DOESNT LOOK LIKE A BIOCHEM MAJOR!" insinuating that because of my apparent makeup habits and the way i dress, i cant POSSIBLY be remotely smart?

caring about your appearance, doing your makeup and hair DOESNT mean youre a brain dead idiot. there is NO correlation


Well-known member
I'm a lucky lady in that my best friend is a fellow MAC/Makeup lover, and is also very talented. She's the only person in my life who will spend forever browsing makeup with me, and I have to say it's so nice to have someone in my life who knows exactly how exciting it is to actually get your hands on an LE that you ran out of, or how accomplished you feel when you finally get that fluidline applied correctly.

That's why having a board like this is so wonderful--it gives us a place to let our hair down, so to speak, and talk with other people who know what we mean when we say something like, "hey, didn't that come out with Danse MAC?" whereas in other places in life, you'd get blank confused stares


Active member
I feel the same way.. i'm still in high school and i just recently started building up my collection and really getting into makeup but i feel like i have no one to talk to about it!! My sisters arnt that into makeup and my friends arnt either.. but i still love it because it makes me happy and thats what maters.


Well-known member
I feel the same way, and sometimes it makes me feel kind of second-rate... I mean, *This* is what I invest so much time and energy in? But there are many stupider things. What's more, everyone here gets a lot of joy out of looking good and feeling pretty. anyone who says feeling pretty isn't a worthy goal is out of their mind.

Plus, makeup is a lot harder than people think. Anyone who thinks that doing makeup makes you stupid clearly hasn't tried lately.


Well-known member
I hear you 100% I don't really have many female friends and none of them are particularly into make up. Don't get mewrong, I'm not into it in a huge way becaus eI don't wear it every day but I'd love to have a girly make up buddy heh. I don't think my feller quite understands it either when I do buy the odd eye shadow here and there but he let's me off as I don't really get how he can spend £50 on a bit of mountain bike lol.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
^^ i know what you mean. some of my suitemates at my dorm asked my roomate what major i was and when she responded "Biochemistry, premed" they LAUGHED and said "SHE DOESNT LOOK LIKE A BIOCHEM MAJOR!" insinuating that because of my apparent makeup habits and the way i dress, i cant POSSIBLY be remotely smart?

caring about your appearance, doing your makeup and hair DOESNT mean youre a brain dead idiot. there is NO correlation

Physics grad student, and people are still surprised by that, because I spend time doing my hair, makeup, and dressing properly.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i work as a nurse and i wear make up to work albeit a bit more natural than my every day look, i get a lot of comments like 'why do you bother' ' who are you trying to impress?'i just feel i owe it to myself to look groomed im not trying to bag a man at work lol x


Well-known member
I think as long as you are into makeup b/c it gives you pleasure & an outlet for your creativity...who cares about if it is or is not trivial or vain?

The only way I can see the obsession being unhealthy is if you feel you NEED makeup - ie: you feel less valuable as a person if you aren't totally made up.

I don't have many friends who are into makeup as much as I am...sometimes certain people are biased against women (or men for that matter) who wear makeup b/c they think it's an indicator of shallowness. What I say to that is...there's nothing wrong with looking fierce! Life is too short to be concerned how other people might see you.


Well-known member
Sometimes I get guilty because of the money, but then I remind myself, "At least I don't do drugs or drink. I'm a good girl and I deserve it!". I'm different than a lot of people my age and tend to be considered a prude. It doesn't bother me, as long as I have my makeup. That's what makes me happy! I'm sure my parents would much prefer me being addicted to makeup than being addicted to drugs!